Center on Aging and Population Sciences | College of Liberal Arts
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Faculty Affiliates

Jacqueline L. Angel

Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
Professor, Department of Sociology
Wilbur J. Cohen Professor of Health and Social Policy

Interests: Health and retirement issues in the U.S., with a focus on older minorities, the impact of social policy on the Hispanic population and Mexican American families.

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Owen Beck

Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

Interests: Biomechanics, physiology, and performance of human locomotion

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Jared Benge

Associate Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology

Interests: Assessment of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, dementia, and cognitive impairment in movement disorders.

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Aprile Benner

Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Interests: Development of low-income and race/ethnic minority youth, investigating how social contexts influence experiences of marginalization and discrimination, school transitions, and developmental outcomes during adolescence.

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George Biros

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Interests: Imaging, computational mechanics, high-performance computing.

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Marika Cabral

Associate Professor, Department of Economics

Interests: Health economics, public finance, and industrial organization. The role of market failures, the impacts of incentive design, and the consequences of government intervention in health-related insurance markets.

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Frances Anne Champagne

Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Gene-environment interplay, developmental trajectories, epigenetic inheritance, social neuroscience.

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Jacob E. Cheadle

Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Ambulatory Research, Social Networks, Biosociology/Biodemography, Race/Ethnic Health Disparities, Quantitative Methods, Social Neuroscience.

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Namkee Choi

Professor, School of Social Work
Louis and Ann Wolens Centennial Chair in Gerontology

Interests: Geriatric Mental Health; Depression Treatment in Aging Services; Social Policy for older persons (Social Security and Supplemental Security Income); Program evaluation.

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Alexandra L. Clark

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Aging, neuropsychology, mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, clinical cultural neuroscience, brain health equity, neuroimaging, TBI.

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Diane Coffey

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Social influences on health in India.

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Jordan Conwell

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Sociology of Education; Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility; Wealth; Sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois; Research Methods; Race, Class, and Gender; Family.

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Robert L. Crosnoe

Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Professor, Department of Sociology
Rapoport Centennial Professor of Liberal Arts

Interests: Human Development, Education, Family, Health, Immigration.

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Audrey Duarte

Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Memory and the Brain.

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Christy Erving

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Research Lab Director (Academic), Population Research Center

Interests: Health disparities, older Black adults, stress exposure, psychosocial resources.

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Mateo Farina

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
Research Lab Director (Academic), Population Research Center

Interests: Life course origins of dementia risk and biological aging, examining health and health disparities across race/ethnic groups, evaluating healthy life expectancies across demographic and geographic groups, how life course pathways look different across contexts, with a growing focus on Latin America.  

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Karen Fingerman

Wilson Regents Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
Faculty Research Associate, Population Research Center
Director of the Texas Aging and Longevity Center 
Director of Research for the CAPS Program Development and Pilot Callout Block Headline

Interests: Family relationships and social integration, with recent work focusing on social interactions and experiences in the daily lives of older adults.  

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Erica C. Garcia-Pittman

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Interests: Medical education/clinical teaching focused on ambulatory psychiatric care of older adults. Treatment of late-life psychiatric, behavioral and neurocognitive disorders (Geriatric Mental Health) with expertise in late-life bipolar disorder.

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Lauren Gaydosh

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Understanding the role of early life environments in shaping health across the life course. Lauren integrates social, contextual, and biological data from population-based longitudinal studies to examine how inequalities in the social environment get under the skin to create health disparities. 

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Michael Geruso

Associate Professor, Department of Economics
National Bureau of Economic Research Faculty Research Fellow

Interests:  US Health Insurance Markets, including in Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA insurance Marketplaces. Environmental determinants of child health in the developing world, and various other topics in applied microeconomics.

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Jennifer Glass

Professor, Department of Sociology
Centennial Commission Professor of Liberal Arts

Interests: Work and family issues, gender stratification, telecommuting and new labor practices, STEM labor force retention, religious ideology and women's economic attainment.

