Graduate Programs

Graduate Coordinator
Jessica Luhn
Graduate Advisor, French Linguistics
Cinzia Russi, PhD
Graduate Advisor, French Studies
Hervé Picherit, PhD
Graduate Advisor, Italian Studies
Daniela Bini, PhD
Program Director, Portfolio in Romance Linguistics
Cinzia Russi, PhD

The University of Texas at Austin offers excellent resources to serve the needs of graduate students in French and Italian. Among the outstanding collections are the Carlton Lake collection of manuscripts and rare editions of modern French writers from Baudelaire to Beckett, the papers of the Princess Bibesco, the Artinian collection of Guy de Maupassant material, and the Surrealist archive of reviews and original documents. The Italian collections (Ranuzzi, Aldine, Medici, Bodoni, Parsons, and Weinreb) in the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center offer medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and incunabula, as well as thousands of manuscripts from modern and contemporary writers such as Luigi Pirandello, Paolo Volponi, and Carlo Levi. The Suida-Manning Collection, in the Blanton Museum of Art, is one of the finest collections of Renaissance and Baroque art in the United States and constitutes another world-class resource for graduate study.
Several multimedia language laboratories, equipped with the latest digital aids, furnish excellent opportunities for technical and professional preparation for teaching and research in Romance languages and linguistics. A large collection of recordings of dialect materials in the Romance languages is also available.
The department offers graduate course work in both French and Italian leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degrees in French and Italian Studies
Graduate Coordinator
Taylor Hubbard
Graduate Advisor, French
Marc Bizer, PhD
Graduate Advisor, Italian Studies
Rebecca Falkoff, PhD
Program Director, Portfolio in Romance Linguistics
Cinzia Russi, PhD