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Gender Symposium

College of Liberal Arts

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The Symposium on Gender, History, and Sexuality has been a fixture in The University of Texas (UT) Department of History since 2002, offering a forum for graduate students and faculty to present papers and works-in-progress for discussion in a relaxed and collegial atmosphere.

Fall 2020 Schedule

The Symposium on Gender, History, and Sexuality

College of Liberal Arts

The Gender Symposium seeks to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of historical approaches to gender and sexuality. We aim to build a community of scholars working together to explore the benefits and challenges of incorporating these issues into their research. Gender and sexuality are not topics that we see as narrowly defined. We encourage engagement with a variety of subjects, methodologies, and approaches. Our goal is to explore the creative and scholarly potential of gender and sexuality as fields of inquiry.

This academic year (2022-2023), the Symposium will focus on Latin American contributions to gender and sexuality.

All meetings for Fall 2022 will be held via Zoom. Anyone interested in attending can register here [link forthcoming]. Once registered, access is granted for all Fall 2022 meetings. Meetings are open to all and will be held in English or Spanish, depending on the presenters' prefered language of presentation. 

Each year, the symposium invites prominent outside scholars in gender or sexuality studies to campus for a formal talk, as well as activities that offer the visiting scholar the opportunity to meet and discuss research with UT graduate students from a variety of disciplines.

As a graduate student-oriented and graduate student-run organization the symposium maintains a commitment to offering grad students opportunities to have their work reviewed by peers, create ties with students across disciplines, and build relationships with faculty members and visiting scholars.  We encourage diverse styles of presentation, including:  informal presentations about research experience and/or primary sources, workshops that focus on a work-in-progress, critical discussions of a selection of readings, and formal presentations of conference papers or dissertation chapters.

To receive emails about upcoming Gender Symposium events and updates, please subscribe to our listserv at this link.
To participate in the symposium as a presenter, panelist, speaker, performer, etc., please subscribe to our listserv and respond to our Calls for Presenters, sent in advance of each semester. You can also directly contact the symposium’s organizers at gendersymposium@gmail.com.

Tweet us:@UTGenderSymp
Or, Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/UTAustinGenderSymposium



Featured speakers in Fall 2022

• Schedule to be posted in September 2022.

Past presenters

Selected presentations in recent years:

  • "'Life Behind the Curtain:' An Investigation of Askinson's Translation of Khwansari's Aqa'id al-Nisa"
    Andrea C. Toomey, UT Department of Middle Eastern Studies.
  • "Perfect Wives, Future Mothers – Girls’ Education in Colonial Sri Lanka (1880-1930)"
    Jessica Annette Albrecht (she/her/hers), University of Heidelberg, Department of the Study of Religion.
  • "Effeminacy and the Making of the Political Community in Late Colonial Colombia"
    Alex Chaparro-Silva, UT Department of History.
  • "Perfect and Without Defect:” Reproductive Futurity, Disciplining Desire, and the Body as Destiny"
    Patricia Martins Marcos (she/her/ela), University of California, San Diego, Department of History & Science Studies.
  • "...I have finagled two females as… inamoratas, this is what is called service and sacrifice for the Fatherland”: Citizen Soldiers, Women and the Greek Long War (1912-23)"
    Charalampos Minasidis (he/him/his), UT Department of History.
  • "Hijos y Héroes: Honorable Masculinity during the Malvinas War"
    Paula O'Donnell (she/her/hers), UT Department of History.
  • "Queering Stagecoach Mary: Gendered Digressions, Subversive Intimacies, and Alternate Trajectories"
    Candice Lyons, UT Department of African and African Diaspora Studies.
  • "Laying Golden Eggs: Agro-citizenship and the Rise of Family and Consumer Science on Mrs. A.J. Wilder's Rocky Ridge Farm"
    Coyote Shook, UT Department of American Studies.
  • "Ideal Men and Dream Women: Photography, Computer Matchmaking, and the Partnership Market in twen during the Sexual Revolution, 1967-1970"
    Natalie Cincotta, UT Department of History.
  • "Native Women and the Petition: Contextualizing Wampanoag Land Petitions in the Native Northeast, 1800-1835"
    Alina Scott, UT Department of History.
College of Liberal Arts

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College of Liberal Arts

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