College of Liberal Arts
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Comparatist Resources

Program Affiliates | Libraries and Museums at the University of Texas | C L Associations | Academic Journals | Calls for Papers | C L Programs | Other Resources

Program Affiliates

Asian American Studies
American Studies
Center for African and African American Studies
Center for Mexican American Studies
Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
Center for Women's Studies
Department for Asian Studies
Department of Anthropology
Department of Art and Art History
Department of Classics
Department of English
Department of French and Italian
Department of Germanic Studies
Department of Linguistics
Department of Philosophy
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Institute of Latin American Studies
Medieval Studies Program
Middle Eastern Studies
Religious Studies Program

Libraries and Museums at the University of Texas

Comparative Literature Associations

ACLA - American Comparative Literature Association
ADPCL - Association of Departments and Programs in Comparative Literature
ACCL - The Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature
ABRALIC - Associao Internacional de Literatura Comparada(Brazil)
ALA - African Literature Association
APLC - Associao Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada(Portugal)
BCLA - British Comparative Literature Association
CCLA - Canadian Comparative Literature Association
CLAROC - Comparative Literature Association of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Compalit - Associazione per gli studi di teoria e storia comparata della letteratura(Italy)
EACL - Estonian Association of Comparative Literature
ICLA - International Comparative Literature Association
JCLA - Japan Comparative Literature Association
NSCL - Nordisk Forening for Litteraturforskning / Nordic Society for Comparative Literature
SCLA - Slovenian Comparative Literature Association
SCLA - Southern Comparative Literature Association
SELGYC - Sociedad Espaola de Literatura General y Comparada(Spain)
SGAVL - Schweizerische Gesellschaft fr Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft(Switzerland)
MLA - Modern Language Association
MMLA - Midwest MLA
NEMLA - Northeast MLA
PAMLA - Pacific MLA
RMMLA - Rocky Mountain MLA
SAMLA - South Atlantic MLA
SCMLA - South Central MLA

Academic Journals

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
Comparative Literature (Journal of the ACLA)
Comparative Literature Studies
The Comparatist
World Literature Today
Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature

Calls for Papers

ACLA Calls for Papers
UPenn calls for papers
Voice of the Shuttle calls for papers
CLCWeb calls for papers
Papers Invited
American Philosophical Association
Aesthetics Online calls for papers
American Cultures and Global Contexts (University of California-Santa Barbara) calls for papers
Eserver calls for Papers
UCLA's Asia Institute's calls for papers listing
H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online calls for papers
Queer Theory's calls for papers listing
Erract Impact's calls for papers
The University of Maryland's Woman's Studies listing of calls for papers
Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment calls for papers listing

Comparative Literature Programs

Comparative Literature Programs in the US (Maintained by the BCLA)
Comparative Literature Programs Worldwide (Maintained by the BCLA)

General Resources for Comparatists

CLC Web (Purdue)
Eclat!: The "Essential" Comparative Literature and Theory Site
The Voice of the Shuttle
CARRIE -Full Text Electronic Library
Bartelby: Great Books Online
The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies
SCE - Society for Critical Exchange
American Council of Learned Socities
National Humanities Alliance
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities
The English and Foreign Languages University
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Council on Library and Information Resources
IREX Resources
Illuminations: A Critical Theory website
Cultural Studies and Critical Theory
Social Science Research Council
International Center for Advanced Studies
Fulbright Scholar Program
American Philosophical Society
Yahoo! Directory of Comparative Literature
Humbul Humanities Hub
Comparative Literature Digital Library
Brown University's Scholarly Technology Group
Iter Gateway (Medieval and Renaissance)
Romanticism on the Net
Victorian Research Web
Postcolonial Web
Cyberarts Web on Comparative Literature
Jack Lynch's Literary Resources on the Net
Tennessee Bob's List of links and Famous French links
Humanist discussion groups
National Endowment of the Humanities
Coalition For Networked Information