College of Liberal Arts
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Grant Writing Boot Camp

2025 Summer Grant Writing Boot Camp announcement coming in February 2025.

Led by the Development Core directors, with faculty mentors as guest lecturers, the boot camp (offered in-person and virtually) provides a formal structure for developing R/K-series applications. The boot camp demystifies the grant submission process by explaining the role of program officers, describing proposal review, providing training in grantsmanship, and offering opportunities to hone scientific ideas and writing skills in a supportive environment. In five sessions over two months, participants receive feedback from the Development Core directors, mentors, and peers on early drafts of their proposals. By the end of the boot camp, participants complete a working draft of their application’s specific aims, significance, and innovation components, and a detailed outline of the approach section. This preparation provides a solid foundation for submitting an NIH application in a timely manner.

Completed Pilot Project Outcomes
Year Awardee Title NIH Award
2020-2021 Muller Cohort differences in the relationship between education and well-being across the life course R01
Muñoz* Neighborhood characteristics throughout life and midlife cognitive functioning R21
Tucker-Drob Large-scale genomic analysis of aging-related cognitive declines R01
2021-2022 Crosnoe Health disparities among aging parents of adult children with serious conditions R01
Umberson How spouses influence each other’s health in same- and different-sex marriages: A dyadic and longitudinal assessment from mid to later life R37
Weitzman* Assessing the feasibility of panel data collection among adult refugees in Costa Rica Under review
2022-2023 Fingerman Daily Experiences and Well-being in Late Life: A longitudinal examination of ecologically valid assessments of older adults’ daily experiences R01
Gaydosh* Contextual despair and risk behaviors in midlife: Extending innovative measures to Add Health U01
Grasso* Sociodemographic and neurocognitive characterization of Mexican-American bilinguals and monolinguals presenting with typical and pathological cognitive aging R01
Han* Disability of a family member, caregiving behavior, and caregiver health outcomes in middle and late adulthood R21
*Emerging scholar at time of award 

Participant NIH Submissions

Boot Camp Participant NIH Award
Elizabeth Munoz R21 Awarded
Sae Han  R21 Awarded
Yijung Kim  K, Fundable
Veronica Walker R21 Awarded
Yuanjin Zhou R21 Awarded
Mateo Farina R00 Awarded
Alexandra Clark R03 Awarded