Travel FAQ
Coming Soon...
Please see below for a brief summary of frequently asked questions. For a detailed overview of UT's travel policies, please go here.
FAQ PDF: If you would like a copy of the FAQ as a PDF, please go here.
Contact: Kate Hardin
- Flight Reimbursement
UT only reimburses for standard/economy airfare. Upgraded seating, priority boarding, baggage fees, and airplane WiFi are generally not reimbursable. Purchases made with airline miles are not reimbursable.
If your trip originates or ends in a location other than Austin, you will reimbursed only for the lesser of your actual expenses and your expenses as if your trip originated and ended in Austin. Documentation will be required.
- Hotel Reimbursement
An itemized receipt from the hotel front desk is required for reimbursement. The receipt must separate all charges (room rate, taxes, fees, room service, bar, parking, etc.) and demonstrate that you paid for this. Confirmation emails from Expedia or other third-party bookers are not sufficient.
• AirBnBs are reimbursable and generally follow the same rules as hotels.
• Hotel room rate (excluding tax) can only be reimbursed to certain maximums. The $51/day allocated for meal reimbursement can be allocated towards lodging instead of food, effectively raising these maximums.Claiming Full Meal Reimbursements Claiming No Meal Reimburesements Within TX $209/day $260/day Other 49 States $324/day $375/day International Travel $374/day $425/day - Local Transit Reimbursement
Taxis, Ubers, and Lyfts are all reimbursable provided they have a business purpose. Gratuities are allowed up to 20%. Receipts are recommended but not required for travel within cities.
- Per Diem & Meal Reimbursement
Travelers may be reimbursed up to $51/day for their own meal expenditures (that is, not purchased by somebody else or provided by the host organization). Alcohol is not reimbursable. Travel days may have lower limits if leaving Austin after 8am or returning after 6pm. Tips are limited to 20%.
To claim the $51/day ("per diem"), no receipts are required. To be reimbursed above the $51/day limit, receipts are required, along with a valid business purpose for the meal.
- Conference Registration Reimbursement
Conference registration fees are reimbursable, but not processed as travel expenses. Please submit receipts to Ira Ochs at