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Professional Development Opportunities

Graduate Student Conference Participation

French Conference Presentations

Julia Burgin:
  • Le village de l’Allemand ou Le journal des frères Schiller : Recursive reading in Boualem Sansal’s literary landscape, 2023 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium; Tucson, AZ
  • Painting with Eyes Closed: Baudelaire’s ekphrastic practice, 2022 Nineteenth Century French Studies (NCFS); New York City, NY
Molly Deaver:
  • An Autopsy of the Author: The Case of Jacques Vaché, International Society for the Study of Surrealism 2022 Conference; virtual                                                                             
  • Collaborator or Captive?: The Mirage of the ‘roman conjugal’ in Doubrovsky’s Le Livre brisé, 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies 2023 Conference; Tucson, AZ
Rachel Poulin Dorsey:
  • The role of age of immersion (AoI) and task difficulty on Stroop task performance among early bilinguals in Montreal, Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium; Edinburgh, UK.
Valentin Duquet:
  • From Isabelle Eberhardt to Malek Haddad: The Algerian Sahara as an Anti-Colonial Space of Resistance, 20th & 21st century French and  Francophone Studies French & Francophone Studies International Colloquium; Tucson, AZ
  • Islamic Revolt against the State: the ‘Assimilation in Reverse’ of Ismaÿl Urbain & Isabelle Eberhart, 2023 MLA annual convention; San Francisco, CA
Noémie Hamaide:
  • La Fantaisie des dieux: Rwanda 1994: Silence, Space and the role of witness in the representation of trauma, 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium; Tucson, AZ
Emily Martin:
  • Talking Birds: The Phatic Function of Verbal Art During Global Conflict”: paper presentation at “Poetry and Poetics II,” PAMLA; Los Angeles, CA
Kate Nelson:
  • Teaching in Tandem: Using 19th-Century Works to Teach 21st-Century Concepts of Frenchness, Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium; New York City, NY.
  • Nationalism and the Female Outsider: Sand’s La petite Fadette and its 21st-century Reverberations, 2023 MLA Annual Convention; San Francisco, CA
Raphaël Nonin:
  • The Mirage of Social Emancipation: The Case of Nicolas Mathieu’s Leurs Enfants après eux, 20th & 21st French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium; Tuscon, AZ
Marylise Rilliard:
  • Le français des banlieues, de variété à registre, 13ème Congrès des francoromanistes; Vienna, Austria
  •  Promoting diversity, inclusion, and critical language awareness through the sociolinguistic exploration of L2 identities in French, 20th World Congress of Applied Linguistics; Lyon, France
Liron Shlesinger:
  • Language background and cognitive factors in the L2 perceptual learning of nasal vowels: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence from French, Found in Translation at the University of California, Berkeley; San Francisco, CA

Italian Studies Conference Presentations

Arianna Avalle:  
  • The Ultimate Ferrante Experience: Convergence Culture, Literary Tourism and the Quest for Authenticity, 2021 PCA National Conference; virtual
  • Elio and Oliver’s Romantic (Grand) Tour: Gender, Genre and Media-Induced Tourism in Call Me By Your Name, AAIS 2021 National Conference; virtual
Dylan Gilbert:
  • Lessons from Scanzano: The Question of Nuclear Waste in the European Context, Council of European Studies; virtual
Valerio Rossi:
  • Places as signifiers: the spatial organization of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, South Central Renaissance Conference 2021; virtual
  • Picturesque realism: Visconti’s “La Terra Trema” between myth and reality, 27th International Conference of Europeanists; virtual

