College of Liberal Arts
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August 2000
Sara Elizabeth Hoskins
The First Grammatical Treatise and American Structuralism
Dr. Mark L. Louden
May 2000
Marcia Ann Neff
Politics and the Politics of Gender: The Self and Consciousness-Raising in Marx, Hegel, Firestone and Irigaray
Dr. Katherine Arens
Tina Marie Deveny Oestreich
A Quantitative Comparison of Third Year German Students' Output in Three Interactive Environments
Dr. David Wright
Leila Shamsolkottabi
The Firebrand and the Veil: Tufan in the Persian-Germanophone Context
Dr. Nina A. Berman
Douglas Peter Allen Simms
Ritual Speech in Germanic and Italic and the Origin of Alliterative Verse
Dr. Mark Southern
Susan Szmania
Translation, Interpretation, and Reconstruction: Selections from Bertil Malmberg'sAke and His World
Drs. Lars Gustafsson and Lynn Wilkinson

December 1999
James Lee Busby, Jr.
Border Excursions: Lubwig Tieck's Romantic Revolution in Der gestiefelte Kater
Dr. Katherine Arens
Björn Werner Freitag
Imagined Democrats: German Fraternities and the Reinvention of Historical Identity
Drs. John Hoberman and Katherine Arens
August 1999
Kevin Michael Volk
Understanding Language Change: Phonetics, Phonology, and Child Language Acquisition
Dr. Mark Louden
May 1999
Michelle Lynn Crockett
The Rokstone as an Educational Stone
Dr. John M. Weinstock
Lara Claire Ducate
Conformity Versus Individualism in the Weimar Republic as Reflected in Das Kunstseidene Mädchen and Mädchen in Uniform
Dr. Nina A. Berman
Angela Dionne Ferguson
Language and Music in the Works of Martin Luther
Dr. Mark L. Louden
Mary Carol Grantham
Acquisition of German Phonology by Children
Dr. Mark L. Louden
Jennifer Lyn Van Hyning
An Enlightened Woman's Vengeance on the Absolutist Court: Countess Orsina in Lessing's Emila Galotti
Dr. Katherine M. Arens

December 1998
Mark Stuart Johnson
Reconsidering Facilitative Anxiety
Dr. Frank Donahue

May 1998
John Mark Stewart
A Contrastive Typological Analysis of English, German, and Swedish
Dr. Mark L. Louden
Cynthia Fay Shehata
The Politics of Reception in Selected Works by Anna Seghers and Paul Zech
Dr. Katherine M. Arens

August 1997
Christine Ingeborg Schiller
Questioning Behavior in a Multilingual Child Acquiring Tigrinia, German and Alemannic
Dr. Maria M. Egbert
Jennifer Elizabeth Roberts
Pattern of Narration in European Folktales: Basile, Perrault, the Grimms
Dr. Robert R. Mollenauer
Paula Lynn Kothmann
Selected Articles in Translation From the Works of Neurologist Dr. Franz Gerstenbrand
Dr. Thomas J. Ohare

May 1997
Catherine Jones
Modernity in Weimar Germany: Metropolis & Berlin: Symphonie einer Groþstadt (Reports)
Drs. Peter Jelavich and Nina Berman
December 1996
Lucinda Martin
Lessing's Laocoon: An Early Analysis of the Aesthetic Experience
Dr. Katherine Arens
Perry Myers
Hegel, Freud, and Lacan: The Subject and The Other
Dr. Katherine Arens
August 1996
Stephanie Ann Beach
The Origin of the Germanic Uvular R
Dr. Robert D. King
Veronika Bridget Grady
Berlin's Holocaust Monument and Germany's Vergangenheitsbewältigung
Dr. Katherine Arens
Caroline Huey
The Transgressive Woman in Hans Folz & News of the Strange in Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Ali: Angst Essen Seele Auf (Reports)
Drs. David E. Price and Nina Berman
May 1996
Laura Kim Bigsby
An Overview of the Use of the Bavarian Dialect in Various Social Situations; & Dora and Freud: Two People, One Problem (Reports)
Drs. Mark L. Louden and Lynn R. Wilkinson
December 1995
Brent Matthew Adamson
A Dictionary of Foreign Language Education & William Dwight Whitney: The Proto-Modern Linguist (Reports)
Drs. Frank E. Donahue and Mark L. Louden
May 1995
Jay Norman Hodges
Albert Leo Schlageter, Knight of the Fatherland and The Historical, Political and Social Functions of Hanns Johst's Drama Schlageter(Reports)
Drs. Hans-Bernhard Moeller and Nina A. Berman
John Robert Jerome Ike (subsequently: Eyck)
De Ros(S)e Rand Van De Gouden Eeuw, or Scarlet Selvage of a Golden Age: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Translations of Pietro Aretino
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Erika Martina Nelson
Earlier Figures of Orpheus and Eurydice in Rainer Maria Rilke's "Orpheus. Eurydike. Hermes."
