Summer Programs
Summer Programs
Most summer programs are voluntary and selection is based on your order of merit within your detachment and across the nation. It´s important for new cadets to remember that their performance in Air Force ROTC activities, academic success and physical fitness will determine their selection for Air Force ROTC summer programs.
All cadets pursuing a commission in the USAF must complete field training typically after their second or third year in the program. Field training is an intensive two-week course intended to teach cadets about leadership, followership and entry into the Professional Officer Course (POC) in a mentally and physically intensive training environment. Assignment to field training is not automatic. During their FTP (second) year, cadets receive focused training designed to prepare them to compete for a field training assignment. Over the past several years, Detachment 825 had a 100% selection rate for field training. More than 20% of our FTP cadets returned as Distinguished Graduates and Superior Performers.
The other summer programs are voluntary and attendance is based on selection. Professional Development Training (PDT) may last from five days to six weeks depending on the particular program and is conducted at US or overseas military installations. These programs are typically advertised late in the fall semester and/or early in the spring semester