College of Liberal Arts
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Graduate Students

College of Liberal Arts

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Liberal Arts Career Services provides career coaching to currently enrolled degree-seeking Liberal Arts graduate students. Liberal Arts Career Services specifically supports students pursuing employment opportunities outside of academia. It is important to note that you can simultaneously pursue faculty and non-faculty career paths. 

We encourage you to begin using our services and resources as soon as possible—ideally well before graduation so we can help you maximize your post-grad school employment options. 

Tatem Oldham

Tatem is a Graduate Career Coach and a licensed counselor with 15 years of experience in career counseling and hiring/recruiting. She specializes in helping humanities and social sciences graduate students transition into the world of work and effectively market themselves to potential employers. Tatem’s services include helping students convert their CVs to resumes, articulate their transferable skills to employers, and prepare for interviews. Tatem is most excited to help College of Liberal Arts students brainstorm potential career paths.

Learn More
College of Liberal Arts
  • Appointments

    Tatem has limited availability to meet with students and may not have available appointments in Handshake. Please email to schedule an appointment. In your email, include a few days and times that fit your schedule.

  • Resources

    The Office of Career and Life Design aims to empower all UT Austin graduate students and postdocs to design their own paths. They provide individualized and group career advising, teach career design classes and workshops, and connect career offices and employers across disciplines to increase access to opportunities. 

    ImaginePhD: A confidential and free career exploration and planning tool for humanities & social science PhDs

    VersatilePhD: An online platform with more than 30,000+ PhDs working in a range of careers outside of the academy, sample application documents, and PhD career pathfinder

    Resume and CV templates tailored for graduate students

    Big Interview provides on-demand, self- paced interview preparation videos, tips, and interview practice. This resource is free to all UT Austin students when you register with your UT EID

    Coursera Certificate Programs: Learn and hone career-ready skills by earning industry-leading certificates for high-demand career paths. Courses include industry specific programs, tech programs, and Grow with Google. 

  • Events
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