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Undergraduate FLAS Fellowship FAQ

FLAS applications for AY 2025-26 and Summer 2025 are now open!

Application deadline: 11:59pm February 21, 2025
Letters of recommendation due: 11:59pm February 28, 2025

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College of Liberal Arts


Academic Year 2025-26 Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

When are applications due?

Both the summer and the academic year applications will be due on February 21, 2025. In order to be fair to everyone, this is a very strict deadline and we cannot accept applications beyond that date and time.

Letters of recommendation are due one week after the applicaiton deadline. 

What is the undergraduate Academic Year FLAS?

The European Studies undergraduate FLAS (Foreign Language and Area Studies) is a Fellowship awarded to undergraduate students who are pursuing 1) coursework with a European focus and 2) an approved modern foreign language at UT at the intermediate or advanced level. The Fellowship is interdisciplinary and open to students from all departments and schools at UT. Students do not need to be European Studies majors to apply.

What does the Fellowship provide?

The FLAS AY Undergraduate Fellowship provides a nine-month stipend of $5,000 (paid monthly September-May) plus tuition and required course-related fees up to $10,000 per academic year. Tuition and fees are covered up to 15 hours per semester. Students who are taking more that 15 hours should contact the Center to discuss whether the additional hours can be covered by the Fellowship.

What languages qualify as "approved" foreign languages?

  • Bosnian
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Flemish)
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese*
  • Serbian
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Yiddish

French, German, and Spanish are NOT approved languages for an undergraduate FLAS.

We also strongly encourage students studying non-European languages - such as Arabic, Persian, Hindi, and Russian - to apply for FLAS fellowships when a contemporary application of those language skills will significantly enhance their work as distinctly European Studies scholars. For example, a student studying Russian must have a clearly defined reason why the study of Russian would help him/her in research/study about a country in Western or Central Europe such as Russian immigration to Germany. 

Students may NOT be native speakers of the language nor possess fluency equivalent to educated native speakers in the language for which the award is sought.

*Please note that this Fellowship is not available for students studying Brazilian Portuguese or for those studying Spanish for the study of Mexico, Central America, etc. The language MUST have a European focus.

Do I need to have a certain level of proficiency to be eligible?

Undergraduates must be at the intermediate or advanced level of study for their language.

No students at the novice/beginning level of a language can be funded.

Where does the money come from?

The Center for European Studies was awarded FLAS Fellowship funding from the U.S. Department of Education through its Title VI grant. The award was received in August 2022 and has a four year cycle.

Who is eligible?

Academic-year undergraduate Fellowships are awarded to students enrolled from all fields of study who are in good standing at UT or who have been recently accepted for admission. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. We especially encourage applications from students from the professional schools. Students may NOT be native speakers of the language nor possess fluency equivalent to educated native speakers in the language for which the award is sought.

Is financial need a consideration?

Yes, the new Department of Education guidelines beginning with the 2015 application round is now a two-tiered system. Students will first be ranked on academic merit. The second round will review the financial needs of each ranked student based on their FAFSA score.

Do I have to complete a FAFSA application?

You do not have to complete a FAFSA application, but it is HIGHLY recommended that you do so. Any student who has not completed a FAFSA application and had it reviewed by financial aid (typically a three week turnaround) before our application date will not have a FAFSA score and will, therefore, be ranked lowest among students during the second tier of the review process.

How do I complete the FAFSA application?

Applicants should refer the the UT Office of Student Financial Aid website to create and submit a FAFSA application - FAFSA applications can be submitted starting on October 1 of each year. There is a multi-week processing time for the applications, so we strongly encourage FLAS applicants to complete the FAFSA applications as soon as possible:

How will you know my FAFSA score?

On the FLAS applications, you will indicate whether you have completed the FAFSA application and, if so, the date it was submitted. There is also a place on the application where you will give us permission to receive your FAFSA score directly from UT's Office of Student Financial Aid.

What must I be willing to do if awarded the Fellowship?

