College of Liberal Arts
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Undergraduate Research in Economics Fellowship

College of Liberal Arts

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The fellowship program provides a unique opportunity for UT undergraduate economics majors to get involved with academic-quality research. It has proven to be a great resource for undergraduates considering graduate studies in economics and related fields, careers in research-intensive industries, or writing a senior thesis. Qualified undergraduates are matched to research projects authored by PhD candidates in the Economics Department. Fellows are able to participate in research topics spanning all fields of economics, including industrial organization, macroeconomics, econometrics, education economics, labor economics, and health economics. Previous research topics include how frequently patients pay out-of-pocket for COVID-19 testing, the drivers of female labor supply, the role of information in loan modifications, and the impact of price supports on crop diversity in India. In addition to participating in active research, fellows receive direct, one-to-one mentorship from PhD students in navigating research-oriented careers and graduate applications.


  • Qualifications

    Any enrolled undergraduate UT economics major is eligible to use the list-serve. Completion of ECO 441K Econometrics is helpful but not required. Additional qualifications, if any, will be noted in each list-serve posting.


    Those who are considering graduate studies in economics and related fields, careers in research-intensive industries, or writing a senior thesis are strongly encouraged to apply.

  • Applications

    Students can add themselves to the Economics Undergraduate Research Fellowship listserv where PhD mentors post listings for research opportunities - both semester-long positions funded as fellowships and short-term unfunded assignments. Student apply by responding directly to PhD mentors, in accordance with instructions given in the posting. Applications are reviewed and positions filled on a rolling basis.


    If you are interested in participating, please visit this page to review the rules and subscribe to the email listserve:

  • What to Expect

    List-serve postings for research opportunities will either be "without stipend" for short-term projects or "with stipend" for approximately semester-long-projects. If selected for a project with stipend support, fellows should expect to work 5-6 hours per week for ~12 weeks. Mentors and fellows often meet 2-4 times per month. Duties might include literature review, data collection, or preliminary analysis, for example. Successful projects contribute to papers that are eventually submitted to academic journals.


    Please see additional details at this link:

  • What to Expect

    Upon acceptance to the program, fellows will first learn about the project to which they have been matched and about the existing literature on that subject. Fellows will then commence work on the project, with duties ranging from data collection to preliminary analysis. These projects will be formed into papers and submitted to academic journals. The commitment is approximately 4-5 hours a week, and includes a $250 scholarship upon successful completion of the program.

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