Liberal Arts Career Services | College of Liberal Arts
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Parents and Families

Family members play a significant role in a student’s career decision-making process. With that in mind - and considering our shared goal to help students prepare for what’s next – parents/guardians and career services make great partners advocating for your student’s career success. 

  • Engage with Us Early and Often

    In our career and internship coaching sessions, we help students build a professional portfolio and strategize their goals so that their skills and experiences support their candidacy for their eventual career goal. Your student can make an appointment here. 

  • Participate in Internships & Professional Development

    Internships are for everyone! Employers increasingly report that to be career competitive, Liberal Arts students must complement their education with professional experience and skills. Internships are your student's opportunity to develop that skillset and experience, and to make connections that can build a pipleline to a full time job after graduation. Many internships are paid and can be a great way to make short term money while working towards long term goals. Learn where our students intern, see our resources for an internship search, and have your student meet with us for help along the way.

  • Know the Value of a Liberal Arts Degree

    The liberal arts student experience develops valuable human and technical skills in preparation for limitless career paths and changes in the future. In an increasingly complex and global marketplace, employers want dynamic and innovative workers who possess the strengths inherent in a liberal arts education. The most successful employees of this generation and the next will be creative, curious, natural systems thinkers, problem solvers, cross-culturally competent, able to manage people and proficient in writing and articulating clearly.

    By the end of their time at UT, your student will have a diverse portfolio of experiences, skills and knowledge. Liberal Arts Career Services is here to help your student market their array of experiences to potential employers. We help students find common threads, strengths, skills and interests that they can use to develop a comprehensive and personal liberal arts story. 

  • Where Do Our Graduates Go?

    The #1 career choice for liberal arts majors is business. About 1/3 of our graduates go directly to graduate, law, or medical school after graduation, but of those students who go directly to the workplace, 37% select a career in business and management. The career fields include finance and banking, consulting, publishing, advertising, and marketing & sales. 25% go into government or law-related careers, 22% go into education (from preschool to higher education to teaching English as a second language abroad), 6% work in nonprofit settings, and 5% choose other options such as entrepreneurial ventures.

  • Accordion 5
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