If awarded a FLAS, you must agree to:

  • Take at least one grade-based language course both fall and spring semesters.*
  • Take at least one grade-based European area studies course each semester.*
  • Be registered full time both semesters.
  • Complete information sent to you through the Department of Education's online computer system.
  • Meet with assigned faculty at the beginning and end of the academic year for language assessment.
  • Must be willing to complete a final online report of your activities at the end of the award period.
  • Participate in limited events held during the academic year for the Center.
  • Participate in brief surveys after graduation, for eight years.
    *Courses must be approved by the Center.

Will the FLAS affect financial aid?

Yes, the FLAS will affect financial aid. Upon receiving a Fellowship, you will want to speak with your Financial Aid counselor to discuss the specifics of the changes. In some cases, receiving a FLAS may drastically reduce or eliminate your financial aid from the Office of Student Financial Services.

What does the Undergraduate Fellowship NOT cover?

The FLAS Fellowship does not cover: 1) fees not related to coursework; 2) books and materials; and 3) medical insurance. The student may cover these costs with the stipend.

Can I accept other Fellowships or work during the academic year?

Generally students who are awarded a FLAS are not allowed to accept other Fellowships or be employed; the FLAS is designed to allow you to focus on your studies full time. However, special cases may be approved by the Director of CES.

Can I reapply for the FLAS for multiple years?

Yes, students may apply for the academic year and summer FLAS Fellowships for multiple years, although you will need to turn in a new application and supporting documents each time.

Can I turn in copies of SAT/ACT scores or do I need official copies?

CES has waived the standardized testing requirement. If you wish to submit standardized test scores, you may but are not required to do so. 

Can I turn in an unofficial transcipt or academic summary?

CES believes that students should not have to pay to access their grades. Therefore, CES will accept UT Academic Summaries, which my be obtained in person at the UT Registrar's office. More information, including how to request, can be found on the UT Austin Registrar's website

How do I submit letters of recommendation?

Several weeks before the application deadline, be sure to secure two references, who will agree to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf to CES. Your references cannot access the recommendation upload tool until you submit your application, and they will have one week after the application deadline to submit their letters, so be sure to complete your application in a timely manner to give them as much time as possible to submit their letters of recommendation.

After you've submitted your application, the references will receive an email from CES with a link to the recommendation upload tool. Applicants are responsible for providing correct email addresses for their references in the application form and for giving their references ample time to submit a letter of recommendation. 

Upon your submission of the application form to CES, your recommenders will receive an email with a link to the recommendation upload tool, where they can upload their letters of recommendation directly to CES.

Summer 2025 Undergraduate FLAS FAQ

What is the Undergraduate Summer FLAS?

The European Studies Undergraduate Summer FLAS (Foreign Language and Area Studies) is a Fellowship awarded to undergraduate students who are studying an approved modern foreign language at UT or an approved university or school in the U.S. or abroad. The summer program must be intensive and be the equivalent of one academic year of study. Students must be at the intermediate or advanced level of language study to use an award for an approved overseas language program.

What does the Undergraduate FLAS provide?

The FLAS Summer Fellowship provides a stipend of $3,500 plus tuition and required course-related fees up to $5,000 for the summer. Typically, travel expenses are not covered by the FLAS but may be paid by the student using the stipend.

Where does the money come from?

The Center for European Studies was awarded FLAS Fellowship funding from the U.S. Department of Education through its Title VI grant. The award was received in 2022 and has a four year cycle.

What languages qualify as "approved" foreign languages?

  • Bosnian
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Flemish)
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese*
  • Serbian
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Yiddish

French, German, and Spanish are NOT approved languages for an undergraduate FLAS.

We also strongly encourage students studying non-European languages-such as Arabic, Persian, Hindi, and Russian - to apply when a contemporary application of those language skills will significantly enhance their work as distinctly European Studies scholars. For example, a student studying Russian must have a clearly defined reason why the study of Russian would help him/her in research/study about a country in Western or Central Europe such as Russian immigration to Germany.

