University Preemptive Fellowships are prestigious awards offered by the Graduate School to attract top quality graduate students to The University of Texas. Graduate Advisers identify and nominate eligible applicants. Applicants who satisfy certain criteria may be offered fellowship support immediately without waiting for a committee decision. These fellowships are not available to students who are currently or were previously enrolled in the Graduate School program at UT Austin; however, UT Austin undergraduates who meet the criteria are eligible. The size of the stipend is at the discretion of the Graduate Adviser. University Continuing Fellowships are University Fellowships awarded to advanced students, usually to those who are conducting research on or writing their dissertations. Students nominated for Continuing Fellowships become eligible for seven other fellowship competitions: University Tuition Fellowships, Cullen Trust Student Endowment Fellowships, Hemphill-Gilmore Fellowships, A.D.Hutchison Student Endowment Fellowships, William S. Livingston Graduate Fellowship, and W. Gordon Whaley Fellowship.