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Alumni & Giving

You can invest in the Department and provide opportunities to students and faculty through either planned giving or outright gifts that often carry special tax incentives.

Of course, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you and seek your guidance in assisting the Department. If you would like to make a gift, please use our secure online form or mail your pledge to:

University Development Office
1 University Station
Mail Stop A3000
Austin, TX 78712

You may also email or call (512) 471-8861 to receive more information.

Please indicate that your gift is for the Department of Classics and include endowment name(s).

Classics Endowments

Professor Lucy Taxis Shoe Meritt Memorial Scholarship Fund in Classical Archaeology

This fund is being established in memory of the Department's long-time friend and supporter, the distinguished archaeologist and architectural historian Lucy Taxis Shoe Meritt. It will be used to support work in archaeology by undergraduates in the Department of Classics once it reaches a goal of $25,000.

Gareth Morgan Memorial Endowed Excellence Fund

This fund, established in memory of Gareth Morgan, a much loved professor in the Department for many years, is used to support the study of classical languages. Preference is given to students in Classics and Philosophy who enroll in the Department's celebrated summer program in Intensive Greek, which Professor Morgan designed and taught for many years.

Anne Byrd Nalle Memorial Excellence Endowment in Classics

This fund, established in 2002 by Karl Galinsky with the help of several donors in memory of Anne Byrd Nalle, a wonderful benefactor of the Department, is used at the discretion of the Department Chair to support programmatic needs for students, both graduate and undergraduate, and faculty in the Department of Classics.

Karl Galinsky Excellence Fund in Classics

This fund was established in early 2020 in honor of Karl Galinsky from contributions of many former students, members of his NEH faculty seminars and the Max-Planck Award Memoria Romana Project, and faculty at UT who worked with him especially when he chaired the Faculty Senate and Graduate Assembly. In recognition of his mentorship of younger scholars it provides funds, among other purposes, for an annual endowed lecture, in an area of his many scholarly interests, by a distinguished senior scholar with a response by a younger scholar who is receiving the same stipend.

Endowments Supporting Undergraduate Students

William J. Battle Undergraduate Scholarship

This fund was established in honor of Professor William J. Battle, in many ways the founder of our Department, by one of his former students. It supports scholarships for undergraduate majors in Classics, Greek, Latin, and Ancient History and Classical Civilization. It is one of our best ways of rewarding and assisting the brightest and most promising of our undergraduates.

James W. Edwards and Nancy T. Snyder Scholarship in Classics

This fund was established in honor of James W. Edwards and Nancy T. Snyder by Alex Bueno-Edwards, Dudley R. Snyder, and John C. Snyder. It provides scholarships for undergraduates majoring in the Department, with preference given to students majoring in Ancient History and Classical Civilization.

Ruth and Myron G. Kuhlman Scholarship in Classics

This fund was established by Myron G. Kuhlman, a generous supporter of our department and of the teaching of Latin. It provides scholarhips for undergraduates majoring in our department, with a preference given to students who plan a career teaching Latin.

Endowments Supporting Graduate Students

David Armstrong Graduate Excellence Fund in Classics

This fund was established in honor Professor David Armstrong, whose four decades of teaching in the Department inspired generations of students. It provides support for graduate research and professional development.

William J. Battle Graduate Fellowship

This fellowship, established through the estate of Professor William J. Battle, is the primary departmental source of funding for our graduate students.

H.J. Leon Graduate Fellowship

Established in memory of Harry J. Leon, a much loved professor in the Department for many years and a scholar of Judaism in Ancient Rome, this fellowship provides graduate fellowships and support for graduate student research and teaching. In recent years, the Leon Graduate Fellowship has allowed us to reward outstanding Assistant Instructors.

Endowments Supporting Faculty Research

Rachael and Ben Vaughan Faculty Fellowship in Classics

This fund, established by an Austin philanthropist in honor of his parents, supports the research of members of the Classics Faculty. Each year one or more faculty members receive a fellowship from this endowment. The fund also helps support visiting lecturers, who provide enrichment and diversity to our programs.

Faculty Fellowship in Classics

This fund is used to support the research of members of the Classics Faculty. Each year one or more faculty members receive a fellowship from this endowment.

Supporting Library Holdings in Classics

Minnie Lee Barrett Shepard Endowment Fund

The General Libraries has an endowment named in honor of Minnie Lee Shepard, who taught in the Department from 1934-1957, used to purchase holdings in Classics, including those in the Classics library. It is essential to maintaining our collection through difficult financial times. Donations to this fund can be made through the General Libraries website.