Native American and Indigenous Studies | College of Liberal Arts
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Native American and Indigenous Peoples Association (NAIPA)

Native American and Indigenous Peoples Association (NAIPA), a graduate student organization, is intended to visibilize scholarship and community work related to Native American and Indigenous peoples or tribes, in order to facilitate dialogue, support, and action. NAIPA is both a critical community and a critical forum for inter-tribal, cross-cultural, hemispheric, and global dialoguing on Native/Indigenous lives, in order to learn about, support, and seek solutions to critical matters affecting Native communities. These matters studied and addressed by some of our student members include language and cultural revitalization, gender and sexual violence, migration and displacement, political mobilization and land rights, urban and diasporic histories, and Afro-Indigenous experiences. NAIPA is open to all members of the graduate student community at The University of Texas at Austin, irrespective of race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, disability, citizenship, or veteran status.  

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College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts

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Get connected with NAIPA! 


Instagram: @naipaut

Facebook: NAIPA UT