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Taiwan-Related Faculty Activities

  • Professor Sung-sheng (Yvonne) Chang



    • “Nixiang guandian: beifang de shuai(duo)luo” 逆向觀點:北方的衰(墮)落 [Decline or degeneration of the Global North]. Part of the online forum titled “Zhimin,lengzhan,diguo huo quanqiuhua chonggou xia de nanfang” 殖民、冷戰、帝國或全球化重構下的南方[Colonization, cold war, empire or the Global South under the reconstituted globalization.” In Zhongwai wenxue中外文學 [Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly 52, 2 (June, 2023).
    • Clipping Wings: A Chronicle and Wang Wen-hsing’s Art. In Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Reader. Eds. Chia-rong Wu and Ming-ju Fan. Sinophone and Taiwan Studies Series; Springer Singapore, 2023. 59-79.

    Invited Talks

    • Participated as a respondent in a special workshop that featured in-depth discussions of Chang’s scholarly publications from the last decade. The event was hosted by the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature at National Taiwan University and attended by six faculty members and approximately twenty graduate students from both National Taiwan University and National Chung Hsing University. June 20, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan.
    • “Dianfan de zhuanyi yu chongqi” 典範的轉移與重啟 [Paradigm Shift and Reboot]. Keynote speech delivered at the 45th Annual Convention of the Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan). June 17, 2023. Taipei, Taiwan.


    •  "Chinese Fiction from Taiwan", Undergraduate Course, Department of Asian Studies, UT Austin, Fall 2023
    • "Literary Formations: Modern China and Taiwan", Graduate Course, Department of Asian Studies, UT Austin, Spring 2023

    Student Project Advising (since 2021)

    • Shu-wen Tang (Chair, Asian Cultures and Languages, Ph.D. dissertation), “Taiwan and the Alternative Aesthetic Regime in Post-Socialist China.”
    • I-hsiao Michelle Chen (Co-chair, Asian Cultures and Languages, Ph.D. dissertation), “Into-nation: Linguistic Dissonance in Sinophone Cinemas.” The work deals with the performed voices in commercial films produced in Taiwan, the PRC, and Hong Kong since the late 20th-century. Ph.D. degree awarded in August 2022.
    • Jeffery McElroy (Committee member, Asian Cultures and Languages, Ph.D. dissertation) “Scientism & Rock’n’Roll Resistance.” The study includes substantial treatment of musical scenes from contemporary Taiwan. Ph.D. degree awarded in August 2022.
    • Caleb Williams (Second reader, Asian Studies, MA thesis), "Imagining the 'Folk': Post-Martial Law Taiwan and the Invention of National Heritage." M.A. degree awarded in May 2022.
    • Chandler Crates (Supervisor, Asian Studies, undergraduate Honors Thesis), “Consumer and Political Dimensions of Identity Construction in Late 20th Century Taiwan.” B.A. degree awarded in May 2022.

    Professional Services (current)

    • Member, Academic Advisory Committee, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Republic of China (2023-2025)
    • Distinguished Fellow, Bush China Foundation Fellows Network (2022, 2023)
    • Editorial Board, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Brill Publishing (since 2018)
    • Editorial Board, Monumenta Taiwanica, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, Republic of China (2015-2024)
    • Editorial Board, Bulletin of Taiwanese Literature, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Republic of China (since 2007)
    • Editorial Board, Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China (since 2003)



    • Taiwan wenxue shengtai:jieyan fa dao shichang lu 台灣文學生態:戒嚴法到市場律.  Trans. Sung-sheng Chang, Jun Liu, and Xuefeng Feng.  Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2022.  321 pages. (Translated from Literary Culture in Taiwan: Martial Law to Market Law, by Sung-sheng Y. Chang; Columbia UP, 2004).  

    Invited Talks

    • Online talk on the forum “Colonialism, Cold War, Empire, and the Global South in the Restructured Globalization.” The Forum, part of the Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly special issue project, was co-organized by Min-xu Zhan at National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan) and Wai-Sian Hee at Singapore Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). December 20, 2022.
    • Zoom lecture on the topic “Clipping Wings: A Chronicle and Wang Wen-hsing’s Art.” The lecture was part of the “Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century” lecture series, supported by the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation of Scholarly Exchange and organized by Chia-rong Wu at the University of Canterbury (Aotearoa, New Zealand).  Oct. 26, 2022.
    • Two lectures on Pai Hsien-yung and Wang Wen-hsing, leading Modernist fiction writers in Taiwan, at National Taiwan University. The lectures were part of the “Ch’ing-ming Lectureship: Reading Taiwan Literature Classics.”  Oct. 18 and Oct. 25, 2022.
    • Panelist at the roundtable “Research Perspectives on Taiwanese Literature,” which was part of the international conference “La littérature taïwanaise état des recherches et réception à l’étranger” [Taiwanese Literary Studies and Overseas Reception]. Paris, France. October 1, 2022.
    • “Literary Modernism in Post-war Taiwan and Its Contemporary Legacy." Keynote address delivered at the international conference La littérature taïwanaise état des recherches et réception à l’étranger [Taiwanese Literary Studies and Overseas Reception]. Bordeaux and Paris, France. September 29, 2022.

