Economics | College of Liberal Arts
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Business Economics Option Program

BEOP Application Deadlines

Starting in Spring 2025, BEOP applications will be processed according to the deadlines listed below. Students who are eligible for BEOP must apply by the deadline to ensure registration access during their next registration period.
Application deadlines:
January 1 
March 1 
May 15 
August 15 
October 1 

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, but will only be processed after the stated deadlines. You will be notified after the deadline whether you have been accepted. For example, if you apply on April 1 you will hear back after the May 15 deadline.

If you will not meet the eligibility criteria by the upcoming deadline, you are welcome to apply in the future once you have met all eligibility criteria. 

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New BEOP Application Deadlines

Photo Credit.

Economics Majors: Minor in Accounting, Finance, or Wealth Management

The Business Economics Option Program (BEOP) allows qualified economics majors to pursue an Accounting Minor, Finance Minor, or Wealth Management Minor through the McCombs School of Business.

View BEOP Flier
Business Economics Option Program

Required Coursework

College of Liberal Arts

BEOP Accounting

1) ACC 311

2) ACC 312

3) FIN 357

4) Upper-division ACC Elective

5) Upper-division ACC Elective

View potential ACC electives below.

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College of Liberal Arts

BEOP Finance

1) ACC 311

2) ACC 312

3) FIN 357

4) FIN 367

5) Upper-division FIN Elective

View potential FIN electives below.

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College of Liberal Arts

Wealth Management

1) ACC 364

2) FIN 367

3) ACC 372T.11 or FIN 372T.11 Financial Planning for Wealth Management

4) Approved upper-division elective

5) Approved upper-division elective

6) Approved upper-division elective

Prerequisites for Wealth Management coursework include ACC 311, ACC 312, and FIN 357.

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College of Liberal Arts

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Admission Information

  • Eligibility Criteria and Application Deadlines

    BEOP Accounting or Finance Minor Eligibility:

    • Have a declared economics major
    • Have a University grade point average of at least 3.0
    • Have an economics major GPA of at least 3.0 (based on ECO classes taken at UT)
    • Have completed ECO 329 Economic Statistics with a grade of at least C before applying to the program
    • Complete steps in the Application Procedures section below


    At this time, all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and apply by the deadlines listed below will be accepted to the program (this is subject to change). 


    Wealth Management Minor Eligibility:

    • Have a declared economics major
    • Be eligible for the 20-22 or later catalog
    • Be admitted to the BEOP Finance or Accounting Minor
    • Meet the Wealth Management Minor admissions criteria outlined here (click link and scroll down to “Wealth Management” except you do not have to be a Business Major)


    Must adhere to Wealth Management's application deadlines. Admission to the Wealth Management minor is on a competitive basis.

    IMPORTANT: 18-20 and earlier catalog BEOP students are not eligible for the Wealth Management Minor or Certificate. Contact the Economics advisors if you have questions.


    Application Deadlines:

    At this time, all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and apply by the deadlines listed below will be accepted to the program (this is subject to change). 

    Students who are eligible for BEOP must apply by the deadline to ensure registration access during their next registration period.
    Application deadlines:


    • January 1 
    • March 1 
    • May 15 
    • August 15 
    • October 1 

    Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, but will only be processed after the stated deadlines. You will be notified after the deadline whether you have been accepted. For example, if you apply on April 1 you will hear back after the May 15 deadline.

    If you will not meet the eligibility criteria by the upcoming deadline, you are welcome to apply in the future once you have met all eligibility criteria. 

  • Application Process

    Step 1: Fill out this admission request form. After putting in your contact information, you will select whether you want to declare BEOP ACC or FIN (not both). Then, you will select if you would also like to apply for the Wealth Management minor*. 

    The Economics Advising Office will verify your eligibility and we will submit an application to McCombs on your behalf for approval*.


    Step 2: McCombs will send you a notification via secure academic note (SAN) when the application is approved, prompting you to contact your major advisor.


    Final Step: Upon approval notification from McCombs, contact to have the minor attached to your degree profile. This is an important step in the process! A student cannot be awarded the minor at graduation if it has not been added to his or her degree profile.