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Carmen M. Taleghani-Nikazm
The Role and Effect of Oral Corrective Feedback in the Foreigh Language Classroom
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
Kerstin E. Somerholter
Colonial German in the Former Soviet Union
Dr. Robert D. King
August 1994
William Robert Adkisson
An Annotated Translation of Kafka's Letter to His Father
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Thomas Allen Lawshae
The Defender of the Faith: A Socio-Political Analysis of Walter Kunneth's Antworth auf den Mythus
Dr. Katherine Arens
Joseph Martin Sullivan
Das Leben der Gräfin Iolande von Viande: The Ideal Religious Woman and Medieval Hagiography
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
May 1994
Barbara Bresslau
Examination of Teacher's Roles and the Importance of Training in Foreign Language Learning
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
Christa Gaug
Narrative Rythym from a Jukebox: Peter Handke's Versuche as Essays and Narratives
Dr. Katherine Arens
Christophe Jaeglin
Teaching Foreign Languages with a Network of Computers: CACD with the Daedelus Interchange Program
Dr. Janet Swaffar
August 1993
Craig Paul Morris
Author Intrusion in Milan Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being and Immortality
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Lori Anne Balkum
A Discussion of Current Second Language Acquisition Theory and its Subsequent Implivations for Classroom Instruction
Dr. Mark L. Louden
May 1993
Brian Gray Keeton
Three Political Essays and Two Other Essays by Helga Königsdorf: Translations (Reports)
Drs. Janet K. Swaffar and Katherine M. Arens
Cindy Lue Reinke
Kantian and Hegelian Tendencies in Twentieth Century Theories & Mentalist Versus Mechanist Approaches to First Language (Reports)
Drs. Katherine M. Arens and Mark L. Louden
Patricia Casey Sutcliffe
Pawn Alice: Her Moves in Wonderland and the Looking-Glass as a Reflection in Lewis Carroll's Developing Philosophy of Language
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Harry Louis Roddy
The Modern Long Lyric Poem: A Short HIstory of its Development and its Incorporation into German Verse
Dr. Lars E. Gustafsson
December 1992
Jessica Anderson
The Translator as Image-Maker: H. Heine's "Für die Mouche": A Case Study
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Steven Lee Hayes
Love, Conflict, and the Problem of the Past: A Reconsideration of Jurek Becker's Bronsteins Kinder
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Amelia Mina Von Voss
Lutheran Theology and the Bigamy of Landgrave Philip of Hesse
Dr. David E. Price
August 1992
Eric Paul Rogers
A Theoretical Frameword for the Development of German Interactive Video Listening Comprehension Lessons
Dr. Dorothy Chun
Jay Phillip Kunz
They Had Mothers, Too: Letters to a German Soldier During World War II (Karl Angermair)
Dr. André A. Lefevere
December 1991
Mark Manning Kessler
Telling and Retelling: A Comparative Case Study Between Literature and Dance
Dr. Kirsten L. Belgum
John Henry Pomeroy II
Congregationalism and the Scandinavian Free Churches: Trans-Atlantic Evangelical Efforts 1875-1900
Dr. John Hoberman
Robert Lee Rhudy
Women: A Translation of Wolfgang Hilbig's Die Weiber
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Von R. Smith
The Theory of Signs in the Philosophies of Fichte and Husserl & Realist Narrative Practice and Storm's Schimmelreiter (Reports)
Drs. Katherine Arens and Kirsten L. Belgum
Timothy J. Taylor
Tranlation and Commentary: De Wet Van Aptailo and De Dood Van Mijn Grootvader, by Hugo Pos & Translation and Commentary Chapter One of Het Teken Van Jona, by Boeli Van Leeuwen (Reports)
