College of Liberal Arts
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PhD 1924-1975

December 1975

Margritt A. Bunge Engel
Schiller's Relationship to the Sturm und Drang: A Re-Examiniation
Dr. Robert Heitner
Dorothy E. Weiss Kramer
Bild in the Works of Reinhold Schneider: An Introduction
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Kenneth Alan Fisher
Hans Von Rüte: A Dramatist of the Swiss Reformation
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
August 1975
Fred Columbus Covey, Jr.
The Theme of Silence in Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Eston Earl Evans
Psychological Process Experiencer Verb-Impersonals: A Case Grammar Approach
Dr. John M. Weinstock
May 1975
Robert Walter Acker
Truth as a Problem in German Fiction Since 1950: A Study of Experimental Prose in the Postwar Era
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Gerhard Karl Lange Albrecht
Poetik und Linguistik: Eine linguistisch-literarische Erklärung Heissenbüttels Text "Einsätze"
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Stephen Bernhardt Barlau
Germanic Kinship
Dr. Edgar C. Polomé
Harriet Ann Watts
Chance: A Perspective on Dada
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Janya Houston Martin
Wilhelm Meisterand the Early Romantics
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
August 1974
Jack Dennis Thornburg
Resonants in Pre- and Proto-Germanic
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
May 1974
Ronald Gillespie Brown
Heinrich Heine and the Nineteenth Century Art Song
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Heidi Beata Jürschick Ueda
Hans Benders Kurzgeschichten
Dr. Janet K. King
Barbara Jean Ziegler Yount
History in the Essays of Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Dr. Helmut Rehder
January 1974
Hough-Lewis Dunn
The Language of the Magician as Limitation and Transcendence in the Wolfenbüttel Faustbuch, Greens's Friar Bacon, Marlowe's Faustus, Shakespeare's Tempest and Goethe's Faust
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Klaus Peter Phillips
Jacob Ruef's Joseph: Eine diplomatische Ausgabe mit Kommentar
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Elisabeth Constanze Lang
Friedrich V., Tilly und Gustav Adolf im Flugblatt des dreissigjährigen Krieges
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Margaret Frances Starcke Woodruff
Modern Versions of the "Bänkellied": An Aspect of the Twentieth-Century German Ballad
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
August 1973
Edward William Gundel
Prose Revolution in German Literature: The Role of Short Prose in the Early Twentieth Century
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1972
Gerald Francis Cerwonka
Narrative Devices and Characterization of Gottfried's Tristan
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
William Journeaux Harvey
Franz Kafka and Friedrich Dürrenmatt: A Comparison of Narrative Techniques and Thematic Approaches
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Ingeborg Ruberg McCoy
Realism and Surrealism in the Works of Alfred Döblin: The Aspect of the Demonic
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Gunther Johann Holst
Das Bild des Menschen in den Romanen Karl Immermanns
Dr. Helmut Rehder
August 1972
Charles Seeley Merrill
A Calculus of the Mind: Robert Musil's Anti-Epic Narrative "Die Vollendung der Liebe"
Dr. J. Christopher Middleton
Dennis Ray McCormick
Max Frisch's Dramaturgical Development
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
December 1971
Ulf Zimmermann
The Mosaic of Malte: A Study of its Structure
Dr. Don C. Travis
John Paul Derrenberger
Pessimism in the Works of Günter Grass
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Thomas John Di Napoli
The Rhetoric of Religion in the Works of Günter Grass
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
August 1971
Minetta Goyne
Distortion, Inversion, and Disintegration in the Novels of Martin Walser
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
Lawrence Larsen
A Critical Edition and an Appreciation of Aegidius Albertinus' Emblematic Work Hirnschleiffer
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Phyllis Manning
Jos Murer and the Protestant Easter Drama
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
May 1971
Adrienne Ash
German Poetry in Exile 1933-1945
Dr. Helmut Rehder
December 1970
Daton Arnold Dodson
A Formula Study of the Middle High German Heroic Epic: Wolfdietrich A, Wolfdietrich B, Rosengarten A