    Professional Services

    • Received a 70-minute interview from socio-cultural researchers at Protagonist on the subject “Master Narratives in modern-day Taiwanese politics and culture.”  August 3, 2022.
    • Served as a panelist in the Plenary Session of 2022 Annual Conference of NATSA (North American Taiwan Studies Association), “Building Taiwan Studies Programs in the US: Challenges and Prospects,” a Sigur Center Public Event. Washington D.C.  July 10, 2022. 
    • Served on the Advisory Committee of The 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies. The University of Washington hosted the conference, held from June 27-29, 2022, in Seattle. Click Here For Related Link



    • Submitted, in March 2021, an essay on “Modernist Literature” for the Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies (forthcoming by Brill).
    • Published an article, “A structural analysis of literary production in wartime Taiwan,” in Chinese Literature in 1940sand 1950s, edited by Xifang Zhao, Yan Huo (Shanghai: Renmin chubanshe, 2021).
    • Invited to write a state-of-the-field review of the studies of Taiwanese literature for the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.
    • Invited to write an article on Wang Wen-hsing’s latest novel Clipping Wings (2016) for Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: 16 New Chapters. The anthology will appear in Springer’s Sinophone and Taiwan Studies Series.
    • Invited to write a chapter on “Moon Seal” by Guo Songfen for a volume of critical essays tentatively titled An Unlikely Trajectory: Literary and Cultural Leftism in Taiwan.

    Invited Talks

    • Delivered an online lecture on “The Modernist Literary Movement in Taiwan (1950s to 1970s)” at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia on March 25, 2021.


    • Taught an intensive short course, “Literary Field, Modernism, and Taiwan Literary Studies,” at the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature at National Taiwan University from June 28 to July 1, 2021.
    • "Paradigm Shifts in Literary/Cultural Studies: China and Taiwan", Graduate Course, Department of Asian Studies, UT Austin, Fall 2021.

    Professional Services

    • Served as Chair of the External Review Committee for the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature at National Taiwan University. The review was held in June 10-11, 2021. 


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  • Professor Wenhong Chen



    • "Digital Mainland China and Taiwan", Undergraduate Course, Department of Radio, Television and Film and Department of Asian Studies, UT Austin, Spring 2021.


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  • Professor Iris Chyi


    Invited Talks

    • Panel discussion on "Publishing Research Internationally" during the Annual Conference of the Chinese Communication Society (now the Taiwanese Communication Society) in Tainan, Taiwan, June 16-18, 2023.

    Scholarly Exchanges

    • Visiting professor at National Chengchi University, teaching for the Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology (starting 9/1/2023).


  • Professor Iris Chyi


    • Panel discussion on "Publishing Research Internationally" during the Annual Conference of the Chinese Communication Society (now the Taiwanese Communication Society) in Tainan, Taiwan, June 16-18, 2023.
    • Visiting professor at National Chengchi University, teaching for the Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology (starting 9/1/2023).


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  • Professor Sheena Chestnut Greitens


    Professional Services

    • Organized book talk “Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia” by Aram Hur, Kim Koo Chair in Korean Studies at Tufts University. Asia Policy Program, The Strauss and Clements Center, The University of Texas at Austin. August 24, 2023.


    Media Engagement

    • Discussed the rising tensions between China and Taiwan, and the United States’ role in the cross-strait relations on Texas Standard NPR on November 3, 2021. Full interview is available here.


  • Professor Madeline Hsu


    Invited Talks

    • “From Yellow Peril to Model Minority and Back Again: Immigration and Sino-US Foreign Relations.”  Iowa State Lecture Series, Iowa State University, Nov. 15, 2021. 
    • "Barbarian Management’: Chinese Perspectives on U.S. Soft Diplomacy Programs.”  Global Chinas, Trinity University, Nov. 19, 2021.
    • Lester Lecture, “International Education and International Relations,” Davidson College, Oct. 5, 2021.
    • “Asian American Integration/Assimilation,” Texas A&M San Antonio, Asian Pacific Heritage Month, May 3, 2021.
    • Book Talk, The Good Immigrants: How the Yellow Peril Became the Model Minority, inaugural Global China Humanities Series, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, April 16, 2021. 
    •  “International Education and US Immigration Policy,” UT International Student and Scholar Services, April 8, 2021.
    • Commentator, “The Great Exodus from China: Trauma, Memory, and Identity in Modern Taiwan,” by Dominic Yang, Centre for Chinese Studies, University of British Columbia, February 10, 2021.

