Suggested Timeline for Completing the ACL PhD
Below is a suggested timeline for completing requirements for the Asian Cultures and Languages Ph.D. in a timely manner.
- First Year of the ACL PhD
- Second Year of the ACL PhD
- Third Year of the ACL PhD
- Fourth Year of the ACL PhD
- Tab Option 5
- Complete ANS 395Proseminar in Asian Studies
- Start coursework in Major Area of Specialization
- Start coursework in Minor Area of Specialization (can be primary language of study)
- Continue taking coursework in primary language of study (if it is not the Minor)
- Present original research at graduate student conferences
- Apply for external funding for summer study abroad and for the following academic year
- Summer abroad or completing intensive language study
- Continue taking coursework for Major Area of Specialization
- Complete coursework for Minor Area of Specialization
- Begin Research Methods requirement
- Start coursework in second Asian language or research language
- Present original research at graduate student and regional conferences
- Apply for external funding for summer and following academic year
- Summer abroad or completing intensive language study
- Complete coursework for Major Area of Specialization
- Complete Research Methods requirement
- Complete coursework in second Asian language or research language
- Prepare and complete comprehensive exams
- Defend dissertation prospectus
- Advance to candidacy
- Present original research at conferences
- Apply for external funding for summer and following academic year
- Summer abroad conducting dissertation research
- Conduct Research Abroad
- Apply for external funding for following academic year
Tab Option 5. Add body text in this space.
- Write dissertation
- Present original research at conferences
- Submit publications to appropriate academic journals
- Attend academic job professionalization workshops
- Apply for external funding for following academic year
- Compile job portfolio and applications
- Present original research at national conferences (example: AAS)
- Revise and resubmit publications to appropriate academic journals
- Complete dissertation
- Defend dissertation and graduate with PhD
Tab Option 3. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 4. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 5. Add body text in this space.
Below is a suggested timeline for completing requirements for the Asian Cultures and Languages Ph.D. in a timely manner.
First Year of the ACL PhD
- Complete ANS 395Proseminar in Asian Studies
- Start coursework in Major Area of Specialization
- Start coursework in Minor Area of Specialization (can be primary language of study)
- Continue taking coursework in primary language of study (if it is not the Minor)
- Present original research at graduate student conferences
- Apply for external funding for summer study abroad and for the following academic year
- Summer abroad or completing intensive language study
Second Year of the ACL PhD
- Continue taking coursework for Major Area of Specialization
- Complete coursework for Minor Area of Specialization
- Begin Research Methods requirement
- Start coursework in second Asian language or research language
- Present original research at graduate student and regional conferences
- Apply for external funding for summer and following academic year
- Summer abroad or completing intensive language study
Third Year of the ACL PhD
- Complete coursework for Major Area of Specialization
- Complete Research Methods requirement
- Complete coursework in second Asian language or research language
- Prepare and complete comprehensive exams
- Defend dissertation prospectus
- Advance to candidacy
- Present original research at conferences
- Apply for external funding for summer and following academic year
- Summer abroad conducting dissertation research
Fourth Year of the ACL PhD
- Conduct Research Abroad
- Apply for external funding for following academic year
Fifth Year of the ACL PhD
- Write dissertation
- Present original research at conferences
- Submit publications to appropriate academic journals
- Attend academic job professionalization workshops
- Apply for external funding for following academic year
Sixth Year of the ACL PhD
- Compile job portfolio and applications
- Present original research at national conferences (example: AAS)
- Revise and resubmit publications to appropriate academic journals
- Complete dissertation
- Defend dissertation and graduate with PhD