College of Liberal Arts
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Academic Support

Course Instructor Surveys (CIS)

The university requires that all organized classes be surveyed every semester, including summer, using an approved CIS form.  You can choose to survey your classes electronically (students will receive a link to their surveys via email) or using the traditional paper surveys.  Both paper and electronic surveys are administered during the last two weeks of class, before the final exam period and before any grades are reported for the semester.

Surveys are ordered by your departmental contact, Joanna Drake.  In the first few weeks of the semester, you will receive a request to submit your survey preferences.  Once your surveys have been ordered, you will receive a reminder to check your survey order on the MyCIS site; please take a moment to check your survey order to prevent any errors in your order.

View the approved Survey forms:

Useful Links:

MyCIS  - Confirm survey order and view your electronic survey results (EID required)

CIS Results site - View survey results for any instructor or course

CIS for Faculty and Staff page - Reminder of important dates, policies, and FAQ's 

Syllabus and CV Submission

We are required by House Bill 2504 to post a syllabus for every organized undergraduate course and a current CV for every faculty member teaching an undergraduate course by the 7th class day of each semester.  Syllabi and CV's are due to departmental contacts no later than the 1st class day and should be directed to Joanna Drake.

View the syllabus policies to see what items are required to be included in the posted syllabi.  CV requirements are available in the Provost's HB 2504 Implementation Policy.  Submitted syllabi and CV's will be posted to the Access Syllabi and CV's site by the 7th class day.

Grade Submission and Grade Changes

Grades for organized classes must be entered by the instructor of record no later than 10:00 am on the due date through the Grade Submission System.  Once you enter the grade submission system, select the department abbreviation to see a list of courses for which you are required to submit grades.  Due dates for grade submission are listed at the top of each grade sheet in the submission system, or on the grade sheet authorization page.

Individual instruction courses, including dissertation, honors tutorial and individual conference courses can be entered through the  Grade Submission System as well, but they must be submitted by the departmental grade contact, Joanna Drake.

If you need to change a grade outside of the regular grade submission period, you will need to request a grade change online.  As of fall 2011, paper grade change forms have been replaced by the Online Grade Change system.  You will need the student's EID and the year, semester and unique number of the course in which the student was enrolled. 

Tab Option 4. Add body text in this space.
Tab Option 5. Add body text in this space.
  • Make-up Exams

    Make-up Exams

    Make-up exams can be coordinated through the administrative office here. Proctors are available on a first-come, first-served basis via graders hired by the department. All inquiries about proctors can be directed to Dr. Wayne Hickenbottom. Students are directed to the study carrels in the advising area during the exam or to three spaces in room 1.116N, unless more than three students are testing at once, in which case students are directed to an empty classroom or the reception area in advising. 

  • Accommodating Students with Disabilities

    Accommodating Students with Disabilities

    The purpose of academic accommodations is to assure that there is equal access to and the opportunity to benefit from all educational programs of The University of Texas at Austin. The University of Texas at Austin acts in accordance with two relevant laws: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. For more information please visit the SSD website here.

  • Academic Flags

    Academic Flags

    The university's new core curriculum requires all undergraduates to earn credit for flag courses in six areas: Writing, Quantitative Reasoning, Global Cultures, Cultural Diversity, Ethics and Leadership, and Independent Inquiry.  Flags proposals must be submitted through the Academic Flag Proposal System by mid April for the following spring semester and by late November for the following summer and fall semesters.  For more information, see the Flag Guidelines on the School of Undergraduate Studies site or contact the UGS Flag team.

  • Final Exam Scheduling

    Final Exam Scheduling

    Requests for final exams will be collected by Joanna Drake and submitted to the Registrar's Office in the first weeks of each semester.  Once final exams have been scheduled by the Registrar's Office, you can look up scheduled exams by unique number to see your final exam assignment.

    The Index of Final Exams lists the general schedule of exams and can be used to project the final exam time for your syllabus.

    Students can obtain a personal final exam schedule on the Registrar's page as well, once the exams have been scheduled.

  • Course Schedule and Classroom Assignments

    Course Schedule and Classroom Assignments

    Course schedules for future semesters are built to accommodate student demand and curriculum requirements, with as much deference given as possible to faculty teaching preferences.  Teaching preferences are gathered early each fall for the following academic year.  Please use the COLA teaching preference survey to indicate your ideal days/times to teach, specific media needs in your classes, and classrooms you prefer or dislike.  For questions regarding classes you are scheduled to teach, including room assignments, contact Joanna Drake.

Class Rosters

Instructors may download rosters from the Registrar's Class Roster page. You must be the instructor of record, and you will need to sign in with your EID. 

Textbook Orders

Textbook orders are due on October 31st for the spring semester and on April 1st for the fall and summer semesters.  These early due dates help the Co-op to keep book prices low by allowing them to anticipate the number of used books they can buy back from students and giving them the time necessary to purchase used books from wholesalers.  In addition, the Co-op gives back to departments across campus for a variety of events, and departments who do not honor the early requisition dates set by the Co-op may receive lower funding in the future semesters.

Textbook orders, and orders for desk copies, can be submitted to Joanna Drake. 

Canvas Support

If you are unable to access one of your scheduled courses in Canvas, contact Joanna Drake to confirm that your assignment has been processed correctly.  For all other Canvas support questions, contact the ITS help desk at 475-9400.  The help page on Canvas also contains a variety of tutorials and FAQ's that can guide you through basic functions of the site.