College of Liberal Arts
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Weather and Climate

The department's Weather and Climate resource center maintains a digital database of Austin and Texas weather, storm and climate data including all records for the two National Weather Service first order weather observation stations for the greater Austin metropolitan area at KAUS/Austin Bergstrom International Airport (records since 1942) and at KATT/Austin City - Camp Mabry (records since 1856).

Manager Troy Kimmel is also the official back up National Weather Service climate and snowfall observer for the ASOS (automated surface weather station) at KATT/Austin City - Camp Mabry. He also serves as an official National Weather Service Cooperative Observer for the NWS Coop Station at AGHT2/Austin Great Hills, which he maintains at his home office.                                                                             

As University/Incident Meteorologist for The University of Texas Campus Safety and Security Committee, Troy maintains a University weather website (see right side of page for link) with a weather blog that keeps the campus informed of local threats of severe and inclement weather.

A part of the information available through the Weather and Climate Resource Center, Troy has an informal on-line reference document that he maintains that outlines severe and inclement weather events that have affected the Austin metropolitan area as well as Williamson, Travis and Hays Counties over the years...

Inclement / Severe Weather and Extreme Temperature / Precipitation /Wildfire / Wind /  Pressure / Fog Sunshine Climatology for the Greater Austin Metropolitan Area (Travis, Williamson and Hays Counties) - PDF Document

In addition, he has prepared an informal reference document that provides the latest set of 1981-2010 NCDC Climate Normals for the Austin area as well as other NWS cooperative weather stations in the south central Texas area...

1981-2010 NCDC Climate Normals - Austin and South Central Texas Area - PDF Document

For more information regarding the Weather and Climate Resource Center, please contact Troy Kimmel via his email and/or phone number listed on the right hand side of this page.