Center for Asian American Studies | College of Liberal Arts
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Sample Courses

The following sample classes may fulfill the Asian American Studies Graduate Portfolio with approval from the portfolio committee. If you find a course and want it considered for inclusion in the AAS graduate portfolio, please email us at

Sample Courses are listed by Department or School:

AADS381 Black Studies: Theory/Methods

AMS386 U.S. Cultural History from 1865-Present

AMS390 Feminism, Fashion, And Beauty

AMS390 Transnationalism

AMS393 Introduction to Readings in American Studies 

ANS384 Asian Modernities

ANS384 Ethnographies of Global Asia

ANS390 Colonialism And Korea;

ANS390 Anthropology of East Asia

ANS390 Proseminar in Asian Studies 

ANS390 Gender and Sexuality in Japan

ANT389K American Immigrant Cultural Experiences;

ANT389K Race and Ethnicity in American Society

ANT391 Sexuality and Culture

ANT391 Narratives of Space

ANT391 Culture, History, and Power

ANT391 Cities and Citizenship

ARH387 Racial Performance in American Art and Culture

ARH387 Historicizing the Politics of Identity

E389P New Directions in Queer Studies

E392M Transatlantic Feminisms in the Age of Revolution

E397N Cinema and Social Change

E397M Imperial Cities, Global Cities: Cultural Studies, Theory, Film

E397M Legacies of Imperialism, Modernism: Twentieth Century Literature and Film

E397N Orientalism and Imperialism

E397N Comparative Approaches to African American and Asian American Literatures

E397N Asian American Literature, Culture, and Theory

E397N Theories of Race and Ethnicity

E397N Slumdogs and Millionaires

HDF394: Immigration and the Family

HIS389 Gender, Race, and National Identity in the 20th-Century U.S.

PA 383C Race, Immigration and Citizenship

RS391N Approaches to the Study of Religion in the US

RTF380G Social Capital and Social Networks

RTF387 Globalization, Media, and Migration

RTF 387C Media and Diaspora

RTF Postcolonial Theory and Criticism

RTF Media in South Asia

RTF Global Media and Cultural Studies

RTF Media Theory and Literature

RTF Indian Cinema

SOC396L Stratification and Social Mobility

SOC390 Feminist Theory

SOC389K International Migration

SOC395G Gender and Work

SW381R Human Behavior and the Social Environment