French Conference Presentations

Andrea Blatz:
  • Anachronistic Space in J.-H. Rosny’s “Les Profondeurs de Kyamo” and Jules Verne’s Le Village aérien, Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Reversion and the Chronotope of Alien Space in Jacques Spitz’s Les Évadés de l’an 4000, International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts; Orlando, FL
  • Why Are You Here?: Intentionality as an Indicator of Successful Interspecies Communication, Northeastern MLA Annual Conference; Baltimore, MD
  • Reversion and the Chronotope of Alien Space in J.-H. Rosny Aîné’s La Mort de la terre, Pacific and Ancient MLA Annual Conference; Virtual
  • Islands of Change: How Secluded Spaces Lead to Posthumans in Two Works of Golden Age French Science Fiction, Rocky Mountain MLA Annual Conference; Virtual
Molly Deaver:
  • Encoding Detective Fiction: Narrative Techniques of Suspense and the Experiment in Zola’s La Bête humaine, Association Internationale de Zola et Naturalisme Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL
Rachel Poulin Dorsey:
  • The relationship between age of acquisition and language dominance among early sequential French-English bilinguals in Montreal, International symposium on monolingual and bilingual speech at The University of Louisiana Lafayette; Lafayette, LA
Valentin Duquet:
  • Agony & Contagion: Zola’s Rome as a Ruined Capital between Orient and Modernity, NCFS/Georgetown annual conference; Washington, DC.
  • The Peaceful Revolution: Zola’s Saint-Simonian Visions of Society, Religion and Imperialism, 2022 AIZEN/University of Alabama International Conference Émile Zola, Naturalism, and Protest”; Tuscaloosa, AL
  • Forgotten Tales of Algeria: Isabelle Eberhardt & Fadhma Mansour as Cultural Translators of Tribal Life in the Maghreb, 2022 INCS/University of Utah annual conference “Nineteenth-Century Strata”; Salt Lake City, UT
Noémie Hamaide:
  • Zola, trauma et temporalité: Approche moderne du trauma au 19e siècle dans La Bête humaine, 2022 AIZEN conference; XXXX
Karine Macarez:
  • La fabrique des transclasses » dans l’œuvre de George Sand, 23rd international George Sand colloquium at Saint Louis University; Saint Louis, MO
Kate Nelson:
  • Antiracist Pedagogy and the French Classroom, 2021 Central Texas AATF Annual Meeting at St. Edward’s University; Austin, Texas
  • Dual Worldviews in Leila Slimani’s Twin Texts Sexe et mensonges : la vie    sexuelle au Maroc and Paroles d’honneur, MLA Convention; Washington, DC
  • Representations of Women and the Self in the Works of Agnès Varda, 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium; Pittsburg, PA
Raphaël Nonin:
  • Literature, politics, and environmental justice: the case of Édouard Louis’s Qui a tué mon père, 28th International Conference of Europeanists; Lisbon, Portugal
  • L’évolution du temps social dans La Bête humaine : trois femmes pour trois temps différents, Association Internationale Zola et Naturalisme-International Conference; Tuscaloosa, AL
Marylise Rilliard:
  • Transforming L2 identities: The affordances of multilingual life writings, Openness vs. Privacy: Addressing One of the Challenges of OERs, American Association of Applied Linguistics; Pittsburgh, PA

Italian Studies Conference Presentations

Arianna Avalle:
  • Elio and Oliver's Romantic (Grand) Tour: Gender, Genre, and Media Induced Tourism in Call Me By Your Name, Symposium Queer(ing) Italian Cultures: Home and Beyond ATI; Toronto, Canada
  • Chair for panel with Professor Bonifazio and Claudia Pisano: Narrating the American Frontier: Cowboys and American Indians in Italian comics, 2022 AAIS Conference; virtual
  • Dante in the Digital Age: Revitalizing the Divina Commedia Through Media Translation, AATI International Conference; Lucca, Italy Arianna Avalle
  • The Ultimate Ferrante Experience: Convergence Culture, Literary Tourism and the Quest for Authenticity, Lecture for America-italy Society of Philadelphia; virtual
Francesca Beretta:
  • The Netflix Effect: Streaming Culture into the Language Classroom, SCMLA; Houston, TX
Guido Capaccioli:
  • Freed from the Fear of Hell: Machiavelli’s Restyling of Afterlife and His Theory of Emancipation, Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies; Chicago, IL
Dylan Gilbert:
  • Matera rivistata: Pasolini’s Modern Take on an ‘Ancient’ City, 2022 MLA Annual Convention; Washington, D.C.
  • Cold Spaghetti: Genre and the Environment in Corbucci’s Il grande silenzio (1968), Eco Italie: Material Landscapes and Environmental Imaginaries, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute; New York City, NY
  • Echoes of Scanzano: Italy’s Continued Quest for a National Nuclear Waste Depository, The 28th International Conference of Europeanists. Istituto Universitário de Lisboa; Lisbon, Portugal
Francesca Passaseo:
  • “We want everything!”: The self-annihilation of the working-class identity and its potentiality in Vogliamo tutto, 2nd Annual UCLA Graduate conference in Political Theory; virtual
  • Franca Rame’s Lo stupro and narrative testimony as a political act in the Italian sexual violence debate, Politics of Vulnerability in Contemporary Women’s Writing and Creative Practices; IMLR (UK) - virtual presentation
Claudia Pisano:
  • Chair for panel with Professor Bonifazio and Arianna Avalle: Narrating the American Frontier: Cowboys and American Indians in Italian comics, 2022 AAIS Conference; virtual
Valerio Rossi:
  • Word and Image in Giovanni Verga’s “Vita dei Campi”: Illustrated Fiction and the Picturesque Aesthetic, AAIS Conference; Bologna, Italy

