College of Liberal Arts
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M.A. Requirements

To obtain an M.A., students are expected to develop a solid basic competence in Comparative Literature and in one national literature. They must also demonstrate competence in two foreign languages. They must begin study of a second national literature and must write either a thesis or a report. The thesis will be based on original research on topics involving literary history, genres, theory, or criticism, it may also be a translation of a work (from a foreign language into English) with a critical commentary and apparatus. The report will be a revised paper from a graduate course taken in addition to the required hours of course work Thus, students writing a thesis will complete a total of 31 hours (including 6 for the thesis), whereas students submitting a report will complete a total of 34 hours (including 3 for the report). Those who wish to pursue the Ph.D. must also pass the Qualifying Examination(taken in January of their second year of study, after the two required Comparative Literature theory courses have been completed).

Summary of requirements for the M.A.

  • 12 hours of Comparative Literature courses (including CL 385 & CL 390) plus the Comparative Literature Proseminar, CL 180K.
  • 9 hours of courses in one national literature
  • 3 hours (one course) in a second national literature
  • either 6 hours of thesis or 6 hours of electives (as approved by Graduate Adviser) + 3 hours Report
  • proven competence in two foreign languages (see Language Requirements)
  • No more than 20 percent of the hours on the Program of Work for the master's degree may have been taken on the credit/no credit basis