Arabic Flagship Program | College of Liberal Arts
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a student jumping in the air against a blue sky

Student in longhorn shirt with blurred desert image behind her

The AFP admits undergraduate students of all majors who demonstrate aptitude for learning Arabic and the motivation necessary to reach Superior proficiency. The AFP is fully integrated with the Department of Middle Eastern Studies’ Arabic program and offers the following benefits:

  • Direct Scholar Benefits
    • Individual and small-group mentoring sessions with native or near-native speakers of Arabic
    • A rich cultural program of events outside the classroom from lectures and workshops to concerts and poetry recitations
    • Opportunities for overseas study
    • Eligibility for financial support for education abroad and for our Arabic Summer Institute
  • Educational Benefits
    • Enhanced interest in global issues and a deep understanding on an array of different cultural and community perspectives
    • An ability to critically analyze and engage in intellectual discussion on a variety of higher topics in the language
    • An opportunity to closely interact with professors, instructors, and graduate students with expertise in all facets of the region
  • Professional Benefits
    • An advanced proficiency in a foreign language as a professional tool that sets you apart from other candidates when applying for employment
    • An awareness of relevant global issues, providing a remarkable asset for any internationally focused employment opportunity
    • A working professional skill set in areas such as public speaking, group projects, and presentations, specifically in a foreign language
  • Personal Benefits
    • Proficiency in a foreign language provides a new lens and tool for engagement in the University, Austin, and the larger global community
    • A self-development and awareness that leads to increased self-confidence and self-discovery
    • A supportive community of diverse students all passionate in learning a foreign language to a high proficiency
  • Accordion 5
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