CAPS Advisory Committee
Rebeca Wong (Chair)
Department of Health, Behavior, and Society
Department of Population Health Sciences
Department of Neurology
Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases
University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (UTHSA)
Interests: Aging and the Life Course, Comparative international studies of population aging, Determinants of disparities of aging trajectories.
Research Gate

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Courtney Boen
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Brown University
Interests: Population Health, Social Demography, Aging and the Life Course, Race and Racism, Immigration, Medical Sociology.
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Tyson Brown
Professor, Department of Sociology
Professor, Department of Medicine
Director, Duke Center on Health & Society
Duke University
Interests: Medical Sociology, Racial Inequality, Structural Racism, Population Health Aging & the Life Course, Methods.
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Kathleen Cagney
Professor, Department of Sociology
Director of the U-M Institute for Social Research
Co-Director, Center for Health Aging Behaviors and Longitudinal Investigations
University of Michigan
Interests: Environment, Aging & Retirement, Poverty & Inequality, Population Health.
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Julie Zissimopoulous
Professor, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
Co-Director, Aging and Cognition Program, USC Schaeffer Center
Co-Director, CeASES ADRD and AD-RCMAR
University of Southern California
Interests: Pharmaceutical treatment for chronic diseases and risk of dementia, Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and health care use, Health effects of insurance benefit design and reimbursement models.
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