Education Abroad in Vienna

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Education Abroad in Vienna, Austria, during June 2025!
This intensive, month-long course takes place during the first summer session, beginning after the spring exam period and concluding prior to the second summer session. Drawing on the perspectives from history, geography, and urban studies, “Memory and the City” investigates the ways in which cultural memory has shaped, and continues to shape, urban life in one specific place: Vienna, Austria. With the city as our laboratory, students examine theoretical discussions of memory and the city in a provocative geographical setting. We will visit museums that house the artifacts and attend the cultural events so important to Vienna’s collective memory.
Students earn three semester credit hours for the course, but will receive much more. According to those who have previously taken the course, it can be a life-enriching experience. In addition to the study of urban history, the course readings, the instructor and guest lectures, the films, the class excursions, and the meetings with Austrian students and teachers, perhaps the most striking feature of the program is the personal development and intellectual growth it fosters.
Program Dates: 4 June to 5 July 2025
Information Sessions:
Thursday, September 19th:
2:30 pm-3:30 pm (GEB 4.214)
Thursday, September 26th:
4 pm-5 pm (GEB 4.214)
Friday, October 4th:
1 pm-2 pm (GEB 3.312)
Participants speak about their experiences in Vienna...
Elizabeth Gazzam (Physics, Plan II)
Studying abroad in Vienna was nothing short of a gift. Being in a new city, not just as some tourist absently traipsing behind a tour guide, but as a student–-encouraged to fully immerse yourself into deep conversations and to be a critical observer of your surroundings–-was surely one of my most valuable academic experiences. So many study abroad programs have you go across the world just to sit in a classroom and take a class completely unrelated to the location. This course is different. It’s designed so that exploring the city is our class: every day we were taken to a new site of memory, whether that was examining the different Jewish memorials or experiencing Mozart’s The Magic Flute in the historical Volksoper. This program also did an amazing job of allowing us to experience Vienna, and Austria as a whole, beyond just our syllabus-defined learning. Dr. Hoelscher was kind enough to take us on a wonderful bike ride along the Donau Insel and led us through a beautiful moonlight hike in the Vienna woods. Our excursions out of the city led us to visit the medieval cities of the Wachau, hear Mozart in the composer’s birthplace, raft in the Donau-Auen National Park, and more. Overall, there were so many times as I ate delicious gelato with friends, jogged around the Schönbrunn palace gardens, or just peacefully watched the city pass by through the U-Bahn window that I couldn’t be more grateful that Vienna is the city where I ended up studying.
Hear more from the students who have taken the Vienna course: student comments