Students may NOT be native speakers of the language nor possess fluency equivalent to educated native speakers in the language for which the award is sought.

*Please note that this Fellowship is not available for students studying Brazilian Portuguese.

Do I need to have a certain level of proficiency to be eligible?

Undergraduates must be at the intermediate or advanced level of study for their language. No students at the beginning level of a language can be funded.

Who is eligible?

Summer Fellowships are awarded to students enrolled from all fields of study who are in good standing at UT or who have been recently accepted for admission. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. We especially encourage applications from students from the professional schools.

Can I turn in copies of SAT/ACT scores or do I need official copies?

CES has waived the standardized testing requirement. If you wish to submit standardized test scores, you may but are not required to do so.

Is financial need a consideration?

Yes, the new Department of Education guidelines beginning with the 2015 application round is now a two-tiered system. Students will first be ranked on academic merit. The second round will review the financial needs of each ranked student based on their FAFSA score.

Do I have to complete a FAFSA application?

You do not have to complete a FAFSA application, but it is HIGHLY recommended that you do so. Any student who has not completed a FAFSA application and had it reviewed by financial aid (typically a three week turnaround) before our application date will not have a FAFSA score and will, therefore, be ranked lowest among students during the second tier of the review process.

How do I complete the FAFSA application?

Applicants should refer the the UT Office of Student Financial Aid website to create and submit a FAFSA application: FAFSA applications can be submitted starting on October 1 of each year. There is a multi-week processing time for the applications, so we strongly encourage FLAS applicants to complete the FAFSA applications as soon as possible:

How will you know my FAFSA score?

On the FLAS applications, you will indicate whether you have completed the FAFSA application and, if so, the date it was submitted. There is also a place on the application where you will give us permission to receive your FAFSA score directly from UT's Office of Student Financial Aid.

What does the Undergraduate Summer Fellowship NOT cover?

The FLAS Fellowship does not cover: 1) fees not related to coursework; 2) books and materials; 3) and medical insurance. The student may cover these costs with the stipend.

Do I need to have a proposed program of study?

Yes, applications should include a proposed program of study. We understand that this program may change, but funding will be offered on the proposed program and any changes will need approval from the Director.

How do I know if a summer language program is "intensive?"

Summer language programs must be a minimum of six week with 140 contact hours (in-class instruction) for intermediate level of study and 120 contact hours for advanced level.

Do I need to be enrolled at UT during the summer?

Students who receive a FLAS award and are traveling abroad are required to complete the mandatory Texas Global International Travel Process for individual students, and if traveling to a UT-designated restricted region, they must receive approval from the UT Austin International Oversight Committee before FLAS funding will be disbursed. Summer FLAS recipients traveling abroad must register their travel in the UT Austin International Travel Registry (ITR), which automatically enrolls students in UT System mandated On Call International Overseas Insurance coverage.

All undergraduate, graduate and professional students participating in activities or events abroad (whether required or optional) must adhere to UT Austin international travel policies. Please visit the Texas Global Risk and Safety website for more details.

Can I turn in an unofficial transcipt or academic summary?

CES believes that students should not have to pay to access their grades. Therefore, CES will accept UT Academic Summaries, which my be obtained in person at the UT Registrar's office. More information, including how to request, can be found on the UT Austin Registrar's website

How do I submit letters of recommendation?

Several weeks before the application deadline, be sure to secure two references, who will agree to submit letters of recommendation on your behalf to CES. Your references cannot access the recommendation upload tool until you submit your application, and they will only have one week after the application deadline to submit their recommendations, so be sure to complete your application in a timely manner to give them as much time as possible to submit their letters of recommendation.

After you've submitted your application, the references will receive an email from CESwith a link to the recommendation upload tool. Applicants are responsible for providing correct email addresses for their references in the application form and for giving their references ample time to submit a letter of recommendation. 

Upon your submission of the application form to CES, your recommenders will receive an email with a link to the recommendation upload tool, where they can upload their letters of recommendation directly to CES.