    *Admission to the Wealth Management minor is on a competitive basis, and you must adhere to the Wealth Management application deadlines listed on their website. If you indicate you would like to apply for the Wealth Management minor, the Economics advisors will submit an application on your behalf. 

    *Economics advisor approval is required. Applications submitted by students directly to McCombs through the UTDirect online Minor/Certificate System will be declined.

  • Application Process
  • Prerequisites and Registration Procedures

    ACC 311 – upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. The following prerequisites must be met: Twenty-four semester hours of college credit, including Economics 304K.


    ACC 312 – upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. The following prerequisites must be met: credit for ACC 311


    FIN 357-- upon admission to the program, you must request a waiver to register (see below). Once processed, you will have access in the semester for which the waiver was requested except during the first four days of the initial registration period each semester, when FIN 357 is restricted to business majors only. The following prerequisites must be met: Credit or registration for Accounting 312 or 312H. Credit or registration for ECO 441K is recommended. The other stated prerequisites are waived for BEOP minor students.


    FIN 367-- Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when FIN 367 is restricted to business majors only. The following prerequisites must be met: Finance 357 or 357H. Credit for ECO 441K is recommended.


    UD FIN Electives -- Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when most but not all UD FIN Electives are restricted to business majors only. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.


    UD ACC Electives -- Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when most but not all UD ACC Electives are restricted to business majors only. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.


    WEALTH MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM --  Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.




    You must be an approved BEOP minor student to receive a waiver. Processing generally takes 0-3 business days, but may be delayed during registration/add-drop or first week of semester. You will NOT be notified when the waiver is processed. After submitting the waiver request, attempt to add in your current or next access period until successful.Remember, FIN 357 is restricted to business majors in the first four days of the initial registration period each semester.

    *See the Academic Calendar for initial registration period dates.

  • Recognition and FAQ


    14-16 Catalog Students

    • Reach out to Jana Cole ( after grades are posted, to receive your letter of recognition for completing the program. Minors are not recognized on the transcript in this catalog.                       

    16-18 and Later Catalog Students

    • Your minor will be recognized on your transcript upon completion of your degree, as long as it is officially declared on your profile. Check your profile here to see what minors/certs you have 1. applied, 2. approved, 3. pursued (declared). All three steps are required to be official! If you are still not sure it is declared and want to check, contact

    Please note students in 20-22 and earlier catalogs can be recognize for only one minor program per major (additional certificate programs can be recognized as stand-alone credentials).


    1. Can I switch from the Finance Minor to Accounting Minor, or vice versa? Or from the Wealth Management Minor back to the Accounting or Finance Minor?

    Yes, reach out to Jana Cole at if you wish to switch your BEOP minor.

    2. Do I have to maintain the GPA requirements to stay in the minor program?

    No, you just need to meet the GPA requirements to be admitted.

    3. Can I take my minor class pass/fail?

    No, to count in the minor a course must be taken for a letter grade (except specific past semesters in which blanket exceptions were allowed). Also, many BEOP classes can only be taken on a letter grade basis (including but not limited to ACC 311, ACC 312, and FIN 357).

    4. Can I transfer in my BEOP classes?Yes, however at least half of the coursework toward the minor must be taken in-residence.


Current BEOP Student Information

  • BEOP Accounting Coursework

    BEOP Accounting Minor

    • ACC 311
    • ACC 312
    • FIN 357
    • Upper division ACC Elective*
    • Upper division ACC Elective*


    *Upper Division = course numbers 320-379. Any upper division three credit hour ACC course that can be taken for a letter grade will count.

    Commonly offered accessible ACC electives: ACC 326, ACC 327, ACC 329, ACC 334M, ACC 362, ACC 364, ACC 378, or ACC 372T. Offerings vary each semester. Courses may be applied to the waiver policy for MPA Bridge program.

    BEOP students DO NOT have access to: ACC 151, ACC 152, ACC 355, ACC 356, ACC 358C, ACC 359, ACC 366P, ACC 179C, ACC 379C (nor any integrated master program class, writing flag section, honors section, internship course, practicum, and independent study course).  


    What you may learn (subject to course selection):

    • How to prepare and examine financial records
    • Financial analysis techniques
    • Profound knowledge of business transactions
    • To present financial statements to assist in decision making
    • Tax return preparation


  • BEOP Finance Coursework

    BEOP Finance Minor

    • ACC 311
    • ACC 312
    • FIN 357
    • FIN 367
    • Upper division FIN Elective*


    * Upper Division = course numbers 320-379. Any upper division three credit hour FIN course that can be taken for a letter grade will count.

