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Américo Paredes Endowed Award

A world-renowned scholar of folklore and the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, Américo Paredes established an intellectual and institutional legacy that endures to this day. A graduate of The University of Texas at Austin, Professor Paredes was instrumental in the founding of the Center for Mexican American Studies (CMAS) and served as its first director. The Américo Paredes Endowed Award was established to honor his lasting impact on students and the academy.

Each year continuing students (graduate and undergraduate) in Mexican American and Latina/o Studies with demonstrated commitments to research and/or social justice may apply for this award.

Award amounts vary based on need and available funds. All awards will be made on a one-time basis and cannot be renewed. Furthermore, these awards are considered part of a student’s financial aid package and must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid


Awards will be made to students who are registered as full-time students and either majoring in MALS, or enrolled in the PhD Program or Graduate Portfolio Program in MALS. Applicants must be making significant progress toward their degree. Previous winners are not eligible. 

How to Apply:

To apply, complete the application form and upload a Letter of Application (2-page maximum) that explains the following:

  • Outline your demonstrated commitment to research and/or social justice, specifically in relation to Latino Studies and/or the U.S.-Mexico borderlands
  • Outline the circumstances that merit financial assistance


Monday, December 2, 2024, at 5:00pm