College of Liberal Arts
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Family and Social Engagement

The dynamics of social ties, as well as their consequences for individuals, families, and communities, are shaped by the changing demography of society. Charting influences on the pace of aging and health across the life course requires a deep, evidence-based understanding of the structure, dynamics, and nature of family and other social ties. CAPS’s scientists have identified key questions arising from these demographic changes, and research in this area considers disparities in aging with attention to populations often neglected in past research, multiple levels of analysis and timescales, and the development of new methodological techniques and data sources.

NIH Awards to CAPS Faculty

PI Project ID
Pilot Support
Funder Title
Crosnoe R01AG073262
CAPS Pilot Support
NIA The health of aging parents of adult children with serious conditions
Crosnoe & Umberson R01HD107089 NICHD Racial and ethnic disparities in early family member deaths and young adult trajectories
Duarte R01AG084235 NIA Executive contributions to the double jeopardy of depressive symptoms and age on episodic memory in racially diverse adults
Fingerman R01AG087118 NIA Daily experiences and well-being among caregivers for older adults experiencing Lewy Body Dementia
Han R21AG079122
CAPS Pilot Support
NIA Helping behaviors and cognitive functioning in later life: Linkages with genetic risks for Alzheimer's Disease and disadvantaged neighborhood socioeconomic status
Im R21AG075247 NIA To reduce the burden of caregiving on health outcomes of midlife women: Asian American family caregivers of persons living with Alzheimer's disease
Neff & Gleason NSF2336235 NSF The costs and benefits of an empty nest: A longitudinal study of couple's relationship functioning when children leave the home
Spears & Geruso Private Foundation PF The Population Well-being Initiative
Umberson R37AG076057
CAPS Pilot Support
NIA How spouses influence each other's health in same- and different-sex marriages: A dyadic and longitudinal assessment from mid to later life
Xie R56AG075770 NIA Tailoring responses to ADRD caregivers' infOrmation wants (TRACO) through human-machine collaboration
Zhou R21AG079316 NIA Engaging care partners in fall risk management for community-dwelling older adults living with dementia