College of Liberal Arts
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What Should I Expect?

College of Liberal Arts

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When you are signing up for classes, make sure you don´t forget that the Air Force Science classes and Leadership Laboratory are mandatory. The following table lists the courses you´ll need to register for based on the number of credit hours you have and which institution you are attending. To determine what classes you need, contact Capt Boone (, or call 512-471-1776.

Air Force Science

Air Force Science classes typically correspond to a four- or five-year undergraduate degree program. An Air Force officer teaches each class.

First year - AS 100 -  

Fall AFS 102K The Foundations of the United States Air Force I, plus AFS 100

Spring AFS 102L The Foundations of the United States Air Force II, Plus AFS 100

 This class is an introduction to the Air Force; we´ll take a broad look at active duty and the lifestyle you can expect while serving as an Air Force officer. This overview gives first-year cadets a chance to "see the Air Force" and is designed to help you decide whether you want to continue in the program. This is important because high school scholarship cadets do not incur a commitment to pay back tuition or stipend funds through the end of the AS 100 year.

Second Year - AS 200 -

Fall AFS 111K The Evolution of Air and Space Power I, plus AFS 100

Spring AFS 111L The Evolution of Air and Space Power II, plus AFS 100

The sophomore year prepares you for the mandatory field training required between your second or third year in the program. This class provides a historical look at the Air Force and the application of air and space power from its infancy to modern-day conflict

Third Year - AS 300 -

Fall AFS 321 Air Force Leadership & Management I, plus AFS 120L

Spring AFS 322 Air Force Leadership & Management II, plus AFS 120L

Field training marks your transition from followership to leadership. Cadets spend this year in leadership and management studies. This class focuses on leadership theory, interpersonal dynamics, military ethics and management issues. Cadets are also given the opportunity to put these leadership and management lessons into practice as they perform the tasks required of their cadet wing position

Fourth Year - AS 400 -

Fall AFS 331 National Security Affairs, plus AFS 120L

Spring AFS 332 Current Issues and Preparation for Active Duty, plus AFS 120L

This final Air Force Science class prepares cadets for entry to active duty. You´ll study national and foreign affairs, national security strategy, and current events that affect employment of U.S. military force. You´ll also survey military conflict as it affects the Air Force and its sister service branches. The last semester evaluates the various programs and regulations governing officership in the armed forces and provides final preparations for cadets ready for commissioning.

Fifth Year - Required for some degrees; must be registered for AFS 120L

Leadership Laboratory (LLAB)

Here at Detachment 825, Air Force Leadership Laboratory begins the first week of school. It´s important that your schedule is correct and that you pick up your uniforms and Air Force Science textbooks so you will be ready to start the semester.

Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)

The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, or AFOQT, is administered on a scheduled basis. Similar to the SAT except for additional Pilot and Navigator sections, there are five sections scored on a percentile basis. A passing score on the Verbal and Quantitative sections are required for entry into the Air Force ROTC program.
It´s important that you take the AFOQT as soon as possible and must be taken to qualify for Field Training. The test takes about five hours to complete; study material is available at the detachment. The AFOQT may only be taken twice, with a mandatory wait period of 180 days between tests. Only the latest AFOQT score is valid, and minimum scores are required for commissioning.