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Investment Banking & Investment Management

  • DRA Advisors

    Summer 2020 

    Position: Valuations Intern
    Student: Religous Studies and Real Estate Certificate Senior

    DRA Advisors is a value-add real estate investment company in New York, NY. I found the company through a family member, who helped me along the way to secure an internship. During my time on the job, I was expected to complete multiple tasks a day ranging from the production of cash flows for multiple property types, using the software Argus Enterprise. Additionally, I aided in the production of an asset tracker, in which I was required to reconcile multiple financial and management documents like investment committee memos and final underwriting files. My favorite thing about the internship for the past two summers was definitely the company environment. My coworkers made my time at DRA a blast.

  • Lionstone Investments

    Summer 2020 Site Review

    Position: Rotational Analyst
    Student: Economics Senior

    Lionstone is a real estate private equity firm based in Houston, Texas. Lionstone utilizes a data driven approach to invest institutional capital in cities all across the United States. Lionstone currently has $9 billion in assets under mananagement and is growing extremely fast ever since being acquired by Colombia Threadneedle, a subsidiary of Ameriprise Financial. 

    I found out about Lionstone rotational analyst internship program through the undergraduate real estate society (URES) here at UT. A Lionstone analyst came to speak at a panel and I was interested ever since. The internships is a rotational program, so I was able to spend time in different groups, which was great. I was able to work on underwriting for potential acquisitions and developments with the investment team, help put together investor deliverables with the capital team, and assist with annual and quarterly budgets with the asset management team. The internship was perfect for me because it allowed me to experience the interconnectedness of the various groups. My favorite part or my internship was the brilliant people I was able to learn from and talk to on a daily basis. Being able to ask some of the brightest people I know questions as they arise made my internship a great learning experience. 

  • Stifel Financial Corporation

    Summer 2019

    Position: Summer Analyst
    Student: History Junior

    My summer internship was with Stifel Financial Corporation. It is a full-service investment banking with a well-known wealth management division. This summer I was staffed to help the Alternative Investment team. To me, that meant helping with the tracking and identifying of current and future fund offerings for our platform. Broken down, I helped perform managerial due diligence specifically on private equity firms and hedge funds. My background, with prior internships, was in private equity, so I was semi-prepared for the lingo and associations that come with the space. Most days would start out like this: I would get into the office around 8ish. I would start the morning off going though emails. The goal of constantly checking on my email was to see if I had been assigned any tasks after hours, that I had not seen yet. If there was nothing new I continued on with several side tasks that included updating the hedge fund manager master tracking list, creating PowerPoints that linked and updated via code for each fund covered by Stifel, and brainstorming problems aligning with the new platform we were currently switching to. Besides these tasks, that were quite tedious but also necessary, we, my team and I, met with funds. These meetings were amazing. This took form in top tier private equity firms and hedge funds pitching why they should be included in our platform, because they wanted our capital. Outside of fund meetings, we had group assignments amongst my team where we all worked together in solving problems. On average, there were either 4/5 other calls or meetings where I was included. In most of my meetings, I was required or advised to take notes… most times my notes were circulated around the office, or in other words distributed to all the financial advisors. The average or typical day had me leave the office around 6pm, give or take.

  • Westlake Securities

    Summer 2020

    Position: Middle Market Intern
    Student: Economics Junior

    Westlake Securities is a middle market investment banking firm located in Austin. It provides services such as M&A advisory, growth advisory, capital placements, and more. I found this internship through a friend who worked there the previous summer. I was able to get in touch with the program coordinator through his referral. The internship was structured as a competition, where each intern had to provide an investment pitch on 4 companies (2 public and 2 private). The competition requirements were to create a slide deck and a financial model supporting your thesis. The models on the private companies took more effort as they required the use of intuition and estimates due to lack of data. The project had 4 rounds, each round was a different stage of the project and there were weekly discussions with the managing director and program coordinator which allowed us to ask questions and express concerns about our work. The best part about the internship was the opportunity to learn from real investment bankers. The experience taught me how to build professional models and presentations. It gave me a platform where I could use my creativity to construct different ideas for each of the 4 companies.

  • Ulrich Investment Consultants

    Fall 2021

    Position: Investment Research Intern
    Student: Economics

    Currently, I am working for Ulrich Investment Consultants. They are a wealth management and investment advisory firm based in San Antonio. I found this internship through a friend who had received prior information about this role from one of his professors. My role is that of an investment analyst. My primary task is to assess and evaluate new funds for clients and prepare due diligence reports for prospective funds. At quarter end, my role shifts more towards making and analyzing client performance reports. One thing that I like the most about my role is the people I get to work with. Given the small size of the company I get to interact with and learn from the senior members. Moreover, they also entrust me with more responsibilities compared to what you would normally find at larger competitors.