French and Italian | College of Liberal Arts
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Ph.D. Career Outcomes

  • 2023-2024: 5 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Arianna Avalle  The Transmedia Grand Tour of Italy:A Gender Reading of Media Convergence
    and Tourism in the Neapolitan Quartet and Call Me By Your Name
    Paola Bonifazio, Stephanie Malia Hom    
    David Guillaume Barny Learning the dynamics of French stance taking in an Alternate Reality Game: a study of Concept-Based Pragmatics Instruction Carl Blyth    
    Valentin J. Duquet Reversed Assimilation in French Algeria: The Geographical and Religious Anti-Colonialism of Eberhardt, Amrouche, Sénac, and Haddad,” looks at the construction of spaces of resistance based in the Sahara, Kabylia, and Al-Andalus Emily Drumsta, Alexandra Wettlaufer Lecturer (Rice University) Lecturer (Rice University)
    Emily Martin The Linguistics of Crisis Poets: Mallarmé, Apollinaire, and Char Recontextualized Herve Picherit, Cinzia Russi    
    Valerio Rossi  Late nineteenth and early twentieth century illustrated fiction in Italy : southernness and the aesthetic of the picturesque, the case of Giovanni Verga’s “Vita dei Campi” (1897) Daniela B. Carter, Miroslava Benes Lecturer (University of Michigan)  
  • 2022-2023: 4 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Francesca Beretta Gen Z is here! Where are we? Thinking UX in the Italian Language Classroom Paola Bonifazio Assistant Teaching Professor (University of Kansas)  
    Guido Capaccioli The Occult Machiavelli Douglas Biow, Maurizio Viroli    
    Rachel Bethany Dorsey Factors in cognitive control in Stroop performance among early French-English bilinguals in Montreal David Birdsong  Instructional Designer (Six Red Marbles) Instructional Designer (Education Service Center Region 13)
    Marylise P. Rilliard Contemporary Arabic Borrowings and Identity Formation in French: International, Variationist, and Pedagogical Perspectives Carl Blyth, Barbara Bullock Postdoctoral Researcher (University of Vienna)  
  • 2021-2022: 3 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Andrea Marie Blatz A chronotopic guide to the galaxy : reading spatiotemporal aspects in Golden Age French science fiction Herve Picherit UT Press Fellowship (The University of Texas at Austin) Senior Editorial Associate (University of Chicago Press)
    Vanessa Fanelli Beyond the casting couch : a feminist recovery of female stars' experience in Italy Paola Bonifazio Italian Language Coordinator (University of North Texas) Professor of Instruction (The University of Texas At Austin)
    Karina Anne High Non-Cyclical Change in Negation and Indefnites in Romance: A Case Study of Béarnese Gascon Cinzia Russi Curriculum Design (The University of Texas at Austin)  
  • 2020-2021: 4 Graduates
    Name Dissertation Title Dissertation Supervisor(s) First Position Current Position
    Tracey Gail Adams  Perceptions of variation in second-generation Montrealers' speech : methods for remote ethnolinguistic research Barbara Bullock Lecturer (Ohio State University) Lecturer (Ohio State University)
    Samuel D. Gaglio Calvino’s posthuman journey : a posthuman and ecocritical analysis of three works by Italo Calvino Guy P Raffa    
    Sarah Helene Le Pichon Collaborative Meaning-Making in Sand, Colette, & Nothomb and
    Collaborative Pedagogies in the Higher-Education Classroom
    Alexandra Wettlaufer  World Languages and Humanities Teacher (Non Traditional School)  
    Pasquale Palmieri "Federico II" University of Naples. A Criminal Hero. Politics, Communication and Literary Inventions in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Naples Douglas Biow Associate Professor (University of Naples)  
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