Recent Faculty Publications
Complete list forthcoming.
Core Faculty
Beck, Deborah
- “Prophecy in Greek Epic,” in Volume II, Part V “Communication” of Epische Bauformen – Strukturen epischen Erzählens, C. Reitz and S. Finkmann, eds. (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019), 597-614 [invited].
- “Emotional and Thematic Meanings in a Repeating Homeric Motif: A Case Study,” Journal of Hellenic Studies 138 (2018) 150-72.
- “Music, Craft, and Technology in the Similes in Vergil’s Aeneid,” Greek and Roman Musical Studies 6.1 (2018) 61-78.
- “Odysseus Polyonymous,” in Homer in Performance: Rhapsodes, Characters, and Narrators, Ready, J. and C. Tsagalis, eds. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018), 205-229 [invited/refereed].
- “The Voice of the Seer in the Iliad and the Odyssey,” in Voice and Voices in Antiquity, Slater, N., ed. (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 55-73 [refereed].
Campa, Naomi
- “Kurios, Kuria, and the Status of Athenian Women,” Classical Journal 114.3 (2019) 257-279.
- “Positive Freedom and the Citizen in Athens,” Polis 35.1 (2018) 1-32.
Chaudhuri, Pramit
- Burns, P., J. Brofos, K. Li, and J. Dexter. "Profiling of Intertextuality in Latin Literature Using Word Embeddings," NAACL. Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
- "Against Moloch’. MLN 135.5 (2020): 1139-1155. doi:10.1353/mln.2020.0080.
- Bolt, T. J., J. Flynt, and J. Dexter. "A Stylometry Toolkit for Latin Literature," EMNLP. 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP): System Demonstrations.
- Gianitsos, T., T. J. Bolt, and J. Dexter. "Stylometric Classification of Ancient Greek Literary Texts by Genre," LaTeCH-CLfL 2019: The 3rd Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (2019).
- Neidorf, L., M. S. Krieger, M. Yakubek, and J. Dexter. "Large-scale quantitative profiling of the Old English verse tradition," Nature Human Behaviour 3 (2019): 560-7.
- Dexter, J., K. Iyer, and T. Dasgupta. "A small set of stylometric features differentiates Latin prose and verse," Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34 (2019): 716-29.
- Dexter. J. "Bioinformatics and Classical Literary Study," Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Special Issue on Computer-Aided Processing of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages. August 2017.
- Dexter, J, T. Katz, N. Tripuraneni, T. Dasgupta, A. Kannan, J. Brofos, J. Bonilla Lopez, L. Schroeder, A. Casarez, M. Rabinovich, and A. Haimson Lushkov. "Quantitative criticism of literary relationships," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA April 18, 2017 vol. 114 no. 16 E3195-E3204.
Dean-Jones, Lesley
- "Too much of a good thing: the health of Olympic athletes in ancient Greece," in The Oxford Handbook on Sport and Spectacle in the Greek and Roman Worlds, ed. Tom Scanlon (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), 619-628.
- “Galen and the culture of dissection,” in Historiography, Culture and Religion in Classical Antiquity: Papers in Honor of Carin M.C. Green, edd. Sinclair Bell & Lora Holland (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018), 229-248.
- “The Hippocratic physician and the female patient,” in The Cambridge Companion to the Hippocratics, ed. Peter Pormann (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 246-262.
- “Aristotle’s heart and the heartless man,” in The Comparable Body, ed. John Wee (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 122-41.
Gurd, Sean
- “Carson Fragment,” in Anne Carson/Antiquity, ed. Laura Jensen (London: Bloomsbury, 2021), 89-103.
- Plato and the Origins of Music Theory (Bloomsbury, 2019)
- “Orpheus, Euridice, and the Classical Tradition in Christian Bök’s Xenotext,” Classical Receptions Journal, 11 (2019): 61-87 (online publication 2018).
- Sean Gurd, ed. With Vincent Van Gerven Oei, ‘Pataphilology. An Irreader (Punctum, 2018).
- “Auditory Philology,” in Sound and the Ancient Senses, ed. Shane Butler and Sarah Nooter. ( Routledge, 2018).
