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Note: This is a general overview. Course titles or requirements are subject to change. Please contact an academic advisor for the most up-to-date information or any concerns.
Foundational Courses
Foundational courses include PSY317L Introduction to Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, PSY120R R Programming for Behavioral Sciences (for transfer students), PSY420M Advanced Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, PSY371E Foundations of Data Science I, and PSY371F Foundations of Data Science II.
View more information on foundational course offerings here.
Elective Courses
Elective courses include PSY341K (subject to change):
- Machine Learning - Chen Yu
- Data Science in Industry - Charlene Wu
- Text Analysis - Desmond Ong
- Ethics in Data Science - Desmond Ong
- Bayesian Data Analysis - Alex Etz
- Natural Behavior - Chen Yu
- Applied Data Science - Addie Timmons
- Bootstrapping and Simulation - Larry Cormack (F 2025)
- Social Network Analysis - James Curley (S 2025)
View the full degree plan/elective courses here.