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Scholarships & Awards

Every year the undergraduate program provides scholarships and awards to students majoring in Economics.  Please see below for detailed information.  

Hamermesh Senior Thesis Prize in Economics 

The Senior Thesis Prize in Economics is an annual prize, established in 2010, for the most outstanding undergraduate honors thesis in Economics. In 2013, the prize was renamed to the Hamermesh Senior Thesis Prize in Economics for contributions to the field by UT Economics professor Dr. Daniel Hamermesh. The intent in offering this award is to encourage undergraduate research and honors theses in economics.  

John and Tammy Cummings Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Economics

The Presidential Scholarship in Economics is an annual prize, established in 2020, for students who are Texas residents and who have demonstrated leadership and service to the University and community.  Preference will be given to students who attend a small high school and/or live in a rural area of Texas. The endowment was made possible by a generous donation from John and Tammy Cummings. 

Requirements | Recipients 

Salam Fayyad Excellence Award

The Salam Fayyad Excellence Award is an annual prize, established in 2013 that is awarded to a  high-achieving graduating senior in Economics.  The endowment was made possible by a generous donation from an Economics faculty member.  The endowment honors Dr. Salam Fayyad, who received his PhD in Economics from The University of Texas at Austin in 1986.  Dr. Fayyad is the Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority and was named a Distinguished Alumnus by the Texas Exes in 2008.

Requirements | Recipients

University-wide Awards & Recognitions

The Economics Department also selects nominees for the following awards and recognitions:

Hamermesh Senior Thesis Prize in Economics


Recipients are selected by a subcommittee of the department’s Undergraduate Studies Committee. The committee considers the following:

  • The importance and complexity of the question the thesis addresses
  • The appropriateness and sophistication of the methodology
  • How carefully the thesis is executed and written
  • The originality of the thesis concept and approach

All students who complete an undergraduate honors thesis in Economics will be considered for the award. There is no application.

The prize carries a monetary award.

The committee reviews all honors theses completed during the year. Typically the recipient will be announced at the end of the spring semester.


2023 Grace Ozor

"The Impact of Immigrants on Service Trade and Offshoring"

2022 Brooke Jones "Public Safety or Public Debt? Analyzing the Effect of Municipal Debt on Fines and Forfeiture Revenue Generation"
2021 Akash R Thakkar "Say No To Drug-Free School ZonesAnalyzing the Effects of Relaxing Drug-Free Zone Laws on Crime"
2020 Drew Burd “The Effect of Female Managers on Pay Inequality: Evidence from Congress”
2019 Ishaana Talesara “Culture and Divorce: An Analysis of Immigrants to the United States"
2018 Gauthier Fally “Modernization and the Ghost of French Post-War Industrial Policy: Reconciling France’s Legacy of State-Led Capitalism with its Commitment to Further Economic Integration Since 1983"
2017 Stephen Chen “Hospital Readmissions and Observation Stays: A first-year analysis of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program”
2017 Victoria Fung “The Housing Assignment Problem with Roommates”
2016 Angie Acquatella “Quantifying the Effects of Shared Spectrum”
2016 Sam Trejo "An Econometric Analysis of the Major Choice of First-Generation College Students”
2015 Shreyas Krishnan Shrikanth “Beyond Cash: Mobile Money in Sub-Saharan Africa”
2014 David Oh “The Gift of Salvation”
2013 Robert McDowall "Patterns in Sovereign Default"
2012 Sharanya Rajan "Missing women in education - Does the existence of son preference among Asian immigrants influence parents' education decisions?"
2011 Juan Salem "Measuring Residential Housing Price Levels Using Hedonic Regressions"
2010 Audrey Straus “Education, Wages, and Employment in Pancho Mateo, Dominican Republic"

For more information about the Economics Honors Program, please contact Holly Smith at See also “Announcement of First Recipient of Thesis Award Winner”.

John and Tammy Cummings Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Economics

  • Current junior or senior majoring in Economics with 45 credit hours in residence at UT Austin
  • Students must have a University grade point average of at least 3.25 and must provide evidence of achievement in leadership and service to the University and community
  • For undergraduate students who are residents of Texas. Preference will be given to students who attend a small high school and/or live in a rural area of Texas.

The prize carries a monetary award.

Applicant deadline March 1, 2022.


2021 Zoe McDowell

For more information, please contact Jana Cole at

Salam Fayyad Excellence Award


Awarded to the student(s) with the highest academic achievement in the graduating class. Recipients are chosen by the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Department Chair, based upon overall GPA, Economics GPA, and overall academic record.

The recipient must be classified as a senior in his/her last semester prior to graduation. 

The prize carries a monetary award.

Typically the recipient will be announced at the end of the spring semester.


2021Kyle Louis Irlbeck
2020Ethan Judd
2019Grace Moriah Enda
2019Vikrant Mukul Shirvaikar
2018Nathan Mosley
2017Branden Goldberg
2016Niraj Parekh
2015Marshall Drake
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