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
Leonard Retiz
The Historical Dramas of Brecht
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
January 1970
Tom Ivey Bacon
Martin Luther and the Drama
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
John David Kessler
Leonhard Culmann and the German-Languages School Drama in Nürnberg in the Sixteenth Century
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Gary Alan Smith
The Revelation of Nature: Friedrich von Hardenberg's (Novalis') View on Science
Dr. A. Leslie Willson
August 1969
William Leonard Cunningham
Martin Opitz' "Trostgedichte in Widerwertigkeit des Krieges"
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Joan Ethyl McLelland Birch
Dimensions of Narrative Prose Sentence Style in Kafka's Das Schloss und Mann's Doktor Faustus
Dr. Emmon Bach
May 1969
Maria Lawrenz
Sprachgefühl: Geschichte des Wortes
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
January 1969
Roy Boggs
Elements of Character Portrayal in the Works of Hartmann von Aue
Dr. Stanley N Werbow
Rudolf Jansen
Der von Kurenberg und die Kreuzzugsidee: Eine biographisch-historische Deutung des frühesten Minnesängers
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
Otto Walter Tetzlaff
Holländische Neulateinische Dramen in ihrer Einwirkung auf das Deutschland des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
August 1968
Reinhold Aman
Der Kampf in WolframsParzival
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
Peter Guenther
Stefan George und die Bildenden Künste
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Zsuzsanna Abonyi Ozsv·th
Die Dialektik der Freiheit bei Friedrich Schiller und bei Thomas Mann
Dr. Helmut Rehder
June 1968
Louis Brister
Dr. Carl Friedrich Bahrdt and the German Enlightment: A Reappraisal of an "Unpopular Philosopher"
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Norbert Feinäugle
Die Deutsche Rokokolyrik von 1720-1760 in ihrem Verhältnis zur Philosophie der Aufklärung
Dr. Helmut Rehder
January 1968
Sidney Eugene Bellamy
Hamburg Low German: Current Status and Phonology
Dr. Robert D. King
Christine Boot
Cassiodorus' Historia Ecclesiastica Tripartita: A Critical Text-Edition of the Medieval German Translation by Leopold Stainreuter of Vienna
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
August 1967
Dorothy Ann Balfe Douthit
The Concept of Women in Ernst Barlach's Dramas
Dr. Don C. Travis
June 1967
James Vincent McMahon
Das Puech von der Ordnung der Fürsten. A Critical Text-Edition of Book I of the Middle High German Version of the DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM of Aegidius Romanus
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
January 1967
Thomas Edwin Berry
Satire in the Works of A. K. Tolstoj
Dr. Joseph Conrad (U. of Kansas)
Dragan Dennis MilivojevÌc
Development of Russian Phonomic Theory

Earl Douglas Mitchell
Heinrich von Melk, a Diplomatic Edition, a Translation, and a Commentary
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
August 1966
Sarah Adalene Predock Burke
Salient Features in the Writings of A. M. Remiziv
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Christiane Elisabeth Keck
Tieck's Vittoria Accorombona: A Late Romantic View of the Renaissance
Dr. Helmut Rehder
June 1966
Verne Victor Schmidt
Strindberg's Impact on Kafka
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
January 1966
Eugene Egert
The Holy Spirit in German Literature until the Thirteenth Century
Dr. Stanley N. Werbow
Guenter Karl Wilhelm Herr
Lachen und Weinen in der Lebensanschauung Gottfried Kellers
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Robert Alston Jones
The Pantomime and the Mimic Element in Frank Wedekind's Work

Margrit Wulff
Wielands späte Auseinandersetzungen mit Aberglauben und Schwärmerei
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Julia Myrle Penn
Linguistic Relativity versus Innate Ideas: The Origins of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in German Thought of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century
August 1965
Ludek Alois KozlÌk
Normal and Inverse Word Order in Russian Prose Sentence
Dr. Werner Winter
May 1965
Hellmut Hermann Ammerlahn
Natalie und Goethes Urbildliche Gestalt: Untersuchungen zur Morphologie und Symbolik von "Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahren"
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Peter Klaus Mollenhauer
Die Satire bei Friedrich Nicolai
Dr. Helmut Rehder
August 1964
Jerry Hosmer Glenn, Jr.