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Joanne Weinzierl
Mysticism and Discipline in the Medieval Collectanea HRC 41
Dr. David E. Price
Laura Jane Whitten
Carl Zuckmayer's The Soul Brewer: A Translation
Dr. André A. Lefevere
August 1991
Robert Elliott Boone
Our Hymie: A Translation of the NovelOnse Hymieby Etienne Lerous
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Julie Jo Brown
The Grace of Envy: An Introduction and Translation (Original Title: Das Grab des Neides by Stefan Andres)
Dr. André A. Lefevere
Ronald Kirk Payne
Mysticism, Icons and the Limits of Deconstruction & The Image of God as "Idiota" in Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Cusa (Reports)
Drs. André A. Lefevere and Stanley N. Werbow
Regina Maria A. Yeatts
Das Verhältnis zu Gott in WolframsParzifal
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
May 1990
James Frederick Ehrman
Translation or Interpretation: The Role of Formal Equivalence in Literary Translation
Dr. André Lefevere
Glenn Ellis Ehrstine
Zwivel in Gottfried von Straþburg's Tristan
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
Margret Elsbeth Studebaker
Fehrenmark's Daughter: An Introduction and Translation (Original Title: Die Ermüdung by Hartmut Lange)
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1989
Alene Moyer
An Assessment of Krashen's Acquisition Model for the Adult Foreign Language Classroom
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
August 1989
Ann E. Burnes
The Acquistion-Learning Distinction: Implications for the Theory and Practice of Language Learning Dialectal Variation in the Intonation of Verb Final Clauses
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
May 1989
Joseph H. Mendenhall
Mutabor: Stephan Krawczyk and Change in the German Democratic Republic in the 1980s
Dr. Katherine M. Arens

Laura Tate Seward
Criminality in Friedrich Netzsche's Philosophy and Robert Musil's Novel Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
Dr. John M. Hoberman
December 1988
Barbara Kennedy Kadirhan
Peter Hacks' Adam and Eve: An Introduction and Translation
Dr. André Lefevere
August 1988
Rita Margarete Dowling
The Oral Proficiency Guidelines and Their Methodological Implications: An Analysis of Four Teaching Methods
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
May 1988
Susan Kay Dietz
Max Brod's The Prague Circle: An Introduction and Translation
Dr. André Lefevere
Paul Dennis Dowling
Filippini's Garden, by Walther Matthais Diggelmann: Translation
Dr. André Lefevere
Deborah Rose Osborne
Intonation: The Current State of Affairs in the Instruction of German & The Role of Computer-Assisted Instruction in the German Classroom: Implications for Today and the Future (Reports)
Drs. Dorothy Chun and Frank E. Donahue
May 1987
Charles Floyd Bearden
The Influence of Christian Moral Ideology on Schaevius' Translations of Odes by Horace & The Pathology of the Aesthete and its Expression in the Sequence of Essays in Volume One of Søren Kierkegaard's Either/Or (Reports)
Drs. George Schulz-Behrend & John Hoberman
December 1986
Louis Laurant Rosenthal
8 Mai 1985: Tag der Erinnerung - Tag der Zukunft & Viennese Military Society: An Exploration into a Fantasy World (Reports)
Drs. Katherine M. Arens and John M. Hoberman
August 1986
Jacqueline K. McKennan
The Vantage Point of Retrospect Jan Mukavousky's "Scientific Attitude" in Lyrical Exegesis
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Frederick W. Schwink
Lannbert ten Kate: Sources and Context
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
May 1986
Kenneth Michael Fontenot
Light and Fire Imagery in the Works of Heinrich von Kleist
Dr. Leonard G. Schulze