    Student Project Advising (since 2020)

    • Yu-An Wang, (Chair, Asian Studies MA thesis, 2020-2021) “Constraint of the Discourses: The Structural Limit of the GMD Government in the 1970s” 
    • Eddie C.H. Hsu, (Member, Ethnomusicology PhD dissertation committee, 2019) “Reviving Musical Indigeneity: Institutionalization, Transmission, and Revival of Taiwan’s Aboriginal Music”; Curator for Asia, Musical Instrument Museum, Phoenix, AZ
    • Chun-ying Wu, (Member, Government PhD dissertation committee, 2018-2021) “Political Regimes and Minority Language Policies: Evidence from Taiwan and Southeast Asia”
    • Kara Takasaki, (Member, Sociology PhD dissertation committee, 2017-present),“Immigrant Legacies: Filling the Silences, Bridging the Gap”
    • Erica Brozovsky, (Member, Linguistics PhD dissertation committee, 2017-2020) “Taiwanese Texans: A Sociolinguistic Study of Language and Cultural Identity”


    Invited Talk

    • “International Education:  Influence and Intellectual Acquisition,” in “International Students at a Crossroads: Their Roles and Experiences in US Higher Education Past, Present, and Future,” UC Berkeley, July 24, 2020.


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  • Dr. Leon N. Kunz



    • “Democratic Contention in Taiwan and Hong Kong,” Presentation at the Brownbag Series of the UT Austin Center for East Asian Studies (April 3, 2023)

    Conference Presentations

    • “Democratic Deliberation in Taiwan’s Sunflower and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movements.” Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Los Angeles, CA. August 31- September 3, 2023.
    • “The Spatial Dimensions of Youth-led Uprisings in Taiwan and Hong Kong.” Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Association of Asian Studies. Co-organized the panel (“Protest Events and Youth Politics: China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan”). February 17-18, 2023.


    •  "Comparative Politics: Japan, Korea, Taiwan", Undergraduate Course, Department of Government, UT Austin, Spring 2023



    • Book review: Thomas Gold and Sebastian Veg, eds. Sunflowers and Umbrellas: Social Movements, Expressive Practices, and Political Culture in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2020. In Pacific Affairs, Vol. 95, No. 3, (2022).


    • “Spatial Dimensions of Democracy Movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong,” part of the 2022-2023 Comparative Politics Speaker Series of the UT Austin Department of Government (October 24, 2022)
    • "Space, Leadership, and Organization: Comparing the Sunflower and Umbrella Movements" on June 27, 2022. 

    Scholarly Exchanges

    • Visiting fellow at the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan of the University of Tübingen


    • "Social Movements: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan", Undergraduate Course, Department of Government, UT Austin, Fall 2022


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  • Professor Chiu-Mi Lai



    • "History of Food and Healing in China and Taiwan", Undergraduate Course, Departments of Asian Studies and History, UT Austin, Spring 2023.
    • Organized a field trip to Traditional teahouse for lessons in tea connoisseurship
    • Organized a research presentation, “Magic Matters: Some Reflections on Science and Medicine in Chinese Popular Culture, 1800-1850”, on traditional Chinese medicine and culture by Professor Richard Smith on his forthcoming book on late Qing popular culture titled

    Student Project Advising (since 2021)

    • Allyssa Norton's (Supervisor, Undergraduate Honors Thesis), “Reframing Classical Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting:Visual Interpretations from Cultural Memory” (completed in May 2021).



    • "History of Food and Healing in China and Taiwan," Undergraduate Course, Departments of Asian Studies and History, UT Austin, Spring 2022



    • Taught an undergraduate course, "Decoding Classical Chinese Poetry and Painting" in Fall 2021, which featured viewing and discussion of replicas of Song Dynasty landscapes of the National Palace Museum.
    • "History of Food and Healing in China and Taiwan," Undergraduate Course, Departments of Asian Studies and History, UT Austin, Spring 2021

    Invited Talks

    • "Viewing the Moon in Chinese Poetry – How the Moon Connects Us Through Time and Space." Virtual lecture for the Austin Community College Great Questions Lecture Series, Fall 2021


  • Professor Huaiyin Li


    Invited Talks

    • “Reflections on My Academic Careers and the State of the Field of Chinese Studies,” Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, April 21, 2023.
    • “Grassroots China in Microhistorical Perspective: From Rural Collectives to Urban Factories,” Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, April 18, 2023.