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Marci Gleason

Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Interests: The influence of major life transitions on adults’ mental, physical, and relationship health.

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Bridget Goosby

Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Health Disparities, Race and Ethnicity, Biosociology/Biodemography, Poverty/Inequality, Life Course.

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Stephanie Grasso

Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

Interests: Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Brain, Speech, Language and Hearing, and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.

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Andreana Petrova Haley

Professor, Department of Psychology
Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology

Interests: Aging, cognition, neurobiology, neuroimaging (MRI, MRS, fMRI).

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Sae Hwang Han

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Interests: Social relationships and health in middle and later adulthood. Examining health consequences of social and productive engagement in middle and later adulthood, with a particular focus on examining how various forms of helping behaviors (e.g., formal volunteering, informal helping, or caregiving) influence behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms underlying health. 

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Paige Harden

Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Behavioral genetics, sociogenomics, cognitive development, adolescent development, externalizing psychopathology.

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Mark D. Hayward

Professor, Department of Sociology
Centennial Commission Professor in the Liberal Arts

Interests: Life course origins of health disparities, morbidity and mortality, biodemography.

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Maya Henry

Associate Dean for Research, Moody College of Communication
Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Associate Professor (Medical), Department of Neurology
Director of the Aphasia Research and Treatment Lab
Lillie Hage Jamail Centennial Professorship (Fellow)
Robert Allen Jones and Mary Buford Jones Faculty Fellowship in Journalism (Holder)

Interests: The Nature and treatment of aphasia caused by stroke and neurodegenerative disease.

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Eun-Ok Im

Dean, School of Nursing
Professor, School of Nursing
Adjunct/Clinical Affiliate, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Laura Lee Blanton Chair in Nursing (Holder)

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Mbemba Jabbi

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Interests: Deep behavioral phenotyping and multimodal imaging genetics to better understand the neurogenetic basis for normal and dysregulated affective functioning.

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Theresa Jones

Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Neural plasticity across the lifespan, motor skill learning, mechanisms of brain and behavioral adaptation to brain damage, and glial-neuronal interactions.

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Jung Kwak

Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Interests: Long-term care policy, dementia care and end-of-life decision-making, decision-support needs among dementia caregivers, the effects of personalized music listening on nursing home residents with advanced dementia.

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Ken-Hou Lin

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Inequality, Economy and Society, Finance, Organization, Race, and Methods.

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Chandra L. Muller

Professor, Department of Sociology
Alma Cowden Madden Centennial Professorship
Ashbel Smith Professorship

Interests: How schools and education shape life course outcomes such as work and health.  In particular, she focuses on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) preparation and careers.  Of primary interest is the diversity in experiences and disparities according to gender, race and ethnicity, social class, as well as disability, immigration or language minority status.

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Elizabeth Muñoz

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Interests: identifying early and modifiable predictors of adult cognitive health.

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Lisa A. Neff

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences

Interests: Adult Development, Behavior, Biobehavioral Processes and Health, Contexts of Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships.

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Charles B. Nemeroff

Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Director, Institute for Early Life Adversity Research
Co-Director, Center for Psychedelic Research & Therapy

Interests: Pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders, with a focus on the role of child abuse and neglect as a major risk factor. Role of mood disorders as a risk factor for major medical disorders including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

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Franco Pestilli

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Neuroimaging, human development, learning, aging, lifespan, brain anatomy, white matter, computational modelling, neuroinformatics.

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Carolyn Phillips

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Interests: Psychosocial determinants of health in people with chronic illness, family dyads at the end-of-life, and professional and family caregivers. Specifically, music-based interventions to improve coping, communication about grief and loss, and psychosocial and functional well-being.

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Tetyana Pudrovska

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Population health disparities, gender and health, work and health, biopsychosocial stress, biodemography, aging.

