College of Liberal Arts
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Admissions FAQ

Who can apply?

Advice & Guidelines

  • Can you give me any guidelines for the personal statement?

    Give careful consideration to the personal statement - don’t try to write it in one week. Be sure to include what you want to do, why you want to do it here, and how you got to this point. Consider how you believe the American Studies department, our faculty, and the research centers and libraries at UT are a good fit for your academic and research goals.

  • What should I submit for the writing sample?

    The writing sample should be something along the lines of a seminar paper not longer than 20 pages. It should demonstrate your capacity for research, analysis, as well as your writing abilities.

  • What if I have a special circumstance I would like the committee to know about?

    The admissions committee knows that applicants may have situations impacting their applications for which they would like to provide additional context. In the ‘Additional Information’ section of the application, you can address any information that you believe your application would be incomplete without and that sheds more light on your unique potential to succeed in American Studies program and contribute to the University community and the field or profession.

  • Accordion 4
    Panel 4. Add body text in this space.
  • Accordion 5
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Logistical Questions

  • How do I apply for a fellowship?

    Eligible applicants are considered for nomination to a Graduate School Recruitment Fellowship. There are no special forms for you to fill out. The Recruitment Fellowships are sponsored and funded by the Office of Graduate Studies. The American Studies admissions committee will decide on nominations during the admissions review process. All files completed by December 1st will be considered.

  • When will I hear from the Department about an admissions decision?

    Notification letters typically go out in February.

  • Are incoming students considered for TA or AI positions?

    Yes, each offer of admission comes with a 6 year guarantee of funding through the department and the College of Liberal Arts. The funding comes from TA and AI positions and fellowships. Generally, first year students will be a TA in our department, unless they are awarded a Graduate School level first-year fellowship.

  • How do I submit my writing sample or CV?

    Within 48 hours of submission and payment of your application, the Office of Graduate Admissions will send you an email directing you to the Status Check website where you can upload documents.

  • What if I cannot afford the application fee?

    If you can’t afford the application fee and are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident applying to pursue a graduate degree for the first time, you may be eligible for a fee waiver. Fee waivers are not available for international citizens. Fee waiver requests must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Admissions, following the guidelines outlined here.

College of Liberal Arts

Graduate Coordinator

Mary Dillman
Room: BUR 436C
Phone: 512-232-2332

Email me
College of Liberal Arts

Graduate Advisor

Dr. Shirley E. Thompson
Room: BUR 426
Phone: 512-232-2097

Email me
College of Liberal Arts

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