    • "Modernization in East Asia: China and Taiwan Compared," Undergraduate Course, Departments of History and Asian Studies, UT Austin, Fall 2022


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  • Professor Tse-min Lin


    Research Fellowships

    • Research Fellowship, Taipei School of Economics and Political Science, National Tsing Hua University
    • Supplementary College Research Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin
    • Visiting Scholarship, Spring 2023, National Tsing Hua University


    • “When Independence Meets Reality: Symbolic and Pragmatic Politics in Taiwan." (with Chun-Ying Wu and Theodore Charm). Journal of Contemporary China, first published online June 1, 2023. 

    Invited Talks

    • “Rationality and Trust: How Do Taiwanese Play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with Their Chinese and American Counterparts?” Institute for National Defense and Security Research, July 24, 2023.
    • ”How Do Taiwanese Play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with Their Chinese and American Counterparts? A Representative Sample Survey Experiment.” National Tsing Hua University, June 7, 2023.
    • ”How Do Taiwanese Play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with Their Chinese and American Counterparts? A Representative Sample Survey Experiment.” Academia Sinica, June 5, 2023.
    • “The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Cross-Strait Relations.” National Defense University, May 29, 2023.
    • ”How Do Taiwanese Play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with Their Chinese and American Counterparts? A Representative Sample Survey Experiment.” National Chung Cheng University, May 26, 2023.
    • “The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Cross-Strait Relations.” National Taipei University, May 17, 2023.
    • “Social Science as a Vocation.” National Taiwan University, May 16, 2023.
    • “Bayes Theorem, Detective Stories, and Social Science Research.” National Cheng Kung University, May 12, 2023.
    • ”How Do Taiwanese Play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with Their Chinese and American Counterparts? A Representative Sample Survey Experiment.” National Tsing Hua University, May 10, 2023.
    • “The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Cross-Strait Relations.” National Quemoy University, May 2, 2023.
    • “The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Cross-Strait Relations.” National Chung Hsing University, April 22, 2023.
    • “Bayes Theorem, Detective Stories, and Social Science Research.” National Sun Yat-sen University, April 17, 2023.
    • “Bayes Theorem, Detective Stories, and Social Science Research.” National Chengchi University, April 10, 2023.
    • “Protests as a Coordination Game: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Hong Kong.” Academia Sinica, March 28, 2023.
    • “The Application of Statistics and Mathematics in Forensic Science.” Central Police University, March 20, 2023.
    • “The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Cross-Strait Relations.” National Defense University, March 13, 2023.

    Conferences and Workshops

    • “Time Series Analysis” (co-taught with Suzie Linn). Institute for Social Science Methodology, Academia Sinica, July 2023.
    • Forum on Teaching Statistics for the Social Sciences. Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, June 2, 2023.


    Professional Services

    • Invited to serve on the editorial board of the new international journal Innovation in the Social Sciences. The journal is published by the College of Social Sciences of National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan. It has been set up at Brill with the first issue to be published in 2022. Professor Poe Yu-ze Wan of the SYSU is the Editor-in-Chief. 

    Talks and Conferences

    • Participated in the “Racing to Join the Club: The Implications of China’s, Taiwan’s, and the UK’s Applications to Join the CPTPP” conference. The conference was sponsored by the Taiwan Studies Programm at the University of Nottingham and held during June 17-18, 2022. 
    • Participated in a talk, “National Identity, Cultural Heritage, and Revelation in a Taiwanese New Religion,” by Dr. Benjamin Penny of the Australian National University. The talk was sponsored by the Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham and was held on June 22, 2022. 
    • Participated in a virtual conference on "Bringing Taiwan Studies to Texas and Beyond." The conference was hosted by the Center for International Studies at St. Thomas University. In a 20-minute presentation, Prof. Lin introduced the Taiwan Studies Program and the Center for Taiwan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Click Here to View Event Poster


    Scholarly Exchanges

    • Visited Academia Sinica in Taiwan from July 29 to August 19, 2022. The visit was partially sponsored by the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica. He participated in teaching and advising for the Institute for Political Methodology, a National Science and Technology Council sponsored project.
    • Visited the University of Nottingham in UK and engaged in scholarly exchange. The visit was sponsored by UoN’s Taiwan Studies Programme and lasted from May 26 to July 7, 2022. 




    • “Institutions, Contexts, and Ethnic Violence in Comparative Perspective” (with Feng-yu Lee) in the International PoliticalScience Review, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2021, 400-415 (First published online February 19, 2020). 


    • Taught a summer course in the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University from May to July, 2021. The course, “Human Behavior as Rational Action” (PS5060), introduces various game- theoretic models, including the Prisoner’s Dilemma, the Game of Chicken, the Coordination Game, the Tragedy of the Commons, etc., in one-shot, repeated, two-person, N-person settings. These models are extensively applied to examples taken from the political culture in contemporary Taiwan.


    • Presented a paper, “Post-Materialism, New Media, and Protest in Hong Kong and Taiwan” (with Theodore Charm) at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 30 - October 3, 2021.
    • Presented a paper, “Symbolic versus Pragmatic Politics in Taiwan” (with Chun-ying Wu and Theodore Charm) at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 30 - October 3, 2021.

    Invited Talks

    • Gave a lecture, “The p-Value Controversy,” to the Data Analytic Colloquium on November 11, 2021. The colloquium was co-sponsored by the University of Texas at Dallas and National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
    • Delivered a keynote speech, “New Media and the Propensity to Protest,” at the 2021 International Conference of the Taiwan Institute of Government and Communication Research (TIGCR) on Oct. 29, 2021.


  • Professor Amy Liu



    • Liu, Amy H. 2022. “Pronoun Usage as a Measure of Personalization: A General Theory with Evidence from the Chinese-Speaking World.” Accepted at British Journal of Political Science 52(3): 1258-1275.

    Research Fellowships

    • Received Center for Taiwan Studies, Faculty Research Grant (2021-2022). Title of project: “The Effects of Accents on Inclusion: Mandarin Chinese versus the Taiwanese People”
    • International Visiting Fellowship, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

    Scholarly Exchanges

    • Served as a Guest Instructor at the Institute of Political Methodology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, in July 2022. 
    • Visiting Fellow, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, March-July 2022.

    Invited Talks

    • "Racial versus Linguistic Boundaries: Identifying Public Attitudes towards and Experiences of the “New Residents”, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, on 26 July 2022.
    • "Attitudinal Effects of Bilingual (Multilingual) Ballot Designs”, National Chengchi University, 18 May 2022.
    • "Diversity in Asian Cabinets: Evidence from Taiwan", the University of Kentucky, February 2022.

    Student Project Advising (since 2021)

    • Chun-Ying Wu. PhD Government. October 2021. (Co-Chair). PhD Dissertation "How Political Regimes Shape Minority Language Education: Evidence from Southeast Asia and Taiwan"
    • Hsiao-Wei Chen. MA Dance and Theater. December 2021. (Reader) Thesis title "Cafeteria Formosa"


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  • Professor Xiaobo Lü



    • "Mobilized Compliance: How Political Parties Facilitate Fiscal Extraction during Wartime." Paper presented at Columbia University, Harvard University, Georgetown University, and 2023 AAS Annual Meetings in Boston. The paper is based on research conducted on the KMT wartime fiscal policies during the Republican Era.

    Student Project Advising

    • Supervised an Honors Thesis, “Taiwan’s Foreign Policy Transformation: Tsai Ing-wen and the New Southbound Policy,” by Cameron Waltz, who received his Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Asian Studies at UT Austin in Spring 2023.


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  • Professor Li Yang 



    • Book Review: Lim, Song Hwee. Taiwan Cinema as Soft Power: Authorship, Transnationality, Historiography. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. In Taiwan Lit (Dec 30, 2022)


    • "Chinese Language Cinemas from Taiwan and the PRC", Undergraduate Course, Department of Asian Studies, Fall 2022

    Scholarly Exchanges

    • During the 2022-2023 Winter Break, Prof. Yang embarked on a field trip to Taiwan. During the trip, she visited prominent institutions including National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, the Palace Museum, Taipei Fine Arts Museum (where the exhibition "The Wild Eighties: Dawn of a Transdisciplinary Taiwan" was held), National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and National Museum of Taiwan Literature (which featured the exhibition "The History of the Liberal Arts Publishing Industry in Taiwan"). She also engaged in scholarly exchanges with Professor Wenchi Lin, an esteemed film scholar who currently serves as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at National Central University; Hung Hung, a renowned poet, director, and artist; Mr. Pinghao Chen, a well-known film critic; and Shu-Wen Tang, an essay writer and Ph.D. candidate at UT Austin. Additionally, Prof. Yang explored the townships of Heng Chun and Chiu Fen, significant as the settings for landmark Taiwanese films "Cape No. 7" and "City of Sadness.



    • "Chinese Language Cinemas from Taiwan and the PRC", Undergraduate Course, Department of Asian Studies, Spring 2021



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