French Conference Presentations

Andrea Blatz:
  • In Search of a Generic Chronotope in Pre-1940 French Science Fiction, Science Fiction Research Association 2021 Annual Conference; virtual
  • Where Do We Go from Here?: Approaching the End of Humanity in Two Early French Science Fiction Novels, 2021 International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts; virtual
Molly Deaver:
  • Implicit Strategies of Self-Revelation: Mise en abyme in Sarraute's Enfance, South Atlantic MLA; virtual
Valentin Duquet:
  • Louis Bertrand’s “Discovery” of Latin Africa: Le Sang des races & La Cina as Colonial Naturalism, NCSA 2021; virtual
  • Tyranny in Troy: Representations of Power in La Troade by Garnier (1579) & Pradon (1679), NeMLA 2021; virtual
 Kate Nelson:
  • Guidelines for Talking About Race in the Classroom, 2021 Southwest Conference on Language Teaching; virtual
  • Balancing Voices in the Classroom, Faculty Innovation Center Graduate Teaching Showcase, Austin, TX
  • Racial Inclusivity in the French Language Classroom, virtual roundtable at the 2020 Annual Conference of Teaching Foreign Language; virtual
  • Antiracist Pedagogy and the French Classroom, 2021 AATF Conference; Virtual
Raphaël Nonin:
  • La violence discursive : un dualisme perpétuel, Université Ahmed Ben Yehia El-Wancharissi Tissemsilt: Institut des Lettres et des Langues; virtual    
Marylise Rilliard:
  • Openness vs. Privacy: Addressing One of the Challenges of OERs, AILA 2021; virtual
Heather Sanders:
  • “La chambre de bois” and the Question of the Flâneuse  Québécoise, 2020 SAMLA 92 Conference; virtual
Keith Wagner:
  • The Mirrors of Marthe: Searching for Romanian-French bilingualism in Princess Bibesco's correspondence and prose , 2021 American Comparative Literature Association annual meeting; virtual
  • Finding support materials for Romanian learning online and in mobile apps, 2021 Conference on Crossing the Ocean: Effective Strategies for Studying Romanian Language and Culture on the American Continent; virtual
  • Finding an authentic foreign language text as an Instagram user, 2021 World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA); virtual

Italian Studies Conference Presentations

Arianna Avalle:  
  • The Ultimate Ferrante Experience: Convergence Culture, Literary Tourism and the Quest for Authenticity, 2021 PCA National Conference; virtual
  • Elio and Oliver’s Romantic (Grand) Tour: Gender, Genre and Media-Induced Tourism in Call Me By Your Name, AAIS 2021 National Conference; virtual
Dylan Gilbert:
  • Lessons from Scanzano: The Question of Nuclear Waste in the European Context, Council of European Studies; virtual
Valerio Rossi:
  • Places as signifiers: the spatial organization of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, South Central Renaissance Conference 2021; virtual
  • Picturesque realism: Visconti’s “La Terra Trema” between myth and reality, 27th International Conference of Europeanists; virtual

French and Italian Conference Presentation Attendance (alphabetically ordered by last name)

Andrea Blatz, Science Fiction and Popular Cultures (HawaiiCon), Kailua-Kona, HI

Robert Bucci, 2020 MLA Convention; Seattle, WALE

Karina High, SLE Societas Lingusitica Europaea, Leipzig, Germany

Valerio Rossi, American Association for Italian Studies, Columbus, OH

Sarah Le Pichon, MLA, Seattle, WA

Maxence Leconte, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C.

