College of Liberal Arts
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Submit announcements to the CEAS Webpage

If you have an event, new publication, honor or award, you would like to have listed on the CEAS webpage, and/or sent to our listservs, please send the information to with the subject heading "Announcements of All Things East Asia". 

Please note that the post should be relevant to East Asia and if it is an event, it must be free and open to the public.  The submission must follow the required format or it may not be included:

  • Event Name/Announcement
  • Date (include weekday), Time, Place, or Deadline
  • No more than 200 words describing the event or announcement
  • Images also welcome (images look best at 282 pixels wide by 188 pixels high and at 72 DPI)
  • Link or Email address to contact for more information

NEW Book/Works Publication Announcement Form (current calendar year only)

PAST Book/Works Publication List Form