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Kavita Radhakrishnan

Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Director, Luci Baines Johnson and Ian J.Turpin Center for Gerontological Nursing
Associate Dean for Research
Director, Cain Center

Interests: Technology interventions for cardiovascular self-management behaviors, aging-in-place, digital gaming, digital phenotyping.

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Kathy Richards

Clinical Professor and Senior Research Scientist, School of Nursing

Interests:  Ostructive sleep apnea (OSA) and cognition in older adults; sleep in critically ill patients; social activity, exercise, function, and sleep; restless legs syndrome (RLS); tailored biobehavioral intervention research methods.

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Stephen T. Russell

Director, School of Human Ecology,
Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, School of Human Ecology
Amy Johnson McLaughlin Administrative Chair in Human Ecology (Holder)
Priscilla Pond Flawn Regents Professorship in Child Development (Holder)

Interests:  LGBTQ youth health and rights; programs and policies to improve human development; and cultural processes in families.

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Phillip Schnarrs

Associate Professor of Population Health, Department of Population Health

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Seth Schwartz

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Faculty Fellows Fund (Holder)

Interests: Identity, broadly defined (including personal, ethnic, and cultural identity), in culture and ethnicity, in parental involvement and family functioning, and in preventing problems and promoting competencies in adolescents and emerging adults.

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Afroze Shaikh

Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology

Interests: Older adulthood, suicide intervention and prevention, access to healthcare, mental health service use, anti-oppressive practices. 

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Dean Spears

Associate Professor, Department of Economics

Interests:  Health, growth, and survival of children, especially in India; Environment, air pollution, and climate change; Population dimensions of social well-being.

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Mary Steinhardt

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
Associate Vice President for Research - Research Integrity Officer

Interests: Behavioral and biological pathways by which resilience resources impact type 2 diabetes health outcomes among African Americans.

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Hirofumi Tanaka

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
Ruth Knight Millikan Centennial Professorship (Holder)

Interests: Vascular aging, sequel or consequences of aging-related vascular dysfunction, lifestyle modifications that prevent and reverse vascular dysfunction with aging.

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Edison Thomaz

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jack Kilby/Texas Instruments Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Computer Engineering

Interests: Computational perception of human signals (e.g., behavioral, emotional, physiological) while leveraging ubiquitous and wearable sensing, systems and methods for recognizing and modeling the entire span of people's everyday activities and context.

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Robert Town

James L. and Nancy Powell Centennial Professor

Interests: Health economics, industrial organization, applied econometrics.

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Elliot Max Tucker-Drob

Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Development, academic achievement, quantitative methods.

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Debra Umberson

Centennial Professor in Liberal Arts and Professor of Sociology 
Principal Investigator and Director of CAPS 

Interests: The impact of the social environment on mental and physical health across the life course, with attention to diversity associated with gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual minority status.

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Verónica García Walker

Clinical Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Luci Baines Johnson Fellow in Nursing (2021-2022)
Recipient of Dean's Excellence for Scholarship Award (2023-2024)

Interests: Mental health expertise: gerontology/aging.

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Abigail Weitzman

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

Interests: Issues central to family demography: reproductive decision-making and behavior and their implications for population health.

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Bo Xie

Professor, School of Nursing | School of Information

Interests: Health informatics interventions that can promote older adults’ use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health information and decision-making (i.e., e-health literacy) that may have important implications for patient-provider relationships and health outcomes.

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David S. Yeager

Raymond Dickson Centennial Professor, Department of Psychology

Interests: Social-cognitive development, Motivation, Aggression, Adolescence, Research methodology, and Psychological interventions.

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Yuanjin Zhou

Assistant Professor, School of Social Work

Interests: Dementia care, informal and formal caregiving, health management for older adults, fall and injury prevention, risk and resilience, health disparities, gerotechnology, interprofessional collaboration and education, transdisciplinary research.

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Professor emeritus

Ronald J. Angel

Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology

Interersts: Medical sociology, social welfare, poverty and minorities, demography and epidemiology, research methods and statistics.

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