- “Revision in Greek and Latin Literature,” Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th edition, ed. Sander Goldberg and Tim Whitmarsh.(Oxford University Press, 2017).
- “Social Functions of Ancient Drama,” in A Cultural History of Theatre, Vol. 1: Ancient Theatre, ed. Martin Revermann (Bloomsbury, 2017).
- Dissonance. Ancient Greek Sound Culture. (Fordham University Press, 2016) (Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory, ed. P. North and J. Lezra).
- “David Melnick’s Men in Aïda,” Classical Receptions Journal 8 (2016): 295-316.
Palaima, Thomas
- with Nicholas Blackwell, “Further Discussion of pa-sa-ro on Pylos Ta 716: Insights from the Ayia Triada Sarcophagus,” SMEA NS 7 (2021) 21-37
- “Papyrus Dilemma,” Summer MASt@chs Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies July 23, 2021 discussion/ §26.1 ff.
- “Caring for and Nourishing Animals and Humans in Linear B and Homer: Ideological Considerations,” in R. Laffineur and T.G. Palaima eds., ZOIA: Animal-Human Interactions in the Aegean Middle and Late Bronze Age, Aegaeum Annales liégeoises et PASPiennes d’archéologie égéenne 45 (Leuven – Liege: Peeters, 2021) 379-394.
- “Iklaina, ΤΡΑΓΑΝΕΣ, a-pu2, and Αἰπύ,” in ΚΥΔΑΛΙΜΟΣ. Τιμητικός Τόμος για τομ Καθηγητή Γεώργιο Στυλ. Κορρέ vol. 2, AURA Supplement 4 (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of History and Archaeology: Athens) 385-397.
- “Pylos Ta 716 and Mycenaean Ritual Paraphernalia: A Reconsideration,” with Nicholas G. Blackwell, SMEA NS 6 (2020) 67-95.
- “Porphureion and Kalkhion and Minoan-Mycenaean Murex Dye Manufacture and Use,” in V. Apostolakou, T.M. Brogan, and P.P. Betancourt, Alatzomouri Pefka A Middle Minoan IIB Workshop Making Organic Dyes (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2020) 123-128.
- “Problems in Minoan and Mycenaean Writing Style and Practice: The Strange Case of *33 ra3 on Pylos Tablet Aa 61,” in B. Davis and R. Laffineur eds., Festschrift for John Younger (Aegaeum 44: 2020) 3-14, plates I-VII.
- “Basileus and Anax in Homer and Mycenaean Greek Texts,” in C. Pache, with C. Due, R. Lamberton and S. Lupack eds., Cambridge Guide to Homer (Cambridge University Press 2020) 300-303.
- “The Importance of Memory, Memory Triggers and Memory Agents in Mycenaean and later Greek Culture: Some Linear B, Epic and Classical Evidence,” in E. Borgna, I. Caloi, F. Carinci and R. LAffineur eds., ΜΝΗΜΗ / MNEME PAST AND MEMORY IN THE AEGEAN BRONZE AGE (Aegaeum 43 2019) 591-599.
- “Pound and Owen: A Correction,” Paideuma 43 (2018): 243-248.
- “Masters of War: Virgil, Horace, Owen, Pound, Trumbo, Dylan and the Art of Reference,” in Peter Knox, Alex Sens, Hayden Pelliccia eds., They Keep It All Hid: Augustan Poetry, its Antecedents and ReceptionPapers in Honor of Richard Thomas (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2018) 147-168.
- “Faces and Attachment in Homer and Later War Writing,” In Lawrence A. Tritle and Jason W. Warren eds., The Many Faces of War (Los Angeles: Marymount Institute Press, 2018) 69-94.
- “Emmett L. Bennett, Jr., Michael G.F. Ventris, Alice E. Kober, Cryptanalysis, Decipherment and the Phaistos Disc,” in M.-L. Nosch and H. Landenius-Enegren eds., Aegean Scripts, (Incunabula Graeca 105, Rome: CNR Edizioni, 2017) vol. 2, 771-788.
