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Sam Z. Coronado Poster Art Contest

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Luz/Light: Community Ingenuity and Creative leadership
This year’s theme is dedicated to our community’s tenacious sense of advocacy, creativity, and defiant inventiveness. Drawing on the metaphor of Light/Luz we want contributing artists to imagine how leadership and knowledge is refracted through contemporary and historical experiences of Latinx/e communities. This theme emerges from the cultural concept and artistic moment of rasquachismo, or “doing the most with the least” popularized by Tomás Ibarra-Frausto in 1989. As a philosophy, a rasquache aesthetic centralizes giving a new function to something that would conventionally be considered broken or otherwise 'useless’. Formerly a classist slur, it has since been re-envisioned by artists, advocates, abuelas, as well as invested others whose tenacity to lead with characteristic style and unwavering integrity formed our foundations, and our futures.
The Center for Mexican American Studies is proud to announce ¡Adelante! as the chosen theme for the 2024-2025 Sam Z. Coronado Poster Art Contest. Feel free to interpret this theme however it moves you in the creation of your artwork. We invite all full-time enrolled UT Austin undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of major or college, to submit an original poster design. Three winning entries will be determined by a blind jury process, and the chosen artwork will live on in various forms throughout the next year and half. This student award is as much about making a lasting impression on the visual archive of our department as it is about winning.
Thank you for your interest! The application window for the 2024-2025 academic year is closed.
Please note that the winning entry becomes the sole property of Latino Studies and that students may submit multiple entries but only place once.
Awards will be granted—regardless of citizenship or documented status—in the amounts of:
- $1000 for First Prize
- $750 for Second Prize
- $500 for Third Prize
In addition, all three winners will receive print reproductions of their work.
Eligibility & Guidelines
We invite all full-time enrolled UT Austin undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of major or college, to submit an original poster design. Artists must adhere to the following specifications in submission design:
- Image size must be 18 X 24 inches vertical or horizontal.
- Digital images must be at least 300 dpi.
- For original paintings: Must be accompanied by high-resolution (300 dpi or greater) .tiff, .jpeg, .png or .pdf image of the work.
Artists should submit entries in electronic form here. If you are also submitting a hard copy, please deliver original artwork to the Department of Mexican American & Latina/o Studies (MALS) office on the second floor of the Gordon-White Building (GWB 2.102).
For further information, please contact Michael Lopez michael.lopez@austin.utexas.edu.

Sam Z. Coronado demonstrates the process of screen printing, Nov. 6, 2009
Sam Z. Coronado (1946-2013) was an influential Austin print-maker who created artwork that represented the experiences of undervalued communities. During his career he became a Chicano art movement icon and a mentor in the Austin artistic community and beyond the Texas border. CMAS honors Coronado's legacy through the annual student poster art contest. The designers of the top three posters receive cash awards awarded by a community jury and CMAS affiliates.
2024-2025 Winners