Gamma Theta Upsilon

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Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) is an international honor society in geography. Gamma Theta Upsilon was founded in 1928 and became a national organization in 1931. Members of GTU have met academic requirements and share a background and interest in geography. GTU chapter activities support geography knowledge and awareness.
Chapter Name: Gamma Omicron, University of Texas-Austin
Founded: December 17, 1963
Persons seeking membership must be initiated through an established chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon. A chapter is also maintained for alumni after graduation. There are two classes of membership in GTU:
Regular Member
Initiates must have completed a minimum of 3 geography courses, have a GPA of at least 3.3 overall and in geography, and shall have completed at least 3 semesters or 5 quarters of college course work.
Honorary Member
Honorary membership is available only under extraordinary circumstances and upon approval by the GTU National Executive Committee for a person whom the committee feels has contributed to a marked advancement in any phase of geography. A chapter may apply directly to the Executive Committee to petition for honorary status.
For more information, please email the faculty chapter correspondent, or visit
Submit applications December 9
Gamma Theta Upsilon Application - Fillable pdf
(updated Oct. 14, 2016)

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