    Commonly offered accessible FIN electives: FIN 322F, FIN 371M, FIN 372 (except 03730), FIN 372T FIN 374C, FIN 374S, FIN 376, FIN 377 (all topics). Offerings vary each semester.

    BEOP students DO NOT have access to: FIN 165P, FIN 320F*, FIN 321K, FIN 366P, FIN 370, FIN 172, FIN 372/372T Titans of Investing, FIN 373, FIN 377.3 FAP, FIN 377.3, FIN 179C, FIN 379C (nor any integrated master program class, writing flag section, honors section, internship course, practicum, and independent study course).


    *Beginning in Spring 2025, students can only get credit for FIN 357 or FIN 320F (not both courses). FIN 357 is required for all BEOP students, so you should not take FIN 320F.


    What you may learn (subject to course selection):

    • Analytical skills
    • Forecasting and budgeting
    • Return and risk assessment
    • The science behind money management at both large and small scales


  • Wealth Management Coursework

    Wealth Management Minor


    Prerequisites for Wealth Management coursework include ACC 311, ACC 312, and FIN 357. Additional prerequisites may vary.


    What you may learn:

    • The perspectives, conceptual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to explore the many aspects of the wealth management industry, including offering financial planning services to individual and institutional investors.


  • Prerequisites and Registration Procedures

    ACC 311

    • Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods.
    • The following prerequisites must be met: Twenty-four semester hours of college credit, including Economics 304K.


    ACC 312

    • Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods.
    • The following prerequisites must be met: credit for ACC 311


    FIN 357

    • Upon admission to the program, you must request a waiver to register (see below). Once processed, you will have access in the semester for which the waiver was requested except during the first four days of the initial registration period each semester, when FIN 357 is restricted to business majors only.
    • The following prerequisites must be met: Credit or registration for Accounting 312 or 312H. Credit or registration for ECO 441K is recommended. The other stated prerequisites are waived for BEOP minor students.


    FIN 367

    • Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when FIN 367 is restricted to business majors only.

    • The following prerequisites must be met: Finance 357 or 357H. Credit for ECO 441K is recommended.


    UD ACC Electives

    • Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when most but not all UD ACC Electives are restricted to business majors only.
    • Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.


    UD FIN Electives

    • Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when most but not all UD FIN Electives are restricted to business majors only.
    • Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.  


    Wealth Management Courses

    • Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.




    You must be an approved BEOP minor student to receive a waiver. Processing generally takes 0-3 business days, but may be delayed during registration/add-drop or first week of semester. You will NOT be notified when the waiver is processed. After submitting the waiver request, attempt to add in your current or next access period until successful. Remember, FIN 357, FIN 367, and upper-division Business courses are restricted to business majors in the first four days of the initial registration period each semester.

    *See the Academic Calendar for initial registration period dates.


  • Recognition and FAQ



    Your minor will be recognized on your transcript upon completion of your degree, as long as it is officially declared on your profile. Check your profile here to see what minors/certs you have 1. applied, 2. approved, 3. pursued (declared). All three steps are required to be official! If you are still not sure it is declared and want to check, contact




    1. Can I switch from the Finance minor to Accounting minor, or vice versa? Or from the Wealth Management minor back to the Accounting or Finance Minor?

    Yes, reach out to Rob Morgan at if you wish to switch your BEOP minor.


    2. Can I pursue both the Accounting and Finance minor?

    No, students are only allowed to pursue one of BEOP Accounting or BEOP Finance. Students cannot pursue both Accounting and Finance.


    3. Can I pursue the Wealth Management minor and either the Accounting or Finance minor?

    Yes, students can pursue the Wealth Management minor and the Accounting minor or the Wealth Management minor and the Finance minor. As a reminder, students cannot pursue both Accounting and Finance.


    4. Do I have to maintain the GPA requirements to stay in the minor program?

    No, you just need to meet the GPA requirements to be admitted.


