College of Liberal Arts
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Academic Employment

Assistant Instructors & Teaching Assistants

The principal duty of an Assistant Instructor is to serve as auxiliary teaching staff of the university. He/She is employed to meet instructional needs at the undergraduate level, primarily in the lower-division areas. Approval for an assistant instructor to teach an upper-division course must be obtained from the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies. The format for and content of their instructional service is established by the faculty. All duties and services of Assistant Instructors are to be carried out under established supervision and direction of departmental faculty.

An AI must meet all of the following criteria, as required by the Graduate School and HR:

  • Be eligible to work in the U.S. and provide documentation to establish identity and evidence of employment within the first three (3) days of employment to have a complete I-9 on file with HR, satisfactory complete a criminal background check as required for any graduate student appiontment, and have a Social Security Number or will apply to receive one as an international student once being offered the position. 
  • Be a degree-seeking graduate student who is making satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree without existing conditional admission requirements imposed by the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies.
  • Hold a Master’s degree or have completed 30 hours of graduate coursework
  • Have completed one semester of a course in teaching methods (398T)
  • Been previously appointed as a TA at UT-Austin or have had one year of previous teaching experience at an accredited college or school (listed as the instructor on file at that institution)
  • Remain registered for at least ninesemester hours of course work in the long semesters (enrollment in three semester hours of course work is required for students holding summer assignments). This does not include enrollment in University Extension courses.
  • Maintain at least a 3.0 graduate grade-point average.
  • As an employee of the university, graduate student employees are mandated Title IX reporters. For more information about employee responsibilities under Title IX, including information about confidential employee reporting exceptions, please visit the Title IX website at

An AI must meet the additional following criteria, as required by the Department of French & Italian:

  • Maintain at least a 3.25 graduate grade-point average.
  • Maintain a minimum average of 3.5 out of 5 for overall instructor rating on the student-generated Course Instructor Survey (CIS) and a satisfactory rating from the supervisor of course taught and from the Language Program Director.
  • AIs must attend all orientation sessions and course meetings throughout the semester, organized by the course supervisor and/or Language Program Director.

In addition, the student must not have more than
• two grades of X (temporary incomplete), or
• one grade of X and one grade of I (permanent incomplete).

International students must have
• English language certification and
• Attended the International TA/AI Orientation if assigned as a TA or AI with student contact.

Contact the Graduate Coordinator for more information on any of these requirements.

The principal duty of a Teaching Assistant is to help faculty with the conduct and delivery of courses. Services provided by teaching assistants include, but are not limited to, assisting with course and materials design, grading, monitoring, leading lab and/or discussion sessions, offering office hour assistance to students, and performing clerical tasks associated with course instruction. Teaching Assistants are supervised by the course instructor of record and are subject to established departmental policies on student academic employment.

A TA must meet the following criteria, as required by the Office of Graduate Studies:

  • Be eligible to work in the U.S. and provide documentation to establish identity and evidence of employment within the first three (3) days of employment to have a complete I-9 on file with HR, satisfactory complete a criminal background check as required for any graduate student appiontment, and have a Social Security Number or will apply to receive one as an international student once being offered the position. 
  • Be a degree-seeking graduate student who is making satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree without existing conditional admission requirements imposed by the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies.
  • Remain registered for at least nine semester hours of course work in the long semesters (enrollment in three semester hours of course work is required for students holding summer assignments). This does not include enrollment in University Extension courses.
  • Maintain at least a 3.0 graduate grade-point average.
  • As an employee of the university, graduate student employees are mandated Title IX reporters. For more information about employee responsibilities under Title IX, including information about confidential employee reporting exceptions, please visit the Title IX website at

A TA must meet the additional following criteria, as required by the Department of French & Italian:

  • Maintain at least a 3.25 graduate grade-point average.
  • Fill out and follow the responsibilities outlined on the COLA TA-agreement signed off and agreed upon with the assigned Teaching Supervisor each semester.

