College of Liberal Arts
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Socioeconomic and Institutional Contexts

Significance and Innovation. Experiences across the life course, beginning early in life, shape lifelong health and the pace of aging. These experiences are powerfully shaped by socioeconomic and institutional contexts such as state-level policies, neighborhoods, housing, workplaces, and schools. These contextual factors are widely recognized as a major contributor to health disparities, especially for preventable health outcomes. CAPS scholarship in this area is at the forefront of population health research, linking experiences in multiple socioeconomic and institutional contexts across the life course to health outcomes and disparities later in life.

Current NIH Awards to CAPS Faculty

PI Project ID
Pilot Support
Funder Title
Angel R13AG029767 NIA Conference Series on Aging in the Americas
Benge R01AG082783 NIA Smartphone-based solutions for prospective memory in mild cognitive impairment and dementia
Clark R03AG085241 NIA The impact of segregation and the mediating effects of vascular risk on 10-year cognitive and functional outcomes in Black/African American older adults enrolled in the ACTIVE study
Duarte R21AG082402 NIA How culture shapes memory strategies
Goosby 202200136 Spencer Do campus contexts make Black women faculty sick?  Black women academics’ health outcomes
Grasso R01AG080470
CAPS Pilot Support
NIA Bilingual factors associated with cognitive reserve and linguistic resilience in Hispanics with Primary Progressive Aphasia
Hayward P30AG066589 NIA Center for Advancing Sociodemographic and Economic Study of Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias (CeASES-ADRD)
Hayward P30AG066589-03S1 NIA Expanding MHAS research Infrastructure with historical climate and lifetime workplace exposures influencing inequities in AD/ADRD
Muller R01AG078533
CAPS Pilot Support
NIA Education and cognitive functioning in later life: The nation's high school class of 1972 
Muller U01AG058719 NIA Educational and early life predictors of mild cognitive impairment: New evidence about mediators and moderators from High School & Beyond 
Munõz R21AG078846
CAPS Pilot Support
NIA Perceived ethnic discrimination and cognitive function in Mexican-origin adults