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Undergraduate FLAS Applications FAQ

FLAS Applications for AY 2025-26 and Summer 2025 are now open!

Application deadline: 11:59pm February 21, 2025
Letters of recommendation due: 11:59pm February 28, 2025

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College of Liberal Arts


When are applications due?

Both Summer and AY FLAS applications will be due in February 21, 2025. In order to be fair to everyone, this is a very strict deadline and we cannot accept applications beyond that date and time.

Letters of recommendation are due one weeks after the application deadline. 

How do I submit a FLAS application?

First, choose the appropriate application (AY or Summer) above and complete the application on Microsoft Forms. Once complete, submit the application to the Center with the supplementary materials. 

What information will I need to complete and/or provide to CES?

  • Application form
  • 2-page proposal addressing how language study will aid your career and/or research goals. May be single or double spaced.
  • CV
  • UT transcript (student or unofficial copy is acceptable)
  • Names and email addresses of two individuals who will submit recommendations on your behalf

I'm applying for the Academic Year and the Summer Fellowships. Do I need to complete two applications?

Since we have different selection committees, you will need to submit a separate application survey, including supplementary materials, for both the AY and the Summer FLAS.

Can you just get my scores or transcripts from the school where I applied for admission?

Unfortunately, we don't have access to that information and need you to submit the information with your application packet.

What do you want to see in the 2-page proposal?

Your proposal is your personal statement to the selection committee and should include any information that you think will be helpful to them. You might consider including information about what you are studying, why you want to study your proposed language, and what your future plans are, but the statement's contents are completely up to you.

What should my CV look like?

A CV, or curriculum vitae, is an overview of your experience, or your resume. You may put your CV in any format but we ask that you keep them relatively short (no more than 4 pages).

What type of UT transcript do you need?

CES believes that students should not have to pay to access their grades. Therefore, CES will accept UT Academic Summaries, which my be obtained in person at the UT Registrar's office. More information, including how to request, can be found on the UT Austin Registrar's website

What do my SAT/ACT or GRE scores need to look like?

CES has waived the mandatory requirement to submit SAT/ACT and GRE scores.  You may submit if you wish. Similar to transcripts, we know that accessing your official scores often costs money. Therefore, we will accept unofficial scores for your SAT, ACT, or GRE including screen shots or a copy of previous reports. 

How do I submit letters of recommendation?

Several weeks before the application deadline, be sure to secure two references, who will agree to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf to CES. Your references cannot access the recommendation upload tool until you submit your application, and they will only have one week after the application deadline to submit their letters of recommendation, so be sure to complete your application in a timely manner to give them as much time as possible to submit their letters.

Once you've submitted your application, the references will receive an email from CES with a link to the recommendation upload tool. Applicants are responsible for providing correct email addresses for their references in the application form and for giving their references ample time to submit a recommendation letter. 

Recommendations should come from faculty and at least one letter should speak to language learning abilities. 

It is common courtesy to send your recommender all the pertinent information as to what kind of FLAS your applying for (to which Center(s) and whether Academic Year, Summer or both), in what language(s), what their deadline is, and where/how to submit their recommendations.

When will I know if I have been chosen to receive a FLAS Fellowship?

We know you're eager to know and we're eager to award some Fellowships! As soon as our Selection Committee has had a chance to review all of the applications and makes their selections, we will send out notifications. The process takes some time, but we will send notifications out by the end of March 2025 to everyone who has applied. 

I received an e-mail from the Center saying I am an alternate. What does that mean?

Our Selection Committee will rank all applicants. Each year, we will have a few students selected as alternates. If one of the students who is offered a FLAS Fellowship declines for any reason - they may not be attending the University or have other funding - we will then notify an alternate that a space has become available. You may then accept the FLAS or decline and we will notify the next alternate. We know everyone is making important decisions about tuition and courses, so we will try to get through the process as quickly as possible.

I've read this fantastic FAQ, but I still have questions. What should I do?

Contact the Center ( It is probably best to send an e-mail first as it may be a question that can be answered rather quickly.