College of Liberal Arts
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Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Asian Studies sponsors an excellent undergraduate program. We offer two degree programs: Asian Studies and Asian Cultures and Languages. The Asian Studies major offers specializations in East Asia and South Asia, while the Asian Cultures and Languages major offers specializations in Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Japanese, Korean, Malayalam, Sanskrit and Tamil.

Over 275 students are majoring in Asian Studies or Asian Cultures and Languages, and hundreds more learn about Asia through the Department's many undergraduate course offerings. The Department places a strong emphasis on undergraduate education.

What can you do with a major in Asian Studies or Asian Cultures and Languages?

A major in Asian Studies or Asian Cultures and Languages prepares you for a broad range of career options. As part of a Liberal Arts education, you will learn to think critically and express ideas clearly. The specific knowledge of Asian countries and languages qualifies you to work in international positions, including journalism, the travel industry, or non-profit organizations. Many students choose to major in Asian Cultures and Languages and Asian Studies in preparation for law school or combine this major with science classes needed to pursue a career in the health professions. Training in Asian languages and studies proves invaluable for anyone planning to work on an international level.

For more information on career options, please see our careers page.