Each summer the Department of Classics at the University of Texas at Austin offers its renowned course in Summer Intensive Greek: three semesters of Greek in 10 weeks. The department also offers first-year Latin and multiple courses in Classical Civilization.
For more information contact Susan Somers (; 512-471-7670).
Classical Civilization
- C C 302: Introduction to Ancient Rome (web-based)
- C C 303: Introduction to Classical Mythology (web-based)
- C C 306M: Introduction to Medical and Scientific Terminology (web-based)
- GK 804/402: Intensive Greek
see below for complete information about this course.
- LAT 506: Beginning Latin I (web-based)
- LAT 507: Beginning Latin II (web-based)
Intensive Summer Greek

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For over forty years, UT's Intensive Summer Greek program has been giving students of diverse backgrounds and interests a rapid and deep understanding of the Greek language and a love of Greek prose and poetry. No previous knowledge of Greek is necessary, however if you have had a semester or two before, the special approach taken in this course will strengthen your grasp of how the language works and why it is so subtle a vehicle for expression. Students in many other subjects find that Greek also enriches their study of those fields.
The language saturation approach taken in the course consistently achieves an enthusiasm that promotes an unusually rich learning experience. We use our own textbook and reader: Lexis, designed by the late Gareth Morgan, former UT Professor of Classics. All of its exercises are based on extended passages of unaltered classical Greek. In the first segment of the course (GK W804), readings drawn from Herodotus make you alert to word formation, which enables you to build vocabulary swiftly. His Ionic dialect, which is the backbone to earlier poetry and later Greek alike, prepares you to move easily backward to Homeric poetry and forward to Attic authors and Biblical Greek. In the second half of the course (GK W412), along with ample grammar review, we read Book 9 of Homer's Odyssey, Euripides' Medea, Plato's Apology, and some supplementary readings.
The course runs through both summer sessions, meeting five hours a day for ten weeks. Students register for both GK W804 and W412; satisfactory completion of the sequence counts for 12 semester credit hours. Successful students are well prepared to continue on to intermediate level classes (GK 311 at UT), and dedicated students are often able to advance directly to higher levels (such as GK 324 and 328 at UT).
Non-UT students who wish to enroll in any of our summer courses, including Summer Intensive Greek, must apply to UT as summer visiting students by the May 1 deadline. Visiting students are eligible for on campus summer housing, or may seek out sublets in the neighborhoods adjoining campus. You can review tuition rates here.