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A Digital Humanities lecture series at the Department of Germanic Studies at The University of Texas at Austin, organised by the DHLab@GS. Sessions on Zoom. Learn about and discuss current DH research!
DHLunch@GS is currently on a break, check in again in Spring!
- Spring 2023
DHLunch@GS is on a break!
- Fall 2022
Nov 03, 2022, 1-2pm
Amy Shreeve, John Erard (TSDH, UT Austin):
Texas Student Digital Humanities: Building Undergraduate Engagement in the DHNov 10, 2022, 1-2pm,
Stefanie Halpern (YIVO), Itzik Gottesman, Uri Kolodney, Amy Shreeve, Thorsten Ries (UT Austin):
Yiddish Digital Studies - An Exploration RoundtableNov 15, 2022, 1-2pm,
Gerben Zaagsma (C²DH, University of Luxembourg):
Jewish Studies in the Digital Age - Accordion 3Panel 3. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 4Panel 4. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 5Panel 5. Add body text in this space.
- Spring 2022
Feb 14, 1-2pm CST
The Riddle of Literary Quality: stylometry meets sociology
Karina van Dalen-Oskam (University of Amsterdam)Mar 7, 1-2pm CST
Modeling Historical Experience
Jo Guldi (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)Mar 9, 1-2pm CST
Explaining artificial intelligence: from foundations to Shapley values
Ian Covert (University of Washington, Seattle)Mar 21, 1-2pm CST
What matters? Key passages in literary works
Frederik Arnold, Benjamin Fiechter, Robert Jaeschke (Humboldt University Berlin)Mar 28, 1-2pm CST
Visible invisibility: Translation as Genre in Twentieth-Century English-Language Fiction
Matthew Erlin (Washington University in St. Louis)Apr 4, 5-6 pm CST
Making not mediating: Some thoughts on modelling in computational literary studies
Katherine Bode (Australian National University, Canberra)Apr 11, 1-2pm CST
Tracking T.S. Eliot on Twitter
Melanie Walsh (University of Washington, Seattle)Apr 25, 1-2pm CST
Social media archiving for cultural heritage: the example of KBR’s BESOCIAL project
Julie M Birkholz (KBR - Royal Library of Belgium, KBR Digital Research Lab, Ghent University)
Fien Messens (KBR - Royal Library of Belgium, BESOCIAL project) - Fall 2021
Sept 21, 1-2pm
Mark C. Marino (University of Southern California)
Critical Code Studies: Reading code by the philosopher who said there is none, Friedrich KittlerSept 27, 5pm NOTE: EVENT CANCELLED AND WILL BE RESCHEDULED
Katherine Bode (Australian National University)
Making not mediating. Some thoughts on modelling in computational literary studiesOct 5, 1-2pm
Edward Larkey, Ibrahim Er, Landry Digeon (University of Maryland)
Cross-Cultural Screen Analysis: The Journey from German Studies to Intercultural Digital HumanitieNov 16, 1-2pm
Sally Chambers (Ghent University)
Experimenting with Collections as Data in Europe: a Belgian experience?Nov 18, 1-2pm
Berenike Herrmann (Bielefeld University), Jana Lüdtke (Freie Universität Berlin)
Computational sentiment analysis of children’s literature - SPECIAL: Born-digital Evidence and Historical Scholarship
This series features international subject expert talks from the libraries and archives sector, a digital investigation collective and from the cybersecurity sector to consider born-digital evidence from a Historical Scholarship and Humanities perspective. Our digital present poses challenges to long-term preservation and curation of born-digital archives, but also to their cautious selection, critical appraisal and methodological analysis and interpretation as historical evidence. Establishing, proving and maintaining the chain of digital evidence, evaluating the evidential status of born-digital sources and interpreting the traces of historical digital events will be the daily practice of historians studying our present time. The talk series Born-digital Evidence and Historical Scholarship is a starter for the conversation about how we establish this practice and build the skillsets, standards and procedures for Historical Scholarship and the Humanities in coordination with libraries and archives.
- April 12, 10-11:30am CST -
Aric Toler (Bellingcat): Finding Justice for the 298: Digital Investigation of the Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17)
Charlotte Godart (Bellingcat): On Born-Digital Evidence and Accountability in the Context of the Yemen Civil War - April 19, 10-11:30 CST -
Euan Cochrane (Yale University Libraries): All digital evidence is software – what now?
David A. Bliss (UT Libraries): Post-custodial archival initiatives at LLILAS Benson - April 23, 10am CST -
Matthias Vallentin (Tenzir): What if? Applying Threat Feeds Retrospectively
- April 12, 10-11:30am CST -
- Spring 2021
- Feb 8, 1-2pm – Gunther Martens, Lore De Greve (Ghent University, Belgium)
Sentiment Analysis of Online Literary Criticism: From Annotating to Text Mining the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis Online Backchannel - Feb 22, 1-2pm – Leif Weatherby (New York University, US)
On the Concept of Redundancy: Shannon, Bateson, and the Digital Sign - Mar 8, 1-2pm – Nico Schüler (Texas State University, US)
Analyzing Expressiveness in Music Performances of Bach and Blues - Mar 29, 1-2pm – Julia Nantke, Sandra Bläß, Marie Flüh (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Machine-learning-enabled Exploration of 36,000 Letters in a Digital Scholarly Edition - Computational Sentiment Analysis of Fiction: Mining Emotion in German Children's and Youth Literature
- Apr 19, 1-2pm - James Baker, Tim Hitchcock (University of Sussex, UK)
Digital Humanities, Where Do We Go From Here? - A Conversation
- Feb 8, 1-2pm – Gunther Martens, Lore De Greve (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Fall 2020
- Oct 19, 1-2pm – Gabriel Viehhauser (Stuttgart University, Germany)
Openness and Restrictions in Digital Scholarly Editions - Oct 26, 1-2pm – Christof Schöch (Trier University, Germany)
How Could Digital Literary Historiography Work? Some Lessons Learned in the MiMoText Project - Nov 9, 1-2pm – Fabian Offert (University of California, Santa Barbara, US)
Critical Machine Vision as a (Digital) Humanities Challenge - Nov 16, 1-2pm – Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch (Mainz University, Germany):
Between Performance and Academia: The World of Digital Musical Editions - Nov 23, 1-2pm – Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo, Canada)
The Archives Unleashed Project: Lowering Barriers to Access through Community and Infrastructure
- Oct 19, 1-2pm – Gabriel Viehhauser (Stuttgart University, Germany)