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Remote Desktop Connection Instructions

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1. Introduction (aka is a remote desktop server (RDP server) running Linux that provides a KDE graphical interface for ease of access and navigation. It also provides access to various statistical tools such as R and strata, among others.

2. Account Access
To access, Economics faculty, staff, and students must have a COLA-Stats LDAP account. Account permissions should be cleared through the Chair's office in the Department of Economics or by an appropriate designee. Approved account setup requests can be submitted via email to
3. Remote Desktop Access
Since most users work in either Mac OSx or Windows 10, this document will focus on the two most common remote desktop clients.
Windows 10: By default, Windows 10 has an RDP client installed.

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Mac OSx: Mac systems must have Microsoft Remote Desktop Client Version 8.x installed. The newer version of the Microsoft client, version 10.x, does not work properly when connecting to

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3. Remote Desktop Connection with Windows 10

3.1 To open the Windows Remote Desktop Connection client, click on the windows start button and search “Remote Desktop Connection” application to start the Remote Desktop client.

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3.2 When the client starts, enter the remote server's name ( and click Connect.

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3.3 You may get a popup displaying a security certificate warning. You don't need to be concerned about this warning, the system is using a self-signed certificate which the client software deems as invalid, but the connection is secure. Click the yes button to continue.

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3.4 You should now see the following screen:

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  • Leave the “Session” set to Xvnc.
  • The “Username” is your Employee ID (EID).
  • Enter your password.

3.5 Once connected, you should see a screen similar to the following:

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3.6 If you do not see icons on your desktop, click on the start button, which can be found in the bottom tray on the far bottom left, and search for Dolphin File Manager. It should look like a red fedora.

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3.7 Click on the “Desktop” icon.

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3.8 Under the Desktop folder, you should be able to see all the statistical tools:

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3.9 At this point you should be able to click on the various tools and begin using them.

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3.10 When you are done using the tools on the system, remember to logout of the system.
Windows Remote Desktop Connection with Mac OSx

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4. Windows Remote Desktop Connection with Mac OSx

4.1 Open the “Microsoft Remote Desktop” Client, version 8.x. If you do not have this version installed, please contact 1-5000 or open a ticket at

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4.2 Click on the New Button.

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4.3 Create a new entry for

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  • Connection Name: anything you want it to be.
  • PC Name:
  • Gateway: Leave as “No gateway configured”
  • User Name: Your employee id (EID)
  • Password
  • Resolution: Leave as “Native”
  • Colors: Optional
  • Full screen mode: Leave as OS X native

4.4 The following warning may appear, disregard the warning and click continue

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4.5 At this point, you should see a screen similar to the following:
Troubleshooting issues:

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5. Troubleshooting issues 

Connection issues:

  • Verify you are on the University network.
  • Connect using the University VPN client
  • Verify you have an account. Check with your Chair or his/her designee.

Black Screen:

  • This can be caused by slow network connection. Wait at least 15 minutes and if you do not get a valid screen, open a ticket
  • This can also be caused by your profile being corrupted. Again, wait at least 15 minutes and if it doesn’t fix the problem, open a ticket.

Cannot find tools: Please refer to the Windows sections of this document. If the tools are not located under your desktop, please open a ticket.

Application or tool does not complete or dies: This is usually due to a resource issue. You will need to schedule jobs or run tools when a there are fewer people using the system. Run the uptime command from the command line and look at the “Load average,” If the load is over 15.00, don’t submit a new job.

Contacting support: A ServiceNow ticket can be opened for all issues including new account requests, software issues and remote access issues. Email and include as much information about the issue as possible, as well as an EID, phone number and the best time to contact you.