    5. Can I take my minor class pass/fail?

    No, to count in the minor a course must be taken for a letter grade (except specific past semesters in which blanket exceptions were allowed). Also, many BEOP classes can only be taken on a letter grade basis (including but not limited to ACC 311, ACC 312, and FIN 357).


    6. Can I transfer in my BEOP classes?

    Yes, however at least half of the coursework toward the minor must be taken in-residence.


College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

The Business Economics Option Program (BEOP) allows qualified economics majors to pursue an Accounting Minor or Finance Minor through the McCombs School of Business. BEOP students in the 20-22 and later catalogs have the additional option to pursue a Wealth Management Minor. In these programs, students explore complementarities between economic analysis and business, thereby strengthening quantitative and analytical skills.


Eligibility Criteria

BEOP Finance Minor:

  • Have a declared economics major
  • Have a University grade point average of at least 3.0
  • Have an economics major GPA of at least 3.0 (based on ECO classes taken at UT)
  • Have completed ECO 329 Economic Statistics with a grade of at least C before applying to the program
  • Complete steps in the Application Procedures section below

BEOP Accounting Minor:

  • Have a declared economics major
  • Have a University grade point average of at least 3.0
  • Have an economics major GPA of at least 3.0 (based on ECO classes taken at UT)
  • Have completed ECO 329 Economic Statistics with a grade of at least C before applying to the program
  • Complete steps in the Application Procedures section below

BEOP ACC and FIN applications are accepted on a rolling basis. At this time, all applicants who meet admissions criteria will be accepted to the program (this is subject to change).

Wealth Management Minor:

  • Have a declared economics major
  • Be eligible for the 20-22 or later catalog*
  • Be admitted to the BEOP Finance or Accounting Minor
  • Meet the Wealth Management Minor admissions criteria outlined here (click link and scroll down to “Wealth Management”) except you do not have to be a Business Major)

Must adhere to application deadlines. Admission to the program is on a competitive basis.

* In general, catalog eligibility is based on your first semester enrolled at The University of Texas at Austin or at another Texas public college or university after graduating high school. You may be eligible for a different catalog. It is imperative that you speak with your academic advisor to determine which catalog applies to you.

IMPORTANT: 18-20 and earlier catalog BEOP students are not eligible for the Wealth Management Minor or Certificate.




BEOP Finance or Accounting Minor

Step 1: Fill out this admission request form. The Economics Advising Office will verify your eligibility and we will submit an application to McCombs on your behalf for approval*.

Step 2: McCombs will send you a notification via secure academic note (SAN) when the application is approved, prompting you to contact your major advisor.

*Economics advisor approval is required. Applications submitted by students directly to McCombs through the UTDirect online Minor/Certificate System will be declined.


Wealth Management Minor


Step 1: Apply for the BEOP ACC or FIN Minor.

Step 2: Once admitted to BEOP, follow the application instructions outlined here (click link and scroll down to “Wealth Management”).

Step 3: McCombs will send you a notification via secure academic note (SAN) when the application is approved, prompting you to contact your major advisor.


All Minors:

Final Step: Upon approval notification from McCombs, contact to have the minor attached to your degree profile. This is an important step in the process! A student cannot be awarded the minor at graduation if it has not been added to his or her degree profile.

20-22 students admitted to the Wealth Management Minor would ask to switch their minor declaration from the BEOP ACC or BEOP FIN Minor to the Wealth Management Minor (as students in 20-22 and earlier catalogs can be recognized for only one minor per major).

Required Coursework

BEOP Finance Minor

  • ACC 311
  • ACC 312
  • FIN 357
  • FIN 367
  • Upper division FIN Elective*

* Upper Division = course numbers 320-379. Any upper division three credit hour FIN course that can be taken for a letter grade will count. Commonly offered accessible FIN electives are: FIN 322F, FIN 371M, FIN 372 (except 03730), FIN 374C, FIN 374S, FIN 376, FIN 377 (all topics).  We do NOT recommend FIN 320F. Offerings vary each semester. BEOP students DO NOT have access to: FIN 165P, FIN 366P, FIN 370, FIN 172, FIN 372 Titans of Investing, FIN 373, FIN 377.3 FAP, FIN 377.3, FIN 179C, FIN 379C (nor any integrated master program class, writing flag section, honors section, internship course, practicum, and independent study course).

What you may learn (subject to course selection):

  • Analytical skills
  • Forecasting and budgeting
  • Return and risk assessment
  • The science behind money management at both large and small scales


BEOP Accounting Minor

  • ACC 311
  • ACC 312
  • FIN 357
  • Upper division ACC Elective*
  • Upper division ACC Elective*

* Upper Division = course numbers 320-379. Any upper division three credit hour ACC course that can be taken for a letter grade will count. Commonly offered accessible ACC electives are: ACC 326, ACC 327, ACC 329, ACC 334M, ACC 362, ACC 364, ACC 378. Offerings vary each semester.  BEOP students DO NOT have access to: ACC 151, ACC 152, ACC 355, ACC 356, ACC 358C, ACC 359, ACC 366P, ACC 179C, ACC 379C (nor any integrated master program class, writing flag section, honors section, internship course, practicum, and independent study course).  

What you may learn (subject to course selection):

  • To prepare and examine financial records
  • Financial analysis techniques
  • Profound knowledge of business transactions
  • To present financial statements to assist in decision making
  • Tax return preparation


Wealth Management Minor

  • See course requirements here (click link and scroll down to “Wealth Management”)

What you may learn:

  • The perspectives, conceptual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to explore the many aspects of the wealth management industry, including offering financial planning services to individual and institutional investors.

Prerequisites and Registration Procedures

ACC 311 – upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. The following prerequisites must be met: Twenty-four semester hours of college credit, including Economics 304K.


ACC 312 – upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. The following prerequisites must be met: credit for ACC 311


FIN 357-- upon admission to the program, you must request a waiver to register (see below). Once processed, you will have access in the semester for which the waiver was requested except during the first four days of the initial registration period each semester, when FIN 357 is restricted to business majors only. The following prerequisites must be met: Credit or registration for Accounting 312 or 312H. Credit or registration for ECO 441K is recommended. The other stated prerequisites are waived for BEOP minor students.


FIN 367-- Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when FIN 367 is restricted to business majors only. The following prerequisites must be met: Finance 357 or 357H. Credit for ECO 441K is recommended.


UD FIN Electives -- Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when most but not all UD FIN Electives are restricted to business majors only. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.


UD ACC Electives -- Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semesters except during the first four days of the initial registration period* each semester, when most but not all UD ACC Electives are restricted to business majors only. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.


WEALTH MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM --  Upon admission to the program, you will have access to register yourself in current and future semester registration periods. Stated prerequisites must be met—see the course schedule.




You must be an approved BEOP minor student to receive a waiver. Processing generally takes 0-3 business days, but may be delayed during registration/add-drop or first week of semester. You will NOT be notified when the waiver is processed. After submitting the waiver request, attempt to add in your current or next access period until successful.Remember, FIN 357 is restricted to business majors in the first four days of the initial registration period each semester.

*See the Academic Calendar for initial registration period dates.


14-16 Catalog Students

  • Reach out to Jana Cole ( after grades are posted, to receive your letter of recognition for completing the program. Minors are not recognized on the transcript in this catalog.                       

16-18 and Later Catalog Students

  • Your minor will be recognized on your transcript upon completion of your degree, as long as it is officially declared on your profile. Check your profile here to see what minors/certs you have 1. applied, 2. approved, 3. pursued (declared). All three steps are required to be official! If you are still not sure it is declared and want to check, contact

Please note students in 20-22 and earlier catalogs can be recognize for only one minor program per major (additional certificate programs can be recognized as stand-alone credentials).


1. Can I switch from the Finance Minor to Accounting Minor, or vice versa? Or from the Wealth Management Minor back to the Accounting or Finance Minor?

Yes, reach out to Jana Cole at if you wish to switch your BEOP minor.

2. Do I have to maintain the GPA requirements to stay in the minor program?

No, you just need to meet the GPA requirements to be admitted.

3. Can I take my minor class pass/fail?

No, to count in the minor a course must be taken for a letter grade (except specific past semesters in which blanket exceptions were allowed). Also, many BEOP classes can only be taken on a letter grade basis (including but not limited to ACC 311, ACC 312, and FIN 357).

4. Can I transfer in my BEOP classes?Yes, however at least half of the coursework toward the minor must be taken in-residence.