April 2023
Bradley Weiss
Latin Loanwords in Old Saxon: A Statistical Analysis of Three Dictionaries
Dr. Marc Pierce and Dr. Mary Blockley
May 2022
Sascha Daniels
Black is the New Black: Defining Afro-German Blackness through the Influence of American Media
Dr. Kirkland A. Fulk and Dr. Mary Elizabeth Ibarrola
Ellen Jones
Gender Roles and Language Loss: A New Perspective from Texas German on Language Attitudes and the Potential for Gender-Influenced Language Maintenance & Loss
Dr. Marc Pierce and Dr. Hans Boas
May 2021
Ji-Hyun "Jin" Ahn
A comparative analysis of semantic frames and constructions in the English and German translations of Le Petit Prince
Dr. Hans Boas and Dr. Marc Pierce
May 2018
Marisol Bayona Roman
Baedeker's Berlin(s)
Dr. Katherine Arens
May 2017
Jacob Reis Oath Formulas in the Poetic Edda Dr. Marc Pierce
May 2016
Elizabeth Alexander
Josef Fares' Zozo Accented Cinema
Dr. Lynn R Wilkinson
August 2015
Margo Blevins
Auxiliary tun in Texas German
Dr. Hans Boas
May 2015
Tavis Sartin
That Which is Brewed: An Etymology of Germanic Words for 'Beer'
Dr. Marc Pierce
May 2014
Matthew Anderson
Beautifully Blonde or Enchantingly Ugly:Re-Imagining the Swedish Nation Through Text and Image in the Illustrated Fairy Tale Annual 'Bland Tomtar och Troll'
Dr. Kirsten Belgum
Collin Brown
Gender Assignment in Loan Words in the History of Icelandic: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis
Dr. Marc Pierce
May 2013
David A. Stephan
The Politics in Religion: Keller's Sieben Legenden and His Political Engagement
Dr. Katherine Arens
May 2011
Ryan Dux
A Frame-semantic Analysis of Five English Verbs Evoking the Theft Frame
Dr. Hans Boas
Jessica Plummer
Contextualizing a Motif: Late Nineteenth Century Portrayals of the German Poacher-Hero
Dr. Kit Belgum
August 2010
Adams LaBorde
Redefining Three Old Saxon Prepositions
Dr. Marc Pierce
May 2010
Alison Carden
Xenophobia in a United Germany: A Unique Post-Reunification Phenomenon?
Dr. Pascale Bos
Anke Zwietasch
Humor and Parodies in the Foreign Language Classroom
Dr. Per Urlaub
August 2009
Maggie Gemmell
Defining Formality Levels: Cultural Scripts as a Guide to the Formality Scale of Register
Dr. Hans Boas
May 2009
Mason Hickman
Icarus Rising: Politicized Myths in the German Democratic Republic
Dr. Philip Broadbent
Jennifer Perkins
From Theory to Implementation: Understanding, Acknowledging and Decreasing Anxiety in the Foreign Language Classroom
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
May 2008
Hunter Weilbacher
"Das weiss ich anyhow nicht": The Syntax and Pragmatics of the Bilingual Discourse Markers Anyway and Anyhow in Texas German
Dr. Hans Boas
May 2007
Kelly Angelos
Teaching and Learning Grammar in a Foreign Language: Noticing, Consciousness-Raising, and Acquisition
Dr. Zuszanna Abrams
Prabhpreet Chadha
Vocabulary Acquisition: The Stepchild of Foreign Language Learning
Dr. Zuszanna Abrams
Jansen Harris
L2 Vocabulary Acquisition: The Interaction of Culture and Motivation
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
Vincent Vanderheijden
“Is that Enlgish I hear over there?” Rethinking the Prohibition on L1 use in Foreign Language Learning
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
December 2006
Bradley Boovy
Disrupted Vision of Modernity: Walter Benjamin’s Moskauer Tagebuch as an Experiment in Modern Urban Writing
Dr. Sabine Hake
Nathan Hill
