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The History of the Clark Center
Parallels are striking between Australia and Texas. Their populations are almost the same size, their climates and topographies alike in many respects. Their frontier experiences are relatively recent, their political and social traditions markedly egalitarian, and both their economies today rely on agriculture, minerals, and high technology.

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Support the Clark Center
You can invest in the Clark Center and provide opportunities to students and faculty through either planned giving or outright gifts that often carry special tax incentives. Your donations will be used to support and expand the Center's educational and scholarly missions.
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Study Abroad at the Great Barrier Reef
This course takes students to Townsville, Australia—home to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority—to explore the complex political, economic, and societal contexts within which the GBR exists. . Addressing these questions requires a level of engagement that transcends glossy tourist brochures and sensationalist news headlines.
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Undergraduate Research and Mentorship Program
Launched in 2013, the Clark Center’s Undergraduate Research and Mentorship Program offers outstanding undergraduate students opportunities to gain firsthand research and professional experience that enhances their time-management skills, analytical capacities, and ability to work collaboratively.
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May Term Abroad
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Undergraduate Research and Mentorship Program
Take a look at what the students of the 2022 May Term Abroad experienced as they learned about the Great Barrier Reef.
Contact Us
Center for Australian and New Zealand Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
HRC 3.137, Mailcode F1900, Austin, TX
Austin, Texas 78712
Rhonda L. Evans