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Language Placement and Credit-by-Exam

Students with prior knowledge or training in one of our department’s languages may be able to get credit by exam for lower-division courses and to be placed in the appropriate level for further study. Students may not receive credit-by-exam for upper-division language courses in Asian Studies. Please consult the details below for information about the relevant language.

The department does not currently offer Bengali. Foreign language proficiency for Bengali can be satisfied by contacting the Texas Language Center.

With the exception of students who have previously completed one or more Chinese courses at the University level, all students with some knowledge of Chinese must take the Chinese placement test (UT Austin Exam in Chinese) to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. “Heritage speakers” (students who understand and speak but do not read or write Chinese) are required to take the accelerated CHI 604/612 sequence if they do not place out of lower-division Chinese. Students who have completely tested out of lower-division Chinese and would like to study the language further may contact Professor Elsa Chang at to set up an evaluation.

Except for students who have previously completed one or more Hindi courses at the university level, all students with some knowledge of Hindi must take the UT Austin Test for Credit in Hindi (from Students Testing Services) to determine the appropriate course for registration or would like to test out of the language. Heritage speakers—students who understand and speak but do not read or write Hindi—are advised to take the accelerated HIN 604/612 sequence. Students who are tested out of the language through Hindi placement exam and would like to study Hindi further may contact Dr. Dalpat S. Rajpurohit ( for appropriate course options. Students unsure about whether to take HIN 506 or 604 should contact Dr. Rajpurohit as well.

With the exception of students who have previously completed one or more Japanese courses at the university level, all students with some knowledge of Japanese must take the Japanese placement test (UT Austin Test for Credit in Japanese) to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Students who have completely tested out of lower-division Japanese and would like to study the language further may contact Professor Midori Tanaka at to set up an evaluation. Depending on where they studied Japanese, transfer students may also want to meet with Dr. Suito to determine appropriate course placement.

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The department does not currently offer Kannada. Foreign language proficiency can be satisfied by contacting the Texas Language Center.

All students with any knowledge of Korean, however acquired, who plan to enroll in a University of Texas at Austin Korean language course for the first time must take the UT-administered SAT Subject Test in Korean to help determine their most appropriate course level. “Heritage speakers” (students who understand and speak but do not read or write Korean) are required to take the accelerated KOR 604/612 sequence if they do not place out of lower-division Korean. Students who receive four semesters of credit through the Korean placement exam who wish to register for a third-year (320K/320L) or fourth-year (330) Korean course should consult with Eun Joo Kim ( in order to be placed in the correct course.

Students who would like to test out of Malayalam should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact Darsana Manayathu Sasi to schedule an exam for MAL 312L.

Students who would like to test out of Sanskrit should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for SAN 312L.

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Students who would like to test out of Tamil should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for TAM 312L.

The department does not currently offer Telugu. Foreign language proficiency can be satisfied by contacting the Texas Language Center.

Students with spoken and written proficiency in Urdu who would like to test out of the language can purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services. The test is offered twice a year, once in November and once in April.  Please contact Shahnaz Hassan ( for the exact date, time, and procedure. Students with spoken knowledge of Urdu, but no reading or writing skills should take URD 506. 

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Students with prior knowledge or training in one of our department’s languages may be able to get credit by exam for lower-division courses and to be placed in the appropriate level for further study. Students may not receive credit-by-exam for upper-division language courses in Asian Studies. Please consult the details below for information about the relevant language.


Students who would like to test out of Bengali should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for BEN 312L. 


With the exception of students who have previously completed one or more Chinese courses at the University level, all students with some knowledge of Chinese must take the Chinese placement test (UT Austin Exam in Chinese) to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. “Heritage speakers” (students who understand and speak but do not read or write Chinese) are required to take the accelerated CHI 604/612 sequence if they do not place out of lower-division Chinese. Students who have completely tested out of lower-division Chinese and would like to study the language further may contact Professor Elsa Chang at to set up an evaluation.


Except for students who have previously completed one or more Hindi courses at the university level, all students with some knowledge of Hindi must take the UT Austin Test for Credit in Hindi (from Students Testing Services) to determine the appropriate course for registration or would like to test out of the language. Heritage speakers—students who understand and speak but do not read or write Hindi—are advised to take the accelerated HIN 604/612 sequence. Students who are tested out of the language through Hindi placement exam and would like to study Hindi further may contact Dr. Dalpat S. Rajpurohit ( for appropriate course options. Students unsure about whether to take HIN 506 or 604 should contact Dr. Rajpurohit as well.


With the exception of students who have previously completed one or more Japanese courses at the university level, all students with some knowledge of Japanese must take the Japanese placement test (UT Austin Test for Credit in Japanese) to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Students who have completely tested out of lower-division Japanese and would like to study the language further may contact Dr. Naoko Suito at to set up an evaluation. Depending on where they studied Japanese, transfer students may also want to meet with Dr. Suito to determine appropriate course placement.


Although the department does not currently offer Kannada during the academic year, students who would like to test out of Kannada should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for SAL 312L.


All students with any knowledge of Korean, however acquired, who plan to enroll in a University of Texas at Austin Korean language course for the first time must take the UT-administered SAT Subject Test in Korean to help determine their most appropriate course level. “Heritage speakers” (students who understand and speak but do not read or write Korean) are required to take the accelerated KOR 604/612 sequence if they do not place out of lower-division Korean. Students who receive four semesters of credit through the Korean placement exam who wish to register for a third-year (320K/320L) or fourth-year (330) Korean course should consult with Eun Joo Kim ( in order to be placed in the correct course.


Students who would like to test out of Malayalam should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for MAL 312L.


Students who would like to test out of Sanskrit should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for SAN 312L.


Students who would like to test out of Tamil should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for TAM 312L.


Although the department does not currently offer Telugu during the academic year, students who would like to test out of Telugu should purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services and contact the Department of Asian Studies to schedule an exam for TEL 312L.


Students with spoken and written proficiency in Urdu who would like to test out of the language can purchase the DAE (Departmental Administered Exam) form from Student Testing Services. The test is offered twice a year, once in November and once in April.  Please contact the Department of Asian Studies or Shahnaz Hassan ( for the exact date, time, and procedure. Students with spoken knowledge of Urdu, but no reading or writing skills should take URD 506. 

More info at the following link for Fall 2021: