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Students can enroll in the Portfolio program at any time in their doctoral work, although it is advised that they do so before they are admitted to candidacy. Candidates must be students in good standing in an approved doctoral program and receive approval to enter the Portfolio Program from their Graduate Advisor.

Fill out the following:

1. Cultural Studies Portfolio Application form (PDF, 33k) - Please complete the form and submit it with the following documents.

2. Statement of Purpose - A brief statement (no more than three pages in length) that outlines how the Doctoral Portfolio in Cultural Studies complements your academic goals.

3. Letter of approval from your graduate advisor.

4. Sample Doctoral Portfolio program of work that lists courses and the rationale for their selection.

Please submit applications to:

Américo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies (Attn: John Hartigan)
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas at Austin

Student Activity Center 4.102
One University Station C3200
Austin, TX 78712


John Hartigan, Director 
phone: (512) 471-4206 fax: (512) 471-6535