- “The Ideology of the Ruler in Mycenaean Prehistory: Twenty Years after the Missing Ruler.” in Robert Koehl ed., Studies in Aegean Art and Culture: A New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium in Memory of Ellen N. Davis (Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2016) ISBN 9781931534864. Rev:
- “Two Linear B Traveling Inscriptions from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee and the Impact of the Decipherment of Linear B on the Scholarly and Public Imagination,” with Christopher McDonough, in J. Driessen ed., RA-PI-NE-U Studies on the Mycenaean World Offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday (Aegis 10, Louvain-la-Neuve 2016) 233-244.
- “War Stories Told, Untold and Retold from Troy to Tinian to Fort Campbell,” Arion 23:3 (2016) 1-33.
- “The Metaphysical Mind in Mycenaean Times and Homer,” in E. Alram-Stern, F. Blakolmer, S. Deger-Jalkotzy, R. Laffineur & J. Weilhartner (eds), Metaphysis. Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age (Aegaeum 39, 2016) 479-484.
Riggsby, Andrew
- "metrology, Roman." In The Oxford Classical Dictionary, digital ed. Oxford University Press.
- “Iudicium,” in R. Bagnall, et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Ancient History.
- “Cognitive Aspects of Information Technology in the Roman World,” in Anderson, Cairns, and Sprevak, (edd.), History of Distributed Cognition (University of Edinburgh Press 2018), 57-70.
- “Cicero’s Use of Documentary Evidence,” in K. Sandberg & C. Smith (edd.), Omnium Annalium Monumenta. Historical Writing and Historical Evidence in Republican Rome (Brill 2017), 257-75.
- “Politics and Geography,” in L. Grillo and C. Krebs (edd.), Cambridge Companion to the Writings of Julius Caesar (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 2017), 257-262.
Taylor, Rabun
- “Contrasting Characteristics of Aqua Traiana Architecture at La Madonna della Fiora and Other Sites with Possible Implications for Chronology.” With Giovanni Isidori, Edward O’Neill, and Michael O’Neill. In Aqua Traiana: Le indagini fra Vicarelle e Trevignano. Nuove acquisizioni e prospettive di studio, ed. F. M. Cifarelli and Marina Marcelli (Rome: Gangemi, 2021), 199–209.
- “Naval Events and Aquacades.” In The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World, ed. Alison Futrell and Thomas F. Scanlon (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 266–79.
- “Daughters of Mnemosyne: Architecture, Memory Storage, and the Helleno-Roman Theater.” Arethusa 54 (2021), 31–72.
- “A Recently Discovered Spring Source of the Aqua Traiana at Vicarello, Lazio.” With Edward O’Neill, Katherine Rinne, Giovanni Isidori, Michael O’Neill, and R. Benjamin Gorham. American Journal of Archaeology 124 (2020), 659–93.
- “Architecture.” In A Cultural History of Objects in Antiquity, ed. Robin Osborne (London: Bloomsbury, 2020), 135–60.
- “Wheels, Keels, and Coins: Aquae Apollinares (Vicarello, Lazio) and Patterns of Pilgrimage in the Ancient Landscape.” In Waterlands in Antiquity (Terres de l’eau dans l’antiquité), ed. Betsey Robinson, Sophie Bouffier, and Iván Fumadó Ortega (Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, 2019), 225–44.
- “The Soft-Core City: Ancient Rome and the Wandering Tiber.” In River Cities, City Rivers, ed. Thaïsa Way (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2018), 47–73.
- “Divine Chemistry: Nymphs, Sacrament, and Substance in the Greco-Roman World.” In Envisioning God in the Humanities: Essays on Christianity, Judaism, and Ancient Religion in Honor of Melissa Harl Sellew, ed. Courtney Friesen (Eugene, OR: Cascade Press, 2018), 284–312.
Forthcoming: “Archaeological Perspectives on Vitruvius.” In Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius, ed. Ingrid Rowland and Sinclair Bell. Leiden: Brill.
“Water and the City.” In The Cambridge Urban History of Europe, vol. 1: The Ancient World, ed. Penelope Davies and Christina Williamson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
“Hedging against Failure: Experiment, Prototypes, and Simulation in Roman Technology.” In Anchoring Technology, ed. Miko Flohr, Stefan Mols, and Teun Tieleman. Leiden: Brill.
“Introduction.” With Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow. In A Cultural History of Technology, ed. Rabun Taylor and Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow. London: Bloomsbury.