Tracey Adams, Journées FLORAL, Paris, France

Joshua Griffiths, Journées FLORAL, Paris, France

Jim Law, Linguistic Society of America,New Orleans, LA

Please note that COVID-19 has impacted our graduate student conference participation during  Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 as most conferences were cancelled starting around March. The graduate students who were accepted to present at a conference, but unfortunately, the conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 were: Kate Nelson, Emily Martin, Valentin Duquet, Keith Wagner, Kevin P. Nonin, Francesca Beretta, Vanessa Fanelli, Noémie Hamaide, Andrea Blatz, and Arianna Avalle. 

French and Italian Conference Presentation Attendance (alphabetically ordered by last name)

Tracey Adams, North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences, New York City, NY; Français dans les métropoles multilingues, Birmingham, United Kingdom

David Barny, Français dans les métropoles multilingues, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Andrea Blatz, S cience Fiction Research Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI

Amanda Bush, Northest Modern Language Association, Washington, DC

Valentin Duquet, 20th & 21st Century French & Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Oklahoma City, OK

Vanessa Fanelli, MLA, Chicago, IL; Northest Modern Language Association, Washington, DC

Joshua Griffiths, 49th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Athens, Georgia

Karina High, Rencontres lyonnaises des jeunes chercheurs en linguistique historique, L'Université Jean Moulin, Lyon, France

Brendon Kaufman, Lingusitics Society of America, New York City, NY

Jim Law, 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Maxence Leconte, Sport Literature Association, Université de Limoges, Limoges, France

Sarah Le Pichon, MLA, Chicago, IL; Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, San Francisco, CA

Elizabeth Mayne, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, OR

Kate Nelson, California State University Sacramento 4th Interdisciplinary Conference in the Humanities, Sacramento, CA

Rozen Neupané, Globalising sociolinguistics 2, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands

Rachel Poulin (Dorsey), New Words and Linguistic Purism University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Marylise Rilliard, Français dans les métropoles multilingues, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Valerio Rossi, International Dante Conference - Alma Dante 2019, Ravenna, Italy

Elisa Valentini, XIII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World, Dallas, TX

Amelia Wells, Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, San Francisco, CA

Other Professional Development Opportunities

Editorial Assistants

Several graduate students have served a term as the managing editor for Nineteenth-Century Contexts, under the mentorship of the journal’s Editor, Professor Alexandra Wettlaufer. Currently, Molly Deaver is serving in this capacity. A former managing editor, Andrea Blatz,  has recently been hired as an Associate Editor for the University of Chicago Press.

Since 2018, graduate students have worked with Professor Bonifazio to gain editorial experience at gender/sexuality/italy. One of our graduate students who had previously worked in this
capacity as Graduate Editorial Assistant is now serving as Editorial Manager of the journal. Graduate students also have the opportunity to contribute to this journal as book reviewers


Graduate Student Information on Funding Requests for Conference Partipication

Graduate Student Request for Travel Funds

For students in the French graduate degree programs, this is the initial application to request a conference travel award. Dissertation supervisor and/or Graduate Advisor approval for the used of these funds must be approved prior to travel to guarnatee that the student is approved to use their Walther Conference Travel funds. For further details, please see the French Fellowship Policy.
Italian Studies students who wish to receive funding for conference travel are highly recommended to speak to their Graduate Advisor as early as possible, preferably at the start of the fall semester.

Those who are advised to request Departmental funds should also use the Graduate Student Request for Travel Funds.  It must be submitted along with proof of conference participation and an abstract of the presentation along with receipts connected to this conference travel. Approval to use these funds should occur once the student has been accepted to present at a conference to make sure they have support from their dissertation supervisor and/or Graduate Advisor in order to use these professional development funds.  

Students, typically Italian Studies graduate students, who are approved for a Professional Development Award from the Graduate School should compile the necessary documents, as outlined in the PDA information below, and contact the Graduate Coordinator when ready to apply.  

International Travel

International travel for academic purposes must be authorized by Texas Global.  Failure to receive proper authorization could affect your scholarship.  Please review the Travel Authorization website for further details. 

Professional Development Awards (PDA)

The Office of Graduate Studies also provides support for students to attend major professional meetings at which they present an original paper based on their research. These funds are typically reserved for our Italian Studies gradaute students within the Department. A call for PDA funds request will be sent out at the beginning of the fall semester for the entire academic year from the Graduate Coordinator, but the funds request should also be discussed with the Graduate Advisor.