Hölderlin's Translations from the Latin
May 1964
Tilo Arthur Alt
The Problem of Anxiety in the Works of Theodor Storm
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Doris Fulda Daube
Senecas Moralische Schriften im Spiegel der Deutschen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Robert LaBranche Van Dusen
Christian Garve and English Belles-Lettres
Dr. Helmut Rehder
January 1964
Hubert Plummer Heinen
Die rhytmisch-metrische Gestaltung des Knittelverses bei Hans Folz
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Annaliese Munetic
Christian Adolf Klotz: Gottschedius bifrons-Thersites Litteratus, 1738-1771
Dr. Helmut Rehder
August 1963
Ingrid Geuentherodt
A Phonological Analysis of French Loanwords in the Palatinate Dialect
Dr. Winfried P. Lehman
Dona Rae Betty Reeves
The Künzelsau Corpus Christi Play: A Diplomatic Edition and Critical Interpretation
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
June 1963
Mary Louise Klein
Johann Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen's "Satyrischer Pilgram": A Critical Edition with Introduction and Notes
Dr. George Schulz-Behrend
Denes Monostory
Der Decamerone and die deutsche Prosa des XVI. Jahrhunderts
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
Hugh Edwin Meredith
Self-Education in the Eighteenth Century: The Readings of Karl Philipp Moritz
Dr. Helmut Rehder
August 1962
John Thomas Brewer
"Gesunde Vernunft" and the New Testament: A Study of C. F. Bahrdt's "Die neuesten Offenbarungen Gottes"
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Lawrence Ortlieb Frye
The Reformation of the Heavens in Novalis: The Klingsohr Märchen and Giordano Bruno
Dr. Helmut Rehder
William Charles Crossgrove
Vowel Quantity in Proto-Germanic
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
Garland Campbell Richmond
The Written Document in German Comedy: Its Use as a Dramatic Device from Gottsched to Lessing
Dr. Shaw
Leo Wayne Tosh
A Linguistic Interpretation of a Model for the Machine Translation of German into English
Dr. Stanley Werbow
January 1961
Joseph Lawrence Conrad
Study of the Germanic Languages in the Soviet Union (1934-1960)
June 1960
William Samelson
Gerhart Herrmann Mostar: A Critical Profile
Dr. Helmut Rehder
August 1959
Rudolph Charles Troike
A Descriptive Phonology and Morphology of Coahuilteco (Linguistics)
June 1959
Leslie John Parker
Wielands Dramatische Tätigkeit
Dr. Helmut Rehder
Frederick William Oppermann
The Old Saxon Vowel Phonoemes under Medial and Weal Stress in the M Manuscript of the Heliand
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
Walter Langirdge Robinson
Name-Characterization in the Works of Thomas Mann
Dr. Wolfgang F. Michael
January 1959
Walter Duff Morris
Poetic Images and Motifs in Conrad Ferdinand Meyer's Prose Works
Dr. Helmut Rehder
May 1958
Elaine Emesette Boney
Existentialist Thought in the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke
Dr. Helmut Rehder
John George Bordie
A Descriptive Sinkhi Phonology
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
January 1958
Catherine Jane Jones Clardy
Pampango Phonology (Linguistics)
Dr. Winfred P. Lehmann
June 1957
Andree F. Connery Sjoberg
The Phonology of a Telugu Dialect (Linguistics)
June 1956
Walther Lucian Hahn
Themen und Motive in Gottfried Ketters Prosawerken
Dr. Helmut Rehder
January 1955
Earl Nicholas Lewis
The Concept of Personality in the Weimar Classicism Until Herder's Death
May 1954
Alvin Duvall Jett, Jr.
A Stylistic Study of the Lyric of Georg Trakl
Dr. Robert T. Clark, Jr.
Eugene Elliott Reed
The Union of the Arts in the German Romantic Novel
Dr. Robert T. Clark, Jr.
May 1953
Dorothea W. Dauer
Buddhistic Influence on German Literature and Thought to the End of the 19th Century
May 1952
Rose-Marie Papanek Akselrad
Karl Philipp Moritz' Beziehung zu seinen Zeitgenossen
Emil Francis Saverio-Zellinger
Das musikalische Element im Wiener Volksstück und in den Dramen Grillparzers