Hrotsvit’s Agenda: Dramatic Dichotomies and Subversive Submission in the Plays of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim
Dr. Sandra Straubhaar
Patrick Schultz
From Antiquity to the Neogrammarian Hypothesis: Major Developments in the Systematization of Historical and Comparative Linguistics
Dr. Sandra Straubhaar
December 2005
Patrick Horton
Historiographic Metafiction and Postmoderism in Am kurzeren Ende der Sonnenalee: A Case Study of Inter-Referentiality of Art Forms in Postmodern Narrative
Dr. Sabine Hake
August 2005
Ulrike Bathe
Gender in Nouns in Standard German, Texas German, and Base Dialects for Texas German—An Overview
Dr. Hans Boas
May 2005
Laura Felusiak
Teaching a Foreign Culture via Culture Portfolios: Feature Films in the German Language Classroom
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
Tracye Keen
In Search of a Political Voice: Exploring the Historical and Cultural Significance of the Female Whetter Figure in the Icelandic Family Sagas
Dr. Sandra B. Straubhaar
Robert G. Kohn
Loss, Memory and Vergangenheitsbewältigung
Dr. Sabine Hake
Carolyn Moore
Prototype Semantics: The Meaning of "Life"
Dr. Hans C. Boas
Jana Thompson
A Process-Based Approach to the Treatment of English-Language Past Participles in Texas German
Dr. Hans C. Boas
December 2004
Guido Frank Halder
The Suffix -EI in German Noun Formation
Dr. Hans Boas
George Erin Teachman
Recovering Schlegel: Breaking Ground on an Archaeology of Irony
Dr. Kirsten Belgum
May 2004
Clair Helene Mealy
Plural Formation in German: English Loan Words from the Computer Domain
Dr. Hans Boas
December 2003
Stephanie Shannon Turner
Teaching Word Stress: Problem Areas for American Learners of German
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
May 2003
Lee Wallace Holt
Onward Through the Fog: Imagined Events and the First German North Pole Expedition
Dr. Kirsten Belgum
Ann Keller-Lally
Student Expectation in the First-Semester German Foreign Language Classroom
Dr. Zsuzsanna Abrams
Charles David Whitenberg
The Cradle of Sweden: Debates on a National Narrative
Dr. Sandra Straubhaar
May 2002
Shane Bertram Baker
Beginnings of the Vilna Troupe: Jewish and German Politics in the Formation of a Yiddish Art Theater
Dr. Robert D. King
Ramon Galvan Gomez
A Paleographic Description of Plato's Timaeus in Manuscript Number Twenty-Nine of the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Mark Southern
Daniela Maria Richter
"Nur vergiss nicht, wer du bist": Advice and Guidance by Non-Title Characters in Lessing's Miss Sara Sampson and Emilia Galotti
Drs. Kirsten Belgum and Susanne Hafner
Kenneth Scott Witmer
The Sociopolitics of Portraying East and West German Masculinities: The Television Film Schulz and Schulz
Dr. Janet Swaffar
December 2001
Kersten Horn
Kinder, Kopftuch, Koran-Images of Islam in the German Press: Muslims in Schools and in the Public Debate
Dr. Nina Berman
August 2001
Carrie Neal Jackson
The Relationship between Audience Attitudes, Linguistic Stereotypes, and Announcer Speech Style Choice on Austrian Radio
Dr. Mark Southern
May 2001
Karen Jayne Brettell
Gender-Marked and Gender-Neutral in Contemporary German: An Acceptability Study of Speaker Attitudes and Media Practices
Dr. Mark Southern
Kirk Roland Martinson
Interaction, Identity and Intensive Immersion: An Ethnographic Investigation of a Summer Language Village
Dr. Frank Donahue
John Michael Tolon
The Aesthetic Crisis and Religion in Der Tod Georgs
Dr. Kit Belgum