August 1985
Dennis Edward Brain
The Novelist, Dramatist, and Theater Director August Klingemen: The Early Years (1777-1804)
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino
May 1985
Cynthia Lynn Simons
Tales by Heinrich Kaufringer: A Discussion and Tralslation of Selected Works
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen
Rachel Jane Halverson
Stefan Heym's Das Wachsmuth Syndrom: A Text-Linguistic Analysis & A Re-Analysis of Gretchen's Role in Faust I (Reports)
Dr. Janet K. Swaffar & Barbara Becker-Cantarino
August 1984
Julie Rae Carter
The Threat Theory: A Translation of the Story of Botho Strauss with a General Introduction to the Author and his Works to Date
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Marilya Jae Veteto
Hörspiele of Ingeborg Drewitz & Per Olof Sundman's Expeditionen
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino &
May 1984
Michael Joseph Fadus
Translating: Four Strategies
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Barbara Gettelman
Recent English Lexical Influence on German Letters & Countess Sophie Hatzfeldt and Count Paul Hatzfeldt 1838-1874
Drs. Edgar C. Polomé and A. Leslie Willson
Janet Torrey Schultz
Affective Learner Variables in the High School Student and Their Implications for Second Language Teaching
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
Barbara Bates Spielvogel
Arnim's Arabesque: Method Behind Madness in "Der Tolle Invalide" & Venus Myth Structure in The Magic Mountain(Reports)
Drs. Katherine Arens and Barbara Becker-Cantarino
Jason Glenn Tankersley
The Problem of the Origin of Afrikaans: A Critical Survey
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
December 1983
Joel Preston Cooper
Phonological Change and Relexicalization: The Dutch Diminutive Suffix
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
Katherine Theresa Liggett
A Study of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Teaching
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
May 1983
Richard David Bruhn
Copse 125: A Chronicle from the Trench Warfare of 1918
Dr. Ralph R. Read  

Astrid Hackenberg
Die Familie Seldorf: Ein Zeitroman
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino
December 1982
Michael Vieregge
Die Bedeutung der Malerei in und für Theodor Storms Novellen: Am Beispiel von Immensee, Aquis Submersus und Eine Malerarbeit
Dr. Ralph R. Read
August 1982
Claudia Margaret Johnson
Dreams of the Vixen: A Translation of Angelika Mechtel's Short Stories Die Träume der Füchsin
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
May 1982
Eric Lawrence Santner
Hegel's "Phänomenologie des Geistes" and the Redemption of Praxis & Herders Sprachphilosophie und die Überwindung der Transzendentalphilosophie (Reports)
Dr. Barbara Becker-Cantarino and Leonard G. Schulze
December 1981
Susan Gale Wells Howard
Society and Selfhood in Götz von Berlichingenand Michael Kohlhaas & E.T.A. Hoffmann's Modern Märchen: The Poetic Use of the Dream Experience in Der goldne Topf (Reports)
Drs. Leonard G. Schulze & Larry E. Scott
Alan Pochi
Analysis and Description of a 16th Century Manuscript Collection of Edifying Prose Writings (Andachtsbuch) from the Convent of St. Catherine in Nuremberg
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
August 1981
Linda Moehle-Vieregge
One Approach to Early Foreign Language Learning: The Waldorf School of Rudolf Steiner
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
Carol Ann Huebscher Rhoades
Character and Theme in Strindberg's Röda Rummert
Dr. John M. Hoberman
May 1981
Gary John Harrison-Rashin
Pär Lagerkvist and the Modernist Years: 1913 to 1918
Dr. Larry E. Scott
December 1980
James Terry Acuff, Jr.