In addition, the student must not have more than
• two grades of X (temporary incomplete), or
• one grade of X and one grade of I (permanent incomplete).

International students must have
• English language certification and
• Attended the International TA/AI Orientation if assigned as a TA or AI with student contact.

Contact the Graduate Coordinator for more information on any of these requirements.

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  • Dates of employment

    AI/TA assignments are made on a per-semester basis. Fall dates are September 1-January 15; dates for spring are January 16-May 31; dates for summer are June 1-July 15 (summer session one), June 1-July 31 (summer nine-week session) or June 1-August 31 (for entire summer session). Graduating international students may not work past the last class day of their final semester due to visa regulations, unless they have obtained an extension of work authorization through Texas Global (such as Optional Practical Training or Academic Training) or through USCIS (such as with an Employment Authorization Document).

  • Hours

    Graduate students may work no more than 20 hrs/wk in the first two long-semesters of study at the university, and no more than 30 hrs/wk in any combination of assignments after the first year.  Additionally, international students may only work up to 20 hrs/week during the fall and spring semesters unless they have approval from Texas Global or USCIS to work more than 20 hrs/week. All graduate students are eligible to work up to an average of 30 hours/week on campus during the 12-week summer period. For graduate studnets within FRIT, any additional hours above the 20 hrs/wk AI/TA assignment must also be approved by the students supervising professor and/or graduate advisor beforehand.

  • Compensation

    AIs are paid monthly at the standard rate set by the Department of French & Italian, in conjunction with HR guidelines, to instruct one class per semester or term. The rates are set through COLA each year. For 2023-2024, the AI gross salary for a nine-month appointmnet (fall and spring) is $22,494 where the appointment is 20 hrs/week. Summer AI rates are similar to fall and spring semester rates, however the appointments are 30 hrs/week if teaching during the summer nine-week session and 40 hrs/week if teaching during a six-week session.

    TAs are paid monthly at the standard rate set by the Department of French & Italian, in conjunction with HR guidelines. For 2023-2024, the TA gross salary for a nine-month appointment (fall and spring) is $20,353. The appointments are also 20 hrs/week during the fall and spring semsters.

  • Benefits

     Students assigned at least 20 hours per week to a single AI/TA assignment or to a combination of eligible titles (GRA, TA, AI, Assistant (Graduate), etc.) totaling 20 hours per week, and for at least 4.5 consecutive months (usually long semester), are eligible for basic insurance benefits.* AIs and TAs will automatically be enrolled in basic health insurance through the student health insurance plan, Academic Blue. If benefits eligible graduate students remain on the student health insurance plan, Academic Blue, then they will also receive funds that can be used toward the purchase of dental, vision, and other optional/elective benefits, but they must be signed up for those and the qualifying insurance within the first 31 days of employment. They have the option also to purchase coverage of eligible dependents. Students can also opt to use the UTSelect insurance through HR instead of receiving coverage through teh student health insurance plan, but they will be responsible for any cost difference for what is not covered automatically and must opt out of the Academic Blue health insurance plan when opting into the UTSelect health insurance plan. Insurance plans must be selected within the first 31 days of employment. To review health insurance options, eligibility, costs, and enrollment processes, please review the HR website for more detailed information.
    • Out-of-state resident students appointed in benefits-eligible titles of 20 hours or more are eligible to be charged at the in-state tuition rate, and students should claim a resident tuition waiver online each semester.
    • Students employed as Teaching Assistants (TAs) or Assistant Instructors (AIs) receive tuition assistance as a benefit of their student academic employment. The assistance amount is based on the number of hours of the TA/AI appointment and is paid on a semester basis.


    *This includes summer health insurance coverage only for students that are appointed in a benefits eligible TA/AI appointment in spring and will continue in a benefits eligible appointment in fall. For questions about summer insurance eligibility, please check with the Graduate Coordinator for further details.

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