Toward a Realistic Method: Commentaries on the Notion of Antagonistic Realism: A Translation of Alexander Kluge's Zur realistischen Methode
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Harald Sven Huedig
Computer-Assisted Instruction in Foreign Languages Using Computer Graphics
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
Jeanne Christine McRee
Modern German Märchen: East and West & Reality Transformation in Kafka: From Fairy Tale to Bad Dreams (Reports)
Drs. Janet K. Swaffar and A. Leslie Willson
August 1980
David Anderson Estes, Jr.
A Survey of Foreign Language Placement Procedures: A Case Study of the Placement Program of the Department of Germanic Languages at The University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Frank E. Donahue
May 1980
Carl Douglas Springer
The Image and Function of America in German Fascist Drama
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Harald Alexander Becker
Der Ehrbegriff bei Theodor Fontane
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
December 1979
Temple Gay Hilde Turner
Hoher Muot in Context: A Study of Character Portrayal and Craftsmanship in the Nibelungenlied
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen

August 1979
Deforest Allen Barton
Ancient Germanic Weaponry and Tactics
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
Stephen Edred Flowers
Rebirth and Rites of Transformation in the Saga of Sigurdr Sigmundarson
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
May 1979
Cornelia Schneider Hazard
Die Rolle von Liebe und Freundschaft im Werk von Sibylle Schwarz
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Department of German
August 1978
Wayne Maurice Bowen
Social Comment in Three Plays by Ulrich Becher: Niemand, Samba, and Feuerwasser & Hermann Sudermann and Naturalism (Reports)
Dr. Ralph R. Read and Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Barbara Ann Dorer
An Analysis of Genitive Constructions in Selected German Texts
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
May 1978
Katherine Sue Morris
Wedekind in Paris: Motion and Elasticity in Circus Motifs as Sources of Erotic Themes (Report)
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Gregg Robert Hill
Johann Gottfried Herder and Immanuel Kant: A Comparison of their Ideas on History and the Individual
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
December 1977
Ruth Marie Walker-Moskop
The Motif of Vengeance in Vergil'sAeneidand Veldeke'sEneide
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
August 1977
Judith Hannings Cox
Gothic Elements in German Romanticism (Report)
Dr. Robert R. Mollenauer
May 1977
Jane L. Coperhaver
Death as Background in the Novels of Gabriele Wohmann
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Susan Jane James
The Problem of Decadence: Nietzschean and Schopenhauerian Influences in the Works of Thomas Mann
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Hildegard Maria Letbetter
Inhaltliche und formelle Untersuchung dreier gleichnamiger Schwaenke und Fastnachtsspiele von Hans Sachs
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Glen Ernst Lich
The Genesis of Ursula: Three Levels in the Creative Genius of Gottfried Keller
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen
December 1976
Richard Allen Mills
Deception and Perception: Thematic Foci in the Works of Ilse Aichinger
Dr. Ralph R. Read

John Herman Nilon
The Theme of Hardship in German and English Trench Poetry of World War I
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
Klaus-Peter Steinbrecher
Barbara König's Die Personenperson: Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1976
Turid Sverre
Björg Vik: Norwegian Author in Search of a New Womanhood
Dr. John Weinstock
August 1976
Elizabeth Dorian Schwarz
Three Works by Max von den Grün: "Im Tal des Todes," "Der Igel," and Ein Tag wie jeder andere -- Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Mary Susan Neff Shirley
Germanic Sacrificial Rites (Report)
Dr. John M. Weinstock
Anna Wirth Thompson
Editorial Manipulation of the Cardinal Virtues and Sins in theKinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm
Dr. Robert R. Mollenauer
May 1976
Richard Evan Ziegfeld
Nietzsche's Clarification and Reformulation of the Figurative Language in Zarathustra: A Comparison of Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1975
Lynn Alan Eubank
Grimmelshausen's Das wunderbarliche Vogelnest: Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Anna M. Springer
Die Rolle des Todes in Heinrich von Kleists Dramen
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
August 1975
Madalynn Jean Carey
Virginal Aspects of Female Characters in the Novels of Heinrich Böll (Report)
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Ghislaine De Regge Kozuh
Reynard the Fox in Louis Paul Boon's Chapel Road and in Wapenbroeders
Dr. Francis Bulhof
Hartmut Paul Schnell
Translated Poems of Rolf Dieter Brinkmann
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
May 1975
Patrice Moskow
In the Land of the Umbramauts: Translation and Introduction
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
January 1975
Herta Brunner Ayers
Peter Handke: Ein Überblick
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Marianne Selbmann Hausser
Jullius Wilhelm Zincgrefs Lebenslauf und sein Anteil an der Strassburger Opitzausgabe von 1624
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Victoria Anne Roberts
Description of a Village by Marie Luise Kaschnitz
Dr. Hubert P. Heinen
Ronald Dale Tullius
The Fall of Hans Erich Nossack
Dr. Ralph R. Read
August 1974
Joan Marie Foss
Ebner-Eschenbach's Prose Fiction
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
Kristin Lee Vehko Asthalter
The Poetry of Georg Trakl: 1912
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
May 1974
Janet Elizabeth Hildebrand
The College Foreign Lauguage Requirement and Developments in Foreign Language Education 1967-1973: From "New Key" to a New Direction
Dr. Betty N. Weber
January 1974
Camille Sharon Phillips Strange
The Study of German at the Beginning Level: Some Modifications of Present Methods
Dr. Thomas O'Hare
August 1973
John Michael Horn
Ferruccio Busoni's Drama, 'Doktor Faust.'
Dr. Ralph R. Read
Joseph Stephen Ward
Vicki Baum during the Pre-War Hitler Years: The Exile Aspects, the Criticism, and the Evaluations of her Novels in German
May 1973
James F. Gross
The Symbolism of the Sea in Thomas Mann
Dr. Francis Bulholf
Ellen Joanne Evans
Wolfgang Hildesheimer's Vergebliche Aufzeichnungen: Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
December 1972
Connie Theresa Collier Allison
Thiebolt Gart's "Joseph": An Analysis of a German Sixteenth-Century Drama
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael  

Bryan James Cox
Kafka's Language in Das Urteil
Dr. Janet K. King
Arthur Donnes Holder
Situation and Figure Grotesque in theKinder- und Hausmärchen of the Brothers Grimm
Dr. Robert R. Mollenauer
George Mason Vaught
Toni: A Schoolgirl Comedy in Ten Scenes
Dr. Hans-Bernhard Moeller
Ruth Eva Wagoner
Carl Zuckmayer's The Clock Strikes One: Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. Ralph R. Read
August 1972
Barbara Sue McCord
Lessing's Concepts of Literature
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Thomas Eldon Ryan
Entertainments of German Emigrants
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Arthur Lorelle Anderson
Jeremias Gotthelf's Die schwarze Spinne: Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
May 1972
Lucinda McKinney Penn
Nature Imagery in the Poetry of Bertolt Brecht
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Gisela Walker
Marxistische Literaturtheorie und ein Vergleich von Wilhelm Meisters Theatralischer Sendung mit dem ersten Teil von Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahren
Dr. Walter D. Wetzels
Joyce Cook Rollinson
The Structural Implications of Max Frisch's Diaries
Dr. Janet K. King
December 1971
Anthony Joseph Stautzenberger
Ernst Wiechert's Hirtennovelle: A Translation with an Autobiographical Analysis
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Paulette Loraine Hinton Gentry
Tieck's Novellen: A Rechanneling of Dramatic Technique
Dr. Robert R. Mollenauer
August 1971
Armin George Vanderzee
Wilhelm Raabe's Sankt Thomas: Critical Introduction and Translation
Dr. Janet K. King
Ursula Fischer
Identität ist Rolle: Zu Max Frischs Andorra, Don Juan oder die Liebe zur Geometrie, Stiller und Mein Name sei